< 2 Corinthians 1 >

1 [I], Paul, who [write this letter to you], became an apostle of Christ Jesus because God chose me for that. [Timothy, our] fellow believer, [is with me. I am sending this letter] to you who are God’s people in the congregations in Corinth [city. I want] the believers who live in [other places] in Achaia [province to also read this letter].
ঈশ্ৱৰস্যেচ্ছযা যীশুখ্ৰীষ্টস্য প্ৰেৰিতঃ পৌলস্তিমথিৰ্ভ্ৰাতা চ দ্ৱাৱেতৌ কৰিন্থনগৰস্থাযৈ ঈশ্ৱৰীযসমিতয আখাযাদেশস্থেভ্যঃ সৰ্ৱ্ৱেভ্যঃ পৱিত্ৰলোকেভ্যশ্চ পত্ৰং লিখতঃ|
2 [We(exc) desire] that you will [experience] God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ [acting] kindly toward you and causing you to have [inner] peace.
অস্মাকং তাতস্যেশ্ৱৰস্য প্ৰভোৰ্যীশুখ্ৰীষ্টস্য চানুগ্ৰহঃ শান্তিশ্চ যুষ্মাসু ৱৰ্ত্ততাং|
3 [We should] praise God, who is the father of our [(inc)] Lord Jesus Christ. He always pities us and helps us [because he is like] [MET] a father to us [and we are like his children]. He always encourages us [(inc)].
কৃপালুঃ পিতা সৰ্ৱ্ৱসান্ত্ৱনাকাৰীশ্ৱৰশ্চ যোঽস্মৎপ্ৰভোৰ্যীশুখ্ৰীষ্টস্য তাত ঈশ্ৱৰঃ স ধন্যো ভৱতু|
4 He has encouraged us [(exc)] whenever we suffered hardships. As a result, we [(exc)] are able to encourage others whenever they suffer hardships, just as/just like God has encouraged us [(exc)].
যতো ৱযম্ ঈশ্ৱৰাৎ সান্ত্ৱনাং প্ৰাপ্য তযা সান্ত্ৱনযা যৎ সৰ্ৱ্ৱৱিধক্লিষ্টান্ লোকান্ সান্ত্ৱযিতুং শক্নুযাম তদৰ্থং সোঽস্মাকং সৰ্ৱ্ৱক্লেশসমযেঽস্মান্ সান্ত্ৱযতি|
5 It is true that just like Christ suffered, we [who serve him] also continually suffer [because we belong to him]. But also, because we [belong to] Christ, God greatly strengthens us (just as/just like) [God strengthened him].
যতঃ খ্ৰীষ্টস্য ক্লেশা যদ্ৱদ্ বাহুল্যেনাস্মাসু ৱৰ্ত্তন্তে তদ্ৱদ্ ৱযং খ্ৰীষ্টেন বহুসান্ত্ৱনাঢ্যা অপি ভৱামঃ|
6 So, whenever we [(exc)] experience sufferings, we [learn how to encourage] you [when you experience sufferings. As a result, you will become more and more the kind of people God] wants you to be. Whenever [God] strengthens us [(exc) when we are suffering, he] does that in order that you [may see how he makes us strong when we are suffering. Then, as God] encourages [you in that way], you will learn to continue patiently [trusting him] when you suffer as we do.
ৱযং যদি ক্লিশ্যামহে তৰ্হি যুষ্মাকং সান্ত্ৱনাপৰিত্ৰাণযোঃ কৃতে ক্লিশ্যামহে যতোঽস্মাভি ৰ্যাদৃশানি দুঃখানি সহ্যন্তে যুষ্মাকং তাদৃশদুঃখানাং সহনেন তৌ সাধযিষ্যেতে ইত্যস্মিন্ যুষ্মানধি মম দৃঢা প্ৰত্যাশা ভৱতি|
7 As a result, we [(exc)] strongly expect that because you suffer just as/just like we do, [God] will encourage you (just as/just like) [he] encourages us.
যদি ৱা ৱযং সান্ত্ৱনাং লভামহে তৰ্হি যুষ্মাকং সান্ত্ৱনাপৰিত্ৰাণযোঃ কৃতে তামপি লভামহে| যতো যূযং যাদৃগ্ দুঃখানাং ভাগিনোঽভৱত তাদৃক্ সান্ত্ৱনাযা অপি ভাগিনো ভৱিষ্যথেতি ৱযং জানীমঃ|
8 [Our] fellow believers, we [(exc)] want you to know [LIT] about the trouble that we suffered in Asia [province]. That trouble was so very great that it was much more than we were able to endure. As a result, we [(exc)] thought that we would certainly die.
হে ভ্ৰাতৰঃ, আশিযাদেশে যঃ ক্লেশোঽস্মান্ আক্ৰাম্যৎ তং যূযং যদ্ অনৱগতাস্তিষ্ঠত তন্মযা ভদ্ৰং ন মন্যতে| তেনাতিশক্তিক্লেশেন ৱযমতীৱ পীডিতাস্তস্মাৎ জীৱনৰক্ষণে নিৰুপাযা জাতাশ্চ,
9 Indeed, we felt [like a person feels when he has heard a judge say], “I condemn you to die/be executed [MET].” But [God allowed us to think that we were going to die] so that we would not (rely on/trust in) our own [strength. He wanted us] instead [to rely] only on his [strength, because he] is the one who [has power even to make] those who have died live [again].
অতো ৱযং স্ৱেষু ন ৱিশ্ৱস্য মৃতলোকানাম্ উত্থাপযিতৰীশ্ৱৰে যদ্ ৱিশ্ৱাসং কুৰ্ম্মস্তদৰ্থম্ অস্মাভিঃ প্ৰাণদণ্ডো ভোক্তৱ্য ইতি স্ৱমনসি নিশ্চিতং|
10 And [even though] we [(exc)] were [in terrible danger and were] about to die, God rescued us. And he will continue to rescue us [whenever we are in trouble]. We confidently expect that he will continue to rescue us [time after time].
১০এতাদৃশভযঙ্কৰাৎ মৃত্যো ৰ্যো ঽস্মান্ অত্ৰাযতেদানীমপি ত্ৰাযতে স ইতঃ পৰমপ্যস্মান্ ত্ৰাস্যতে ঽস্মাকম্ এতাদৃশী প্ৰত্যাশা ৱিদ্যতে|
11 [And we are also relying on] you to help us by praying for us [(exc)]. [If many people pray for us], many people will also thank [God] when [he] kindly answers those many prayers [and delivers us from danger].
১১এতদৰ্থমস্মৎকৃতে প্ৰাৰ্থনযা ৱযং যুষ্মাভিৰুপকৰ্ত্তৱ্যাস্তথা কৃতে বহুভি ৰ্যাচিতো যোঽনুগ্ৰহোঽস্মাসু ৱৰ্ত্তিষ্যতে তৎকৃতে বহুভিৰীশ্ৱৰস্য ধন্যৱাদোঽপি কাৰিষ্যতে|
12 I am happy [to say] that I have behaved toward all people [MTY] in an honest and sincere way. My conscience assures me [that this is true]. Especially, I have behaved toward you [honestly and sincerely because that is what] God wants us to do. As I have done that, [my thoughts] have not been the thoughts that unbelieving people [MTY] [think are] wise. Instead, [I have behaved toward people only as God wants me to, depending on] God to help me in ways that I do not deserve.
১২অপৰঞ্চ সংসাৰমধ্যে ৱিশেষতো যুষ্মন্মধ্যে ৱযং সাংসাৰিক্যা ধিযা নহি কিন্ত্ৱীশ্ৱৰস্যানুগ্ৰহেণাকুটিলতাম্ ঈশ্ৱৰীযসাৰল্যঞ্চাচৰিতৱন্তোঽত্ৰাস্মাকং মনো যৎ প্ৰমাণং দদাতি তেন ৱযং শ্লাঘামহে|
13 [I say that] because [in all my letters to you] I have always written [LIT] clearly in a way that you can easily and completely understand [when you] read them.
১৩যুষ্মাভি ৰ্যদ্ যৎ পঠ্যতে গৃহ্যতে চ তদন্যৎ কিমপি যুষ্মভ্যম্ অস্মাভি ৰ্ন লিখ্যতে তচ্চান্তং যাৱদ্ যুষ্মাভি ৰ্গ্ৰহীষ্যত ইত্যস্মাকম্ আশা|
14 [Previously some of] you, but not all of you, have completely understood [that I am always honest and sincere with you]. But I confidently expect that [soon] you will all be fully convinced [about that]. Then when the Lord Jesus [MTY] [returns, you will all be able to say that] you are pleased with me, just like I will [be able to say that] I am pleased with you.
১৪যূযমিতঃ পূৰ্ৱ্ৱমপ্যস্মান্ অংশতো গৃহীতৱন্তঃ, যতঃ প্ৰভো ৰ্যীশুখ্ৰীষ্টস্য দিনে যদ্ৱদ্ যুষ্মাস্ৱস্মাকং শ্লাঘা তদ্ৱদ্ অস্মাসু যুষ্মাকমপি শ্লাঘা ভৱিষ্যতি|
15 It was because I felt sure [that all of you were pleased with me] that I was planning to visit you on my way from [here] to Macedonia [province]. I also planned to visit you again on my way back from there, so that I could [spend time with you] twice, and be able to help you more, and I was hoping that you would [give me things that I needed] [EUP] for my journey to Judea [province].
১৫অপৰং যূযং যদ্ দ্ৱিতীযং ৱৰং লভধ্ৱে তদৰ্থমিতঃ পূৰ্ৱ্ৱং তযা প্ৰত্যাশযা যুষ্মৎসমীপং গমিষ্যামি
১৬যুষ্মদ্দেশেন মাকিদনিযাদেশং ৱ্ৰজিৎৱা পুনস্তস্মাৎ মাকিদনিযাদেশাৎ যুষ্মৎসমীপম্ এত্য যুষ্মাভি ৰ্যিহূদাদেশং প্ৰেষযিষ্যে চেতি মম ৱাঞ্ছাসীৎ|
17 So then, even though I [changed my mind later and did not do what] I [first] planned to do, [it was not because I did not have an important reason for changing my plans]. Surely you do not [really think] that I decide what I am going to do like people who do not know God do! [RHQ] I am [not like that]. I am not [a person who] says [to people], “Yes, [certainly I will do that],” and then [for no good reason changes his mind and says], “No, [I will not do it].”
১৭এতাদৃশী মন্ত্ৰণা মযা কিং চাঞ্চল্যেন কৃতা? যদ্ যদ্ অহং মন্ত্ৰযে তৎ কিং ৱিষযিলোকইৱ মন্ত্ৰযাণ আদৌ স্ৱীকৃত্য পশ্চাদ্ অস্ৱীকুৰ্ৱ্ৱে?
18 Just as surely as God always does what he says [he will do, it is true that I have never said], “Yes, [I will do this]” when I [really meant] “No.”
১৮যুষ্মান্ প্ৰতি মযা কথিতানি ৱাক্যান্যগ্ৰে স্ৱীকৃতানি শেষেঽস্ৱীকৃতানি নাভৱন্ এতেনেশ্ৱৰস্য ৱিশ্ৱস্ততা প্ৰকাশতে|
19 [I follow the example of] God’s Son, Jesus Christ. When I, along with Silas and Timothy, taught you [about Christ], we told you that he was not [someone who said that he] would do [something] and [then] did not [do it]. Jesus Christ never [said to anyone], “Yes, [I will do what you desire],” and [then did] not [do it].
১৯মযা সিল্ৱানেন তিমথিনা চেশ্ৱৰস্য পুত্ৰো যো যীশুখ্ৰীষ্টো যুষ্মন্মধ্যে ঘোষিতঃ স তেন স্ৱীকৃতঃ পুনৰস্ৱীকৃতশ্চ তন্নহি কিন্তু স তস্য স্ৱীকাৰস্ৱৰূপএৱ|
20 [We(inc) know that is true], because everything that God promised to do [for his people], he has done completely by [sending] Christ [to save us]. That is why we say, “Yes, it is true! [God has done everything that he promised to do]!” And we praise him for that!
২০ঈশ্ৱৰস্য মহিমা যদ্ অস্মাভিঃ প্ৰকাশেত তদৰ্থম্ ঈশ্ৱৰেণ যদ্ যৎ প্ৰতিজ্ঞাতং তৎসৰ্ৱ্ৱং খ্ৰীষ্টেন স্ৱীকৃতং সত্যীভূতঞ্চ|
21 Now it is only God himself who causes us [(exc)], as well as you, to keep on [believing] strongly in Christ. God is the one who chose us [(inc) to belong to him and to have a close relationship] with Christ.
২১যুষ্মান্ অস্মাংশ্চাভিষিচ্য যঃ খ্ৰীষ্টে স্থাস্নূন্ কৰোতি স ঈশ্ৱৰ এৱ|
22 He also sent his Holy Spirit into our [(inc)] lives to mark us as belonging to himself [MET]. Also, since he has sent his Spirit to live in us [(inc)], [he wants us to know by this that] he guarantees [MET] [to give us every other] ([blessing/good thing]) [that he has promised].
২২স চাস্মান্ মুদ্ৰাঙ্কিতান্ অকাৰ্ষীৎ সত্যাঙ্কাৰস্য পণখৰূপম্ আত্মানং অস্মাকম্ অন্তঃকৰণেষু নিৰক্ষিপচ্চ|
23 So now [I will tell you why I changed my mind and did not visit you as I intended to do]: God himself knows [that what I am telling you is true]. The reason that I did not return to Corinth was so that I might not have to [speak to you severely about the wrong that you had done].
২৩অপৰং যুষ্মাসু কৰুণাং কুৰ্ৱ্ৱন্ অহম্ এতাৱৎকালং যাৱৎ কৰিন্থনগৰং ন গতৱান্ ইতি সত্যমেতস্মিন্ ঈশ্ৱৰং সাক্ষিণং কৃৎৱা মযা স্ৱপ্ৰাণানাং শপথঃ ক্ৰিযতে|
24 It is not that Silas, Timothy and I want to boss you [and tell you that you must] believe only what we say. [Not at all]! On the contrary, we [(exc)] are working as partners [with you] in order to make you happy. [We do not try to force you to believe everything that we believe, because we are sure that you are continuing to] trust [the Lord Jesus Christ] and that you are remaining firmly committed to him.
২৪ৱযং যুষ্মাকং ৱিশ্ৱাসস্য নিযন্তাৰো ন ভৱামঃ কিন্তু যুষ্মাকম্ আনন্দস্য সহাযা ভৱামঃ, যস্মাদ্ ৱিশ্ৱাসে যুষ্মাকং স্থিতি ৰ্ভৱতি|

< 2 Corinthians 1 >