< Colossians 2 >

1 And I wish you to know, what a struggle I have for you, and for them of Laodicea, and for the others who have not seen my face in the flesh;
Adwaro mondo ungʼe kaka akedonu matek, kaachiel gi joma ni Laodikia gi ji mamoko duto mapok onena gi wangʼ-gi.
2 that their hearts may be comforted, and that they, by love, may come to all the riches of assurance, and to the understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God the Father, and of the Messiah,
Gima adwaro en ni mondo gibed gi chuny motegno kendo giriwre e hera, eka ginibed gi mwandu mar ngʼeyo tiend weche mar adier. Ka gitimo kamano, to giningʼe ma lingʼ-lingʼ mar Nyasaye ma en Kristo,
3 in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.
En ema mwandu duto mag rieko kod ngʼeyo Nyasaye opando kuome.
4 And this I say, lest any one should mislead you by the persuasiveness of words.
Anyisou wechegi mondo kik ngʼato owuondu gi weche manono maywayo ji.
5 For though I am separated from you in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit; and I rejoice at beholding your good order, and the stability of your faith in the Messiah.
Nikech kata obedo ni aonge kodu kuom ringruok, to an kodu kuom chuny, kendo amor mar neno kaka uchanoru maber kendo kaka yieu ochungʼ motegno kuom Kristo.
6 As therefore ye have received Jesus the Messiah our Lord, walk ye in him,
Mana kaka userwako Kristo Yesu ka Ruoth, dhiuru nyime ka udak kuome,
7 strengthening your roots and building up yourselves in him, and establishing yourselves in the faith which ye have learned, in which may ye abound in thanksgiving.
ka uguroru motegno kendo ugeroru kuome, kumedo bedo motegno e yie kaka nopuonju, kendo kupongʼ gigoyo erokamano.
8 Beware, lest any man make you naked by philosophy, and by vain deception, according to the doctrines of men, according to the rudiments of the world, and not according to the Messiah,
Kik uyie mondo ngʼato angʼata omak pachu gi riekni manono mag piny gi wuond manono ma wito ji, ma gin rieko ma aa kuom puonj dhano gi timbe mag piny, to ok kuom Kristo.
9 in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity corporeally.
Nyasaye mangima gi kite duto odak ei Kristo, tiende ni e ringre Kristo,
10 And in him ye are also complete, because he is the head of all principalities and authorities.
omiyo ka un ei Kristo to un gi gik moko duto, nikech en e jatelo moloyo jotelo duto, kendo en e teko moloyo teko gi loch duto.
11 And in him ye have been circumcised with a circumcision without hands, by casting off the flesh of sins, by a circumcision of the Messiah.
Kristo ema nogolo kit dhano machon kuomu mana kaka tero nyangu golo kit dhano machon, ma nyangu motim gi lwet dhano, to nyangu motim gi Kristo.
12 And ye have been buried with him, by baptism; and by it ye have risen with him; while ye believed in the power of God, who raised him from the dead.
Kane obatisu, to noyiku kode kendo nochieru kode nikech yie ma un-go kuom teko mar Nyasaye ma nochiere oa kuom joma otho.
13 And you, who were dead in your sins, and by the uncircumcision of your flesh, he hath vivified with him; and he hath forgiven us all our sins:
Kane uyudo utho e richou gi kit ngimau ma ok ter nyangu, Nyasaye ne omiyo udoko mangima kuom Kristo. Noweyonwa richowa duto,
14 and, by his mandates, he blotted out the handwriting of our debts, which handwriting existed against us, and took it from the midst, and affixed it to his cross.
Nyasaye noketho chike kod dwarone mane okwedowa kendo ne opogowa. Ne ogole oko mi ogure e msalaba.
15 And, by yielding up his body, he showed contempt for principalities and authorities; and put them to shame, openly, in his own person.
Kendo kane oseketho teko gi loch duto, nomiyogi wichkuot e lela koloyogi gi teko mar msalaba.
16 Let no one therefore disquiet you about food and drink, or about the distinctions of festivals, and new moons, and sabbaths;
Kuom mano, kik uwe ngʼato ongʼadnu bura kuom gik muchamo kata mumadho, kata kuom weche mag sewni mag lemo, kata sewni mitimo ka dwe manyien owuok, kata chiengʼ Sabato.
17 which were shadows of the things then future; but the body is the Messiah.
Magi duto gin mana tipo mag gik mane onego obi, to adiera wuon yudore kuom Kristo.
18 And let no one wish, by abasing the mind, to bring you under bonds, that ye subject yourselves to the worship of angels; while he is prying into that which he hath not seen, and is vainly inflated in his fleshly mind,
Kik uwe ngʼato angʼata mamor kuom dembruok mar miriambo kod malamo malaike omi ubed maonge pok. Ngʼat makamano wacho mathoth konyiso ji kuom fweny moseneno, kendo pache mar dhano miyo otingʼore malo kowuoyo kuom gik mokia tiendgi.
19 and holdeth not the head, from which the whole body is framed and constructed, with joints and members, and groweth with the growth given of God.
Ngʼatno oseweyo tudruok gi wich ma en e kama ringruok duto otude kendo omoke ka omake gi fuonini kod leche kaachiel, kendo gidongo kaka Nyasaye dwaro ni gidongi.
20 For if ye are dead with the Messiah from the rudiments of the world, why are ye judged as if ye were living in the world?
Ka usetho gi Kristo mi ogonyou kuom timbe machon mag pinyni, to koro ere gima omiyo pod uwuotho ka jopiny? Angʼo momiyo pod umako chike mawacho niya,
21 But, touch thou not, and taste thou not, and handle thou not:
“Kik imak gini,” kata niya, “Kik ibil gini,” kata niya, “Kik imul gini”?
22 for these things perish in the using; and they are the commandments and doctrines of men.
Giduto gin gik malal nono, nikech gin mana chike gi puonj mag dhano.
23 And they seem to have a kind of wisdom, in a show of humility, and of the fear of God, and of not sparing the body; not in any thing of excellence, but in things subservient to the body.
Ginyalo nenore gioko ni rieko ni eigi ka gilemo gi lamo mar paro mar dhano, kendo kuom dembruok ma oko, kod sando ringruok, to chutho gionge ohala nikech ok ginyal konyo ngʼato gengʼo gombo mag ringruok.

< Colossians 2 >