< 2 Samuel 1 >

1 After Saul died, David [and the men who were with him] returned to Ziklag [town] after defeating the descendants of Amalek. They stayed in Ziklag for two days.
사울의 죽은 후라 다윗이 아말렉 사람을 도륙하고 돌아와서 시글락에서 이틀을 유하더니
2 On the third day, unexpectedly a man arrived there who had come from where Saul’s army was camped. He had torn his clothes and put dust on his head [to show that he was grieving]. He came to David, and prostrated himself on the ground [in front of David to show respect for him].
제삼일에 한 사람이 사울의 진에서 나왔는데 그 옷은 찢어졌고 머리에는 흙이 있더라 저가 다윗에게 나아와 땅에 엎드려 절하매
3 David asked him, “Where have you come from?” The man replied, “I escaped from where the Israeli army had been camped.”
다윗이 저에게 묻되 너는 어디서 왔느냐 대답하되 이스라엘 진에서 도망하여 왔나이다
4 David asked him, “What happened? Tell me [about the battle]!” The man replied, “The Israeli soldiers ran away from the battle. Many of them were killed. And Saul and his son Jonathan (are dead/were also killed).”
다윗이 가로되 일이 어떻게 되었느뇨 너는 내게 고하라 저가 대답하되 군사가 전쟁 중에서 도망하기도 하였고 무리 중에 엎드러져 죽은 자도 많았고 사울과 그 아들 요나단도 죽었나이다
5 David said to the young man, “How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?”
다윗이 자기에게 고하는 소년에게 묻되 사울과 그 아들 요나단의 죽은 줄을 네가 어떻게 아느냐
6 The young man replied, “It happened that I was on Gilboa Mountain [where the battle occurred], and I saw Saul, leaning on his spear. The [enemy] chariots and their drivers had come very close to Saul.
그에게 고하는 소년이 가로되 내가 우연히 길보아 산에 올라 보니 사울이 자기 창을 의지하였고 병거와 기병은 저를 촉급히 따르는데
7 Saul turned around and saw me, and he called out to me. I answered him and said, ‘What do you want me to do?’
사울이 뒤로 돌이켜 나를 보고 부르시기로 내가 대답하되 내가 여기 있나이다 한즉
8 He replied, ‘Who are you?’ I replied, ‘I am a descendant of Amalek.’
내게 이르되 너는 누구냐 하시기로 내가 대답하되 나는 아말렉 사람이니이다 한즉
9 Then he said to me, ‘Come over here and kill me. I am still alive, but I am enduring a lot of pain.’
또 내게 이르되 내 목숨이 아직 내게 완전히 있으므로 내가 고통에 들었나니 너는 내 곁에 서서 나를 죽이라 하시기로
10 So I went to him and killed him, because I knew that he was wounded very badly and would (not continue to live/soon die). I took the crown that was on his head and the band/bracelet that was on his arm, and I have brought them to you.”
저가 엎드러진 후에는 살 수 없는 줄을 내가 알고 그 곁에 서서 죽이고 그 머리에 있는 면류관과 팔에 있는 고리를 벗겨서 내 주께로 가져왔나이다
11 Then David and all the men who were with him tore their clothes [to show that they were very sad].
이에 다윗이 자기 옷을 잡아 찢으매 함께 있는 모든 사람도 그리하고
12 They mourned for Saul and his son Jonathan, and they cried and (fasted/abstained from eating food) until it was evening. They also mourned for all the army of Yahweh, and for all the Israeli people, because many of their soldiers had been killed in the battle [MTY].
사울과 그 아들 요나단과 여호와의 백성과 이스라엘 족속이 칼에 죽음을 인하여 저녁때까지 슬퍼하여 울며 금식하니라
13 Then David asked the young man who had told him [about the battle], “Where are you from?” He replied, “My father is a descendant of Amalek, but we live in Israel.”
다윗이 그 고한 소년에게 묻되 너는 어디 사람이냐 대답하되 나는 아말렉 사람 곧 외국인의 아들이니이다
14 David asked him, “(Why were you not afraid [that you would be punished if you] killed Saul, whom Yahweh had appointed [MTY] [to be the king]?/You should have been afraid [that you would be punished if you] killed Saul, whom Yahweh had appointed [MTY] [to be the king].) [RHQ]
다윗이 저에게 이르되 네가 어찌하여 손을 들어 여호와의 기름 부음 받은 자 죽이기를 두려워하지 아니하였느냐 하고
15 You yourself said, ‘I killed the man whom Yahweh appointed to be the king.’ So you have caused yourself to be guilty [MTY] of causing your own death!” Then David summoned one of his soldiers and said to him, “Kill him!” So the soldier killed him by striking him [with a sword].
소년 중 하나를 불러 이르되 가까이 가서 저를 죽이라 하매 그가 치매 곧 죽으니라
다윗이 저에게 이르기를 네 피가 네 머리로 돌아갈지어다 네 입이 네게 대하여 증거하기를 내가 여호와의 기름 부음 받은 자를 죽였노라 함이니라 하였더라
17 Then David composed/wrote this sad song about Saul and Jonathan,
다윗이 이 슬픈 노래로 사울과 그 아들 요나단을 조상하고
18 and he commanded that it be taught to the people of Judah. [The song is called] ‘The Bow [and Arrow]’ and it has been written in the Book of Jashar:
명하여 그것을 유다 족속에게 가르치라 하였으니 곧 활 노래라 야살의 책에 기록되었으되
19 “You Israeli people, your glorious [MTY] leaders have been killed on the mountains! [It is very sad that] those mighty men have died!
이스라엘아 너의 영광이 산 위에서 죽임을 당하였도다 오호라 두 용사가 엎드러졌도다
20 “Do not tell it [to our enemies in the Philistia area]; do not tell to the people who live in Gath [city] what happened; do not proclaim it in the streets of Ashkelon [city], because if you tell them, [even] the women in that area will be happy; do not allow those (pagan women/women who do not know God) to rejoice.
이 일을 가드에도 고하지 말며 아스글론 거리에도 전파하지 말지어다 블레셋 사람의 딸들이 즐거워할까, 할례받지 못한 자의 딸들이 개가를 부를까 염려로다
21 I hope/desire that there will be no rain or dew on the mountains of [the] Gilboa [area] [APO], and that no grain will grow in the fields there, because there the shield of Saul, the mighty [king], fell on the ground. No one rubbed [olive] oil on Saul’s shield;
길보아 산들아 너희 위에 우로가 내리지 아니하며 제물 낼 밭도 없을지어다 거기서 두 용사의 방패가 버린바 됨이라 곧 사울의 방패가 기름 부음을 받지 않음 같이 됨이로다
22 instead, it was stained with the blood of those whom he had killed, and the fat of mighty enemy soldiers was smeared on it. Jonathan [PRS] did not retreat carrying his bow [and arrows], and Saul always [defeated his enemies when he fought them] with his sword. [PRS, LIT]
죽은 자의 피에서, 용사의 기름에서 요나단의 활이 물러가지 아니하였으며 사울의 칼이 헛되이 돌아오지 아니하였도다
23 “Saul and Jonathan were loved and they pleased many people. They were together [LIT] while they lived and when they died. [In battles] they were swifter than eagles and they were stronger than lions.
사울과 요나단이 생전에 사랑스럽고 아름다운 자러니 죽을 때에도 서로 떠나지 아니하였도다 저희는 독수리보다 빠르고 사자보다 강하였도다
24 “You Israeli women, cry about Saul; He provided beautiful scarlet/red clothes for you and he gave you gold ornaments/jewelry to fasten on those clothes.
이스라엘 딸들아 사울을 슬퍼하여 울지어다 저가 붉은 옷으로 너희에게 화려하게 입혔고 금 노리개를 너희 옷에 채웠도다
25 “[It is very sad that] this mighty soldier has died! Jonathan has been killed on the mountains/hills.
오호라 두 용사가 전쟁 중에 엎드러졌도다 요나단이 너의 산 위에서 죽임을 당하였도다
26 Jonathan, my dear friend, I grieve for you; you were very dear to me. You loved me in a wonderful manner; it was better than the way that a woman loves [her husband and her children].
내 형 요나단이여 내가 그대를 애통함은 그대는 내게 심히 아름다움이라 그대가 나를 사랑함이 기이하여 여인의 사랑보다 승하였도다
27 “It is very sad that those mighty men have died, and their weapons are now abandoned!
오호라 두 용사가 엎드러졌으며 싸우는 병기가 망하였도다 하였더라

< 2 Samuel 1 >