< Habakkuk 1 >

1 [I am] Habakkuk, a prophet. This is the [message that Yahweh] gave to me in a vision.
La revelación que vio el profeta Habacuc.
2 [I said, ] “Yahweh, how long must I continue to call [to you] for help before you respond? I cry out to you [for help], saying that [people are acting] violently [everywhere], but you do not rescue us!
Yahvé, ¿hasta cuándo clamaré y no escucharás? Te grito: “¡Violencia!”, ¿y no vas a salvar?
3 (Must I/I do not want to) continue seeing people doing what is unjust [RHQ]. Why do you not punish people who are doing what is wrong [RHQ]? I see people destroying things and [acting] violently. There is fighting and quarreling [everywhere].
¿Por qué me muestras la iniquidad y miras la perversidad? Porque la destrucción y la violencia están ante mí. Hay contienda, y se levanta la disputa.
4 No one obeys laws [PRS], and judges [PRS] never do what is fair/just. Wicked people always defeat righteous people [in the courts], with the result that matters are never decided fairly/justly.”
Por eso la ley está paralizada, y la justicia nunca prevalece; porque los impíos rodean a los justos; por eso la justicia sale pervertida.
5 [Yahweh replied to me, ] “[I know that what you say is true, but] look around at [what is happening in] the other nations; [if you look, ] you will be amazed, because I am doing something during this time that you would not believe [would happen], even if someone told you about it.
“Mirad entre las naciones, observad y asombraos maravillosamente; porque estoy obrando una obra en vuestros días que no creeréis aunque os la cuenten.
6 The soldiers of Babylonia are fierce/cruel and swift. And now I am causing them [to become very powerful]; they will march across the world and conquer [many] other countries.
Porque, he aquí, estoy levantando a los caldeos, esa nación amarga y apresurada que marcha a lo ancho de la tierra, para poseer moradas que no son suyas.
7 They are people whom [others] fear very much [DOU], and they do whatever they want to, paying no attention to the laws of other countries.
Son temibles y terribles. Su juicio y su dignidad proceden de ellos mismos.
8 The horses [that pull their chariots] go faster than leopards, and they are fiercer than wolves are in the evening. The horses on which the soldiers ride gallop swiftly; the soldiers riding them come from distant places. They are like [SIM] eagles that swoop down to [snatch and] kill small animals.
Sus caballos son más veloces que los leopardos y más feroces que los lobos de la tarde. Sus jinetes avanzan con orgullo. Sí, sus jinetes vienen de lejos. Vuelan como un águila que se apresura a devorar.
9 As they ride along, [they are] determined to act violently. They advance like [SIM] a wind from the desert, gathering prisoners that are as [numerous as grains of] sand.
Todos ellos vienen por la violencia. Sus hordas van de frente. Recogen prisioneros como la arena.
10 They make fun of kings and princes [of other countries], and they ridicule all the cities that have high walls around them. They pile dirt [outside those walls] [in order to climb up] and capture those cities.
Sí, se burlan de los reyes, y los príncipes son una burla para ellos. Se ríen de toda fortaleza, pues construyen una rampa de tierra y la toman.
11 They rush past like the wind, and then they go [to attack other cities]. But they are very guilty, because [they think that] their own power is their god.”
Luego pasan como el viento y siguen adelante. Son ciertamente culpables, cuya fuerza es su dios”.
12 [Then I said, ] “Yahweh, you have certainly [RHQ] always/forever been God. You are my Holy One; you will not die. So [why] have you appointed those men [from Babylonia] to judge and get rid of [us]? You are like [MET] a huge rock [under which we are protected/safe], so why have you sent them to punish us?
¿No eres tú desde la eternidad, Yahvé mi Dios, mi Santo? No moriremos. Yahvé, tú los has establecido para juzgar. Tú, Roca, lo has establecido para castigar.
13 You [SYN] are pure, and you cannot endure looking at what is evil, [so why] are you ignoring men who are treacherous? Why do you do nothing [to punish] those wicked men [from Babylonia] who destroy people who are more righteous than they [are]?
Tú, que tienes ojos muy puros para ver el mal, y no puedes mirar la perversidad, ¿por qué toleras a los que proceden con traición y callas cuando el impío se traga al hombre que es más justo que él,
14 [Do you consider that] we are like fish in the sea, or like other creatures in the sea, that have no ruler?
y haces a los hombres como los peces del mar, como los reptiles que no tienen jefe?
15 [The soldiers of Babylonia think that we are fish] [RHQ] for them to pull out of the sea with hooks or to catch in their nets, while they rejoice and celebrate.
A todos los coge con el anzuelo. Los atrapa en su red y los recoge en su red de arrastre. Por eso se regocija y se alegra.
16 If they catch us, they will [worship] their weapons [MET] with which they captured us, and offer sacrifices to them and burn incense in front of them! [They will say] ‘Those weapons have enabled us to become rich and be able to eat expensive food.’
Por eso sacrifica a su red y quema incienso a su red de arrastre, porque por ellas su vida es lujosa y su comida es buena.
17 [Will you allow] them to continue [to conquer people] [MET] forever? [Will you allow] them to destroy people of other nations without their being merciful [to anyone]?”
¿Va, pues, a vaciar continuamente su red y a matar a las naciones sin piedad?

< Habakkuk 1 >