< Proverbs 16 >

1 to/for man plan heart and from LORD answer tongue
2 all way: conduct man pure in/on/with eye his and to measure spirit LORD
All the works of the humble [man] are manifest with God; but the ungodly shall perish in an evil day.
3 to roll to(wards) LORD deed: work your and to establish: establish plot your
4 all to work LORD to/for answer his and also wicked to/for day distress: harm
5 abomination LORD all high heart hand: certainly to/for hand: certainly not to clear
Every one that is proud in heart is unclean before God, and he that unjustly strikes hands with hand shall not be held guiltless. The beginning of a good way is to do justly; and it is more acceptable with God than to offer sacrifices. He that seeks the Lord shall find knowledge with righteousness: and they that rightly seek him shall find peace. All of the works of the Lord [are done] with righteousness; and the ungodly [man] is kept for the evil day.
6 in/on/with kindness and truth: faithful to atone iniquity: crime and in/on/with fear LORD to turn aside: depart from bad: evil
7 in/on/with to accept LORD way: conduct man also enemy his to ally with him
8 pleasant little in/on/with righteousness from abundance produce in/on/with not justice
9 heart man to devise: devise way: journey his and LORD to establish: establish step his
10 divination upon lips king in/on/with justice: judgement not be unfaithful lip his
[There is] an oracle upon the lips of a king; and his mouth shall not err in judgement.
11 balance and balance justice to/for LORD deed his all stone: weight purse
The poise of the balance is righteousness with the Lord; and his works are righteous measures.
12 abomination king to make: do wickedness for in/on/with righteousness to establish: establish throne
An evil-doer is an abomination to a king; for the throne of rule is established by righteousness.
13 acceptance king lips righteousness and to speak: speak upright to love: lover
Righteous lips are acceptable to a king; and he loves right words.
14 rage king messenger death and man wise to atone her
The anger of a king is a messenger of death; but a wise man will pacify him.
15 in/on/with light face king life and acceptance his like/as cloud spring rain
The son of a king is in the light of life; and they that are in favour with him are as a cloud of latter rain.
16 to buy wisdom what? pleasant from gold and to buy understanding to choose from silver: money
The brood of wisdom is more to be chosen than gold, and the brood of prudence more to be chosen than silver.
17 highway upright to turn aside: depart from bad: evil to keep: guard soul: life his to watch way: conduct his
The paths of life turn aside from evil; and the ways of righteousness are length of life. He that receives instruction shall be in prosperity; and he that regards reproofs shall be made wise. He that keeps his ways, preserves his own soul; and he that loves his life will spare his mouth.
18 to/for face: before breaking pride and to/for face: before stumbling height spirit
Pride goes before destruction, and folly before a fall.
19 pleasant to abase spirit with (poor *Q(K)*) from to divide spoil with proud
Better is a meek-spirited [man] with lowliness, than one who divides spoils with the proud.
20 be prudent upon word to find good and to trust in/on/with LORD blessed he
[He who is] skilful in business finds good: but he that trusts in God is most blessed.
21 to/for wise heart to call: call to to understand and sweetness lip: words to add teaching
[Men] call the wise and understanding evil: but they that are pleasing in speech shall hear more.
22 fountain life understanding master: owning his and discipline fool(ish) folly
Understanding is a fountain of life to its possessors; but the instruction of fools is evil.
23 heart wise be prudent lip: word his and upon lips his to add teaching
The heart of the wise will discern the [things which proceed] from his own mouth; and on his lips he will wear knowledge.
24 honeycomb honey word pleasantness sweet to/for soul and healing to/for bone: body
Good words are honeycombs, and the sweetness thereof is a healing of the soul.
25 there way: conduct upright to/for face of man and end her way: conduct death
There are ways that seem to be right to a man, but the end of them looks to the depth of hell. (questioned)
26 soul: appetite labour(er) to toil to/for him for to crave upon him lip his
A man who labours, labours for himself, and drives from [him] his own ruin.
27 man Belial: worthless to pierce distress: evil and upon (lip: words his *Q(K)*) like/as fire burning
But the perverse bears destruction upon his own mouth: a foolish man digs up evil for himself, and treasures fire on his own lips.
28 man perversity to send: depart strife and to grumble to separate tame
A perverse man spreads mischief, and will kindle a torch of deceit with mischiefs; and he separates friends.
29 man violence to entice neighbor his and to go: take him in/on/with way: conduct not pleasant
A transgressor tries [to ensnare] friends, and leads them in ways [that are] not good.
30 to shut eye his to/for to devise: devise perversity to wink lips his to end: decides distress: evil
And the man that fixes his eyes devises perverse things, and marks out with his lips all evil: he is a furnace of wickedness.
31 crown beauty greyheaded in/on/with way: conduct righteousness to find
Old age is a crown of honour, but it is found in the ways of righteousness.
32 pleasant slow face: anger from mighty man and to rule in/on/with spirit his from to capture city
A man slow to anger is better than a strong [man]; and he that governs [his] temper better than he that takes a city.
33 in/on/with bosom: lap to cast [obj] [the] allotted and from LORD all justice: judgement his
All [evils] come upon the ungodly into [their] bosoms; but all righteous things [come] of the Lord.

< Proverbs 16 >