< 2 John 1 >

1 [You all know me as] the [chief] Elder. [I am writing this letter] to all of you [MET] in your congregation. [God has] chosen [you], and I love you truly! Not only do I myself love you, but all those who know [and accept the] true message [that Jesus taught] also love you!
The Elder to the Elect Lady, and those born of her, whom I love in the truth: and not I alone, but also all those who have known the truth,
2 All of us [believe God’s] true message. It is in our ([inner beings/hearts]) and we will continue [to believe it] forever! (aiōn g165)
because the truth which dwells in us shall be with us for eternity. (aiōn g165)
3 God the Father and Jesus Christ, who is (his Son/the man who is also God), will continue [to act] kindly and mercifully [toward us because they] love [us. They will enable us to have inner] peace, [because we believe] their true message.
May grace, mercy, and peace be with you from God the Father, and from Christ Jesus, the Son of the Father, in truth and in love.
4 I am very happy because I learned about some of you [SYN] who are conducting your lives in a manner that is (consistent/in accordance) with [God’s] true message. You are doing that just like our Father [God] commanded us [to do].
I was very glad because I discovered some of your sons walking in the truth, just as we received the commandment from the Father.
5 And now, dear congregation [MET], [there is something that] I am requesting you [to do]. I am writing this not to command that you do something new, but [that you continue to do] what God commanded when we first began [MTY] [to believe his true message. What he commanded] is that we love each other.
And now I petition you, Lady, not as if writing a new commandment to you, but instead that commandment which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another.
6 And [we really/truly] are loving [God] when we are conducting our lives in accordance with whatever he commands [us to do]. What he commands us to do is to continue [to love one another]. That is exactly what you heard when you first began [MTY] [to believe God’s true message].
And this is love: that we walk according to his commandments. For this is the commandment that you have heard in the same way from the beginning, and in which you should walk.
7 Many people who deceive [others have left your congregation and] have now gone out among other people who are [in your area] [MTY]. They are the ones who (do not acknowledge/refuse to say) that Jesus Christ became human. They are the very ones who deceive [people] and oppose [what we teach about] Christ.
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has arrived in the flesh. Such a one as this is a deceiver and an antichrist.
8 [So] be sure that [you do not let those teachers deceive you]! If you let them deceive you, you will lose [the reward] which we, [together with you], have been working for, and you will not receive the complete reward [of being eternally united to God]!
Be cautious for yourselves, lest you lose what you have accomplished, and so that, instead, you may receive a full reward.
9 Those who change what Christ taught and do not continue [to believe] what he taught do not have [a relationship with] God. [But] those who continue to believe [what Christ] taught have [a close relationship with] both [God, our] Father, and with (his Son/the one who is also God).
Everyone who withdraws and does not remain in the doctrine of Christ, does not have God. Whoever remains in the doctrine, such a one as this has both the Father and the Son.
10 So when anyone comes to you who teaches something different from [what Christ] taught, do not welcome him into your homes! Do not [encourage him by] (wishing him well/greeting him as a fellow believer) [in any way]!
If anyone comes to you, and does not bring this doctrine, do not be willing to receive him into the house, and do not speak a greeting to him.
11 [I say that] because if you treat people like that as you would treat a fellow believer, [God will punish you] along with them for the evil that they do.
For whoever speaks a greeting to him, is speaking with his evil works.
12 [Even though] I have much [more that I want] to tell you, I have decided not [to say it] in a letter [MTY]. Instead, I expect to be with you [soon] and talk directly with you. Then we can be completely joyful [together].
I have much more to write to you, but I am not willing to do so through paper and ink. For I hope that I may be with you in the future, and that I may speak face to face, so that your joy may be full.
13 Your fellow believers here [MET], ones whom [God] has also chosen, (send their greetings to you/say that they are thinking affectionately about you).
The sons of your Elect Sister greet you.

< 2 John 1 >