< Psalms 47 >

1 to/for to conduct to/for son: descendant/people Korah melody all [the] people to blow palm to shout to/for God in/on/with voice: sound cry
可拉後裔的詩,交與伶長。 萬民哪,你們都要拍掌! 要用誇勝的聲音向上帝呼喊!
2 for LORD Most High to fear: revere king great: large upon all [the] land: country/planet
因為耶和華至高者是可畏的; 他是治理全地的大君王。
3 to speak: subdue people underneath: under us and people underneath: under foot our
他叫萬民服在我們以下, 又叫列邦服在我們腳下。
4 to choose to/for us [obj] inheritance our [obj] pride Jacob which to love: lover (Selah)
他為我們選擇產業, 就是他所愛之雅各的榮耀。 (細拉)
5 to ascend: rise God in/on/with shout LORD in/on/with voice: sound trumpet
上帝上升,有喊聲相送; 耶和華上升,有角聲相送。
6 to sing God to sing to sing to/for king our to sing
你們要向上帝歌頌,歌頌! 向我們王歌頌,歌頌!
7 for king all [the] land: country/planet God to sing Maskil
因為上帝是全地的王; 你們要用悟性歌頌。
8 to reign God upon nation God to dwell upon throne holiness his
上帝作王治理萬國; 上帝坐在他的聖寶座上。
9 noble people to gather people God Abraham for to/for God shield land: country/planet much to ascend: establish
列邦的君王聚集要作亞伯拉罕之上帝的民。 因為世界的盾牌是屬上帝的; 他為至高!

< Psalms 47 >