< 1 Corinthians 15 >

1 Now, my fellow believers, I want to remind you about the message about Christ that I preached to you. It is the message that you received and that you have continued to trust firmly.
Sambano achalongo achinjangu, ngusaka nankumbusye yankati Ngani Jambone jinanlalichile, jimwajipochele jajili nsingi wa chikulupi chenu. Ni ŵanyamwe nkwima chilimbile pa wele nsingi wo.
2 If you keep on firmly [believing] this message that I preached to you, you will be saved {[God] will save you}. If you do not continue to believe it, your believing [in Christ] was (all for nothing/useless)!
Utenga unanlalichile wo uli Ngani Jambone, ŵanyamwe nkukulupuswa mwaikamulisyaga yambone yeila inannalichile, ikaŵaga yeleyo chikulupi chenu ngaŵa chindu.
3 The most important part of the message that I received [from the Lord Jesus], and that I told you, was this: Christ died to [take away the guilt] of our sins, as the Scriptures [said that he would do].
Pakuŵa kundanda nampele ŵanyamwe indu yaili ni mate nnope inapochele une nansyene: Kuti Kilisito ŵawilile sambi syetu mpela yagakuti pakusala Malembelo ga Akunnungu,
4 His [dead body] was buried {They buried his [body]}. On the third day [after that], [God] caused him to become alive again, as the Scriptures [said would happen].
ni ŵaŵichikwe mwilembe ni kusyuka pa lyuŵa lyaatatu mpela Malembelo ga Akunnungu yagakuti pakusala,
5 After that, [Christ] was seen by {appeared to} Peter. Then he appeared to [eleven of] the [original] twelve [apostles].
kundanda ŵaakopochele che Petulo, ni kanyuma ŵaakopochele aŵala likumi ni ŵaŵili.
6 Later he was seen by {appeared to} more than 500 of our fellow believers. Most of those are still living, but some of them have died [EUP].
Sooni ŵaakopochele achalongo achinjetu kupunda mia tano kwa pamo ni ŵane mwa ŵanyawo ali chiŵela ni umi ni ŵane ajasiche.
7 Then he was seen by {appeared [to]} [his younger brother] James, [who became the leader of the congregation in Jerusalem]. Then he appeared to all of the apostles.
Kanyuma ŵakopochele che Yakobo ni sooni ŵaakopochele achinduna wose.
8 Finally, he was seen by {appeared to} me, but I became an apostle in a way that was very unusual [MET].
Mbesi ŵangopochele une jundi mpela jumbagwile ngaŵa katema kao.
9 The fact is, I [consider that I] am the least important of the apostles. I do not deserve to be an apostle, because I (persecuted God’s groups of believers/caused God’s groups of believers to suffer) [everywhere I went].
Pakuŵa une ndili nduna jwamwana kupunda achinduna wose, nganguŵajilwa kuŵilanjikwa nduna, ligongo nalagasisye mpingo wa ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito ŵaali ŵandu ŵa Akunnungu.
10 But it is because God acted kindly toward me in ways that I did not deserve that I became what I am now. And his acting kindly toward me produced a great result [LIT], which is that I worked harder [for Christ] than all the other apostles. But it was not that I [was working with my own ability]. Instead, God was helping me in a way I did not deserve.
Nambo, kwa upile wa Akunnungu mele yele indi, ni upile wambele, nganamba kwa iyiyi peyi. Ngaŵa kuti napanganyisye masengo kwakuchalila kwapunda achinduna wose, nganiŵa une, nambo umbone wa Akunnungu ŵaliji pamo none.
11 So it does not matter whether it was I [who was preaching or whether it was the other apostles who were preaching]. We all preached [the same message], and that message is what you believed.
Nipele yaŵaga une ni jungulalichila pane ŵelewo, chelecho ni chatukulalichila, ni chelecho ni chinkuchikulupilila.
12 So now [let me ask you this]: Since [we] have all preached to you that Christ was raised again {that [God] caused Christ to become alive} after he died, (no one among you should be saying that [God] will not cause [believers] to become alive again after they die!/why do some of you say that [God] will not cause [believers] to become alive again after they die?) [RHQ]
Iŵaga yalalichikwe kuti Kilisito ŵasyuchile, ŵampepe mwa ŵanyamwe akukombola chinauli kusala, ngapagwa kusyuka?
13 If [it is true that God] will not cause anyone to become alive again, that situation would mean that Christ was not raised from the dead {[he] did not cause Christ to become alive again}!
Nambo iŵaga kwangali kusyuka, nipele Kilisito nganasyuka.
14 And if Christ was not raised from the dead {if [God] did not cause Christ to become alive again}, then what we preached to you was useless, and your believing [in Christ] is useless.
Iŵaga Kilisito nganasyuka, kulalichila kwetu kuli kwangali chindu, ni kukulupilila kwenu kuli kwangali chindu.
15 [If it is true that] no one will be raised from the dead {[that God] will not cause anyone to become alive again after he dies}, we [(exc)] have been guilty of lying to you about God, because we told you that God caused Christ to become alive again.
Kupunda yeleyo, tukuloleka kuŵa ŵaumboni ŵa unami paujo pa Akunnungu, pakuŵa twasasile kuti Akunnungu ŵasyusisye Kilisito, nambo nganiŵasyusya, iŵaga ili isyene, ŵawile ngaasyuka.
16 But if it were really true that no one who has died will be raised {that [God will] not cause anyone who has died to become alive} again, then Christ was not raised {[he] did not cause Christ to become alive} again either!
Pakuŵa naga ŵawile ngakusyuswa nipele Kilisito nombe nganasyuka.
17 If it were true that Christ was not raised {that [God] did not cause Christ to become alive} again after he died, you have believed in Christ for nothing, [because] God will still [punish] you for [MTY] your sins.
Iŵaga Kilisito nganasyuka, chikulupi chenu changali chindu ni ŵanyamwe ndi chiŵela mu sambi.
18 And those people who died [EUP] [while they were trusting] in Christ will go to hell. (questioned)
Sooni ŵakukulupilila wose ŵaŵawile achakulupililaga Kilisito asoiye.
19 In this life [many of us have suffered much for Christ] because we confidently expect [that he will reward us in heaven]. If we have confidently expected this in vain, people should pity us more than they pity anyone else!
Ni iŵaga tukwalolela Kilisito mu umi awuwupewu, uweji tukusachilwa tukolelwe chanasa kwapunda ŵandu wose.
20 But [the truth is that] Christ has been raised from the dead {that [God] has caused Christ to live again after he had died}, and (that guarantees/because of that, it is certain) [MET] that he will also cause those [believers] who have died [EUP] to become alive again.
Nambo isyene, Kilisito asyuchile, Jwelejo ali jwaandanda ni chimanyisyo chisyene kwa aŵala ŵandu ŵaŵawile kuti chasyuchikwe.
21 What one man, [Adam, did affects us all]. We all die. Similarly, what one man—[Christ]—did [affects us(inc) all]: God will cause [all believers] to become alive again.
Pakuŵa mpela ila chiwa chaichiswe ni mundu jumo, iyoyopeyo, kusyuka kwaichiswe ni mundu jumo.
22 Because of what Adam did, all [of us who are descended] from him die. Similarly, because of what [Christ did], all of us who have a close relationship with him will be brought back to life {[God] will make alive all of us who have a close relationship with Christ}.
Mpela ila ŵandu wose iyakuti pakuwa kwaligongo lya kulumbikana ni che Adamu, iyoyopeyo wandu wose akutendekwa ŵajumi kwaligongo lya kulumbikana ni Kilisito.
23 But we must all take our turn. [God raised] Christ first [MET]. And when Christ returns, [God will cause] those who belong to Christ to become alive again.
Nambo kila mundu chasyuche kwa katema kakwe, Kilisito ŵasyuchile kundanda nipele aŵala ŵaali ŵandu ŵakwe Kilisito chasyusikwe, apala Kilisito pachaiche.
24 Then, after Christ has destroyed all [DOU] the evil powers that oppose God, [the world] will end. Then Christ will give to God, his Father, his kingdom to completely rule over it.
Pele mbesi chijiiche katema Kilisito pachachapa Akunnungu Atati umwenye, pachamale kwonanga mbumu sya ulamusi ni mbumu sya ukulu ni mbumu sya machili.
25 You must realize that Christ must rule [here on earth] until he has completely defeated [MTY] all his enemies.
Pakuŵa Kilisito tachitawala mpaka Akunnungu pachachaŵika ŵammagongo ŵao paasi pa makongolo gao.
26 The last thing that [he] will get rid of is death. [But he certainly will get rid of death, which is like] an enemy [to us].
Jwammagongo jwambesi kwonasika ali chiwa.
27 [In the Scriptures the Psalmist wrote that] God will cause everything to be under Christ’s [authority] [MTY]. But it is clear that the word ‘everything’ here does not include God, because God is the one who will cause everything to be under Christ’s [authority] [MTY].
Pakuŵa Malembelo ga Akunnungu gakuti, “Akunnungu aŵisile yose paasi pa makongolo gakwe.” Nambo Malembelo pagakusala, “Indu yose iŵichikwe paasi pa makongolo gakwe aitawale,” ikuwoneka pangasisika yakuti Akunnungu nganapagwa mu indu yo, pakuŵa welewo ni ŵaiŵisile indu yose paasi pa makongolo ga Kilisito.
28 After everything is put under [the authority of] God’s Son, then Christ will put himself completely under [the authority of] God, the one who gave him that authority. Then God will be completely in control of everything [IDM], everywhere.
Indu yose yaŵichikwaga paasi pa ulamusi wa Kilisito nombe Mwana chaliŵiche nsyene paasi pa Akunnungu, kuti Akunnungu aitawale indu yose ni papali pose.
29 [Now think about this: Some among you] are being baptized (OR, are baptizing people) on behalf of those who died [before someone baptized them] (OR, who died [before they became believers]). If, [as some people say, believers] will not be raised [from the dead] {[God] will not cause [believers] to become alive again}, (what is the value in those people doing that?/there is no value in those people doing that!) [RHQ] If [God] will not cause any [believers] to become alive again, it is senseless to be baptized {baptize anyone} on behalf of someone who has died. [RHQ]
Sambano, iŵaga nganikupagwa kusyuka, chatendeuli aŵala ŵaŵabatiswe kwaligongo lya ŵawe? Iŵaga ŵawe ngaasyusikwa, kwachichi ŵandu akubatiswa kwaligongo lyao?
30 Furthermore, [if God will not cause us believers to become alive again], it is [RHQ] very foolish for me and the other apostles to be constantly [putting ourselves] in danger [because we tell people the gospel].
Ni kwetu uwe, kwachichi tukulitaga mu yakogoya katema kose?
31 My fellow believers, every day I [am in danger of] being killed {people killing me}! That is as true as it is that I am pleased with you because of your close relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord.
Achalongo achinjangu, une nguutyosya umi wangu moŵa gose! Isyene ngusala! Ngulilapa kwaligongo lyenu kwa kulumbikana kwetu ni Che Yesu Kilisito Ambuje ŵetu.
32 [If God will not cause us believers to become alive again after we die], (I will receive no benefit at all [from having opposed those who attacked me so strongly] in Ephesus [city]./what will I gain [from having opposed those who attacked me so strongly] in Ephesus [city]?) [RHQ] They were [fighting me like] wild beasts! If we [believers] will not be raised [from the dead] {If [God] will not cause us [believers] to live again}, we might as well say [as people often say]: “Tomorrow we are going to die, so we might as well enjoy now everything that we can. We might as well feast and get drunk!”
Kumenyana kwangu ni ŵandu ŵaŵaliji mpela inyama yakalipa ku Efeso kula, namenyene kwa usache wa ŵandu, ana napatile ichichi? Iŵaga ŵawe ngaasyusikwa sambano nneche, “Tulye ni kung'wa, pakuŵa malaŵi chituwe.”
33 Do not let [yourselves be deceived by those who say that God will not cause believers to live again] {Do not let [people who say that God will not cause believers to live again] deceive you}. If you associate with evil people [who say such things], they will (influence you to do evil things/destroy your good moral way of living).
Ngasinlambuchikwa: “Umbusanga ŵakusakala ukonanga wende wambone.”
34 Start thinking correctly again [about these matters], as you should, and [stop your sinful behavior which has resulted from] your wrong thinking. [I say that] because [it seems that] some among you do not know God, and as a result they [are thinking wrongly]. I say that to make you ashamed.
Mpitikusye ng'anisyo syenu, mpanganye yambone, pakuŵa ŵampepe mwa ŵanyamwe ngakwamanyilila Akunnungu ng'oo. Nguŵecheta yeleyi kuti nantesye soni.
35 But some of you are asking, “How will dead people be raised {How will [God] cause dead people to become alive} again? What kind of bodies will they have?”
Nambo mundu akukombola kuusya, “Ana ŵawe akusyuswa chinauli? Ana chachiŵa ni iilu yantiuli?”
36 [Anyone who asks such questions is] foolish. You [know that] a seed that is planted in the ground must completely change its form [MET] before it sprouts.
Ŵakuloŵela mmwe! Chinkuchipanda ngachimela mpaka chiwe kaje.
37 A seed, such as a wheat seed, is very different from the plant that sprouts from it.
Pankupanda, nkupanda lusongolo pe, lwaŵaga lusongolo lwa ngano pane mbeju jine, ngawa mmela wansima waukutyochela kanyuma.
38 God gives everything that lives the form that he desires. He gives each seed its own form.
Nambo Akunnungu akujipa mbeju jo uloleche mpela yakuti kusaka nsyene, ni kila lusongolo lukwete uloleche wakwe.
39 [Similarly], people, animals, birds, and fish all have flesh, but each one has a different kind of flesh.
Iilu ya yepanganyikwe yose ngaikulandana. Ŵandu akwete iilu yao ni inyama ikwete iilu yao, ijuni ikwete iilu yao ni somba sikwete iilu yao.
40 Also, there are angelic beings in heaven (OR, stars and planets in the sky), and there are people with bodies on the earth. The angelic beings (OR, stars and planets) are beautiful in one way, and people on earth are beautiful in a different way.
Sooni ipali iilu ya kwinani ni iilu ya pachilambo, nambo usalale wa iilu ya kwinani ngaukulandana ni usalale wa iilu ya pachilambo.
41 The sun is bright in one way, and the moon is bright in a different way, and the stars are bright in a different way. And even the various stars are different from each other in how bright they are.
Lyuŵa likwete usalale wakwe ni lwesi lukwete usalale wakwe, ni ndondwa sikwete usalale wakwe. Namose ndondwa nasyo silekangene kwa usalale.
42 And it is the same way [with our bodies. The bodies that we will have when God causes us] to live again after we die [will not be the same as the bodies that we have now] [MET]. [The bodies that we have now] will die and decay. [The new bodies that we will have] will never die.
Ni ichiiŵe katema ka kusyuswa kwa ŵawe. Mpela ila mbeju, chiilu chikusikwa akuno chili chiosile nambo chikusyuka akuno chili chejumi.
43 We despise [the bodies that we have now], before we die. But our [new bodies] will be glorious. The [bodies that we have before we die] are weak. But our new bodies will be strong.
Chiilu chikusikwa mwa kwaluka chikusyuka mu lumbili, chiilu chikusikwa mwakulepetala chikusyuka mu machili.
44 The bodies that we have before we die are natural bodies. But [our new bodies] will be ones that [God’s] Spirit ([controls/gives us]). Just like there are natural bodies, there are bodies that [God’s] Spirit [completely] controls (OR, makes alive).
Chiilu pachikusikwa, chikusikwa kwa chiilu chatupagwile nacho, nambo pachikusyuswa, chikusyuswa kwa chimbumu, iŵaga kwana chiilu chatupagwile nacho nipele chipali nombe chiilu cha chimbumu.
45 [In the Scriptures] it is written {we read} that [when] the first man, Adam, [was created], he became a living human being. [Christ later also became a human being]. But [he is different from Adam, because he] became a person who gives us [spiritual] life.
Ilembekwe Mmalembelo ga Akunnungu, “Mundu jwaandanda, che Adamu, ŵaliji mundu jwanjumi,” nambo Adamu jwambesi ali Mbumu jwakwapa ŵandu umi.
46 But our bodies that God’s Spirit (will completely control/will give us) are not the first bodies that we have. We have our natural bodies first.
Ngaŵa chiilu cha chimbumu chichalongolele, nambo chiilu chitupagwile nacho, ni mbesi achila chiilu cha chimbumu.
47 The first man, [Adam], was created {[God] created the first man, Adam} from the dust of the earth. But [Christ], the one who came later, came from heaven.
Che Adamu jwaandanda ŵagumbikwe kutyochela mu litaka, nambo che Adamu jwaaŵili jwatyochele kwinani.
48 Everyone on earth [has a body] like the first man on the earth had. And in heaven, [everyone will have a body like Christ], the man who came from heaven, has.
Wose ŵali pachilambo ali mpela ajula juŵagumbikwe mu litaka, nambo aŵala ŵaa kwinani ali mpela ajula juŵatyochele kwinani.
49 And just like [God] gave us bodies like the first man on earth had, so we [believers will have bodies] like [Christ] has, who is now in heaven.
Ni mpela itutite kulandana ni mundu juŵagumbikwe kwa litaka, iyoyo chitulandane ni mundu juŵatyochele kwinani.
50 My fellow believers, I want you to know that we [(inc)] [SYN] cannot go [to heaven, where] God rules [over everything], with our physical bodies, because our bodies [cannot last forever]. They will die and decay.
Ngunsalila achinjangu, chiilu cha mundu ngachikombola kwinjila mu umwenye wa Akunnungu, atamuno chiilu chachikuwola ngachikukombola kwinjila peuto paikwinjila iilu yangaikuwola.
51 But I will tell you something that [God] has not revealed [before]: [Some of] us [believers] will not die [EUP]. However, all of us will be changed {[God] will change all of us}.
Mpilikanile, ngunsalila yantemela, ngatuwa wose, nambo wose chitugalauswe,
52 [It will happen] suddenly, as [fast as someone can] blink his eye [MET], when [we hear the sound of God’s] trumpet for the last time. When we hear that trumpet, all [the believers] who have died will come back to life and will have bodies that are changed {that [God] has changed}, bodies that will never decay.
indu yi chiikopochele katema lipenga lya mbesi pachilisone, chisisimuchile. Pakuŵa lipenga pachilisone, ŵawe chachisyuswa akawa sooni, noweji chitugalauswe.
53 And the [bodies of us who are alive at that time] will [also] be changed {And [God] will [also] change the [bodies of us who are alive at that time]}. These bodies of ours that die and decay must be transformed into [new bodies that] will never die; [it will be like someone] [MET] getting rid of [his old clothes] and putting on [new ones].
Pakuŵa chiilu chakonasika chikusachilwa chigalauswe ni kuŵa changajonasika, ni chiilu chakuwa chikusachilwa chigalauswe chiŵe changawa.
54 When that happens, what is written {what ([a prophet/Isaiah]) wrote} [in the Scriptures] will come true/happen: [God] will completely get rid of [MET] death. Our dying will no longer have any power to defeat us;
Nipele chiilu chakonasika cho pachichigalauswe ni kuwa changajonasika, ni chiilu chakuwa pachichigalauswe kuŵa changawa, nipele alila liloŵe lyalilembekwe patiliŵe isyene, “Chiwa chijonasikwe ni kupunda kumalile!”
55 Death [APO] will not win a victory over us. Death will not be able to hurt us. (Hadēs g86)
“Ana ugwe chiwa, kupunda kwenu kuli kwapi? Ana ugwe chiwa machili genu gagakwika nako kupoteka galikwapi?” (Hadēs g86)
56 It is because we sin [MET] [that we die, and it is because we] have God’s laws that we [know that we] have sinned.
Chiwa chikukola machili gakuulasya kutyochela mu sambi, ni sambi sikukola machili kutyochela mmalajisyo ga che Musa.
57 But because of what our Lord Jesus Christ [has done], he enables us to be free [from having to obey God’s laws to be saved and to be free of being afraid to die]. We should thank God for that!
Nambo twatogolele Akunnungu, ŵelewo akututenda tupunde kwa litala lya Ambuje ŵetu Che Yesu Kilisito.
58 So, my fellow believers whom I love, continue to hold strongly to [the things that you believe]. Do not let anything cause you to doubt them. Always be doing enthusiastically the work that the Lord [gives you]. And remember that the work that you do for the Lord is never (in vain/useless), [as it would be if God will not cause us to live again after we die].
Nipele achalongo achinjangu, njimanje kwakulimbila, nkatinganyika. Moŵa gose mpunde kulityosya mmasengo ga Ambuje pakuŵa nkuimanyilila kuti masengo gankugapanganya kwa ligongo lya Ambuje nganigaŵa ga iyiyi peyi.

< 1 Corinthians 15 >