< Hebrews 5 >

1 Every [Jewish] Supreme Priest was chosen by [God] {[God] chose every [Jewish] Supreme Priest} from among [ordinary] men. They were appointed {[He] appointed them} in order that they would come before him on behalf of the people. [Specifically, God appointed them] in order that they would bring gifts [to him on behalf of the people], and in order to sacrifice [animals to him] for people who sinned.
Porque todo sumo sacerdote tomado de entre [los] hombres es escogido para representar a [los] hombres ante Dios y ofrecer ofrendas y sacrificios por [los] pecados,
2 The Supreme Priests could deal gently with those who ignorantly sinned, since the Supreme Priests themselves tended to sin easily.
y puede obrar con compasión hacia los que pecan por ignorancia [de la Ley y están] extraviados, puesto que él mismo está rodeado de debilidad.
3 As a result, they had to offer something to God for their own sins, just like [they had to offer something to God] for [other] people who sinned.
Por tal motivo está obligado a ofrecer [sacrificios] por sus pecados y los del pueblo.
4 Furthermore, [it is an honor to be a Supreme Priest] so no one honors himself [by appointing himself to become a Supreme Priest]. Instead, God chose each man [to become a Supreme Priest], as he chose Aaron [to be the first Supreme Priest].
Nadie toma ese honor para él, sino uno designado por Dios, como Aarón.
5 Similarly, Christ also did not honor himself by appointing himself to become a Supreme Priest. Instead, God [appointed him by] saying to [him what he never said to any other priest, what the] Psalmist wrote in the Scriptures, You [(sg)] are my Son! Today I have declared that I am your Father!
Así también Cristo no se enalteció a Él mismo al ser designado Sumo Sacerdote, sino [lo enalteció] el que le dijo: Mi Hijo eres Tú. Yo te engendré hoy.
6 And he also said [to Christ what the Psalmist wrote] in another Scripture passage, You are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn g165)
Como también dice en otro pasaje: Tú eres sacerdote para siempre Según el orden de Melquisedec. (aiōn g165)
7 When Christ lived on the earth [MTY], he prayed [DOU] to God and tearfully cried out loudly to him. [Specifically], he asked [God], who was able to help him, that he would not [fear the sufferings just before] he died. As a result, God listened to him, because Christ reverently submitted [to what God wanted him to do].
Cuando estaba en la tierra, [Cristo] presentó ruegos y súplicas con gran clamor y lágrimas al que podía salvarlo de [la] muerte, y fue escuchado a causa de la sumisión reverente.
8 Although Christ is [God’s own Son], he learned to obey [God] by suffering [before he died].
Aunque es Hijo, aprendió la obediencia por medio de lo que padeció.
9 By becoming (all [that] God intended him to be/perfect), [he has now] become fully qualified [to be our Supreme Priest. As a result, he is the one who saves] eternally all who obey him. (aiōnios g166)
Después de perfeccionarse, se transformó en fuente de eterna salvación para todos los que le obedecen. (aiōnios g166)
10 Furthermore, God has designated him to be [our] Supreme Priest in the way that Melchizedek was a Supreme Priest.
Dios lo designó Sumo Sacerdote según el orden de Melquisedec.
11 Although there is much to say [to you(pl)] about [how Christ resembles Melchizedek], this is hard [for me] to explain [to you] because you now understand things so slowly.
Con respecto a éste tenemos mucho que decir, y es difícil de explicar, puesto que ustedes son lentos de entendimiento.
12 [You became Christians long ago. So] by now you should be teaching [spiritual truths to others]. But you still need someone to teach you again the truths that God has revealed. [I am talking about] the truths that we teach people [when they] first [believe in Christ]. You need [those elementary truths] like babies need milk [MET]. You are not [ready for advanced teaching, which is like] the solid food [which mature people need] [MET].
Porque aunque deben ser maestros a causa del tiempo, tienen necesidad de que alguien les enseñe otra vez los primeros elementos principales de las enseñanzas de Dios, y son como los que necesitan leche, no alimento sólido.
13 Remember that those [who are still learning these elementary truths] [MET] have not become familiar with [what God] says concerning becoming/being righteous. They are [just like] [MET] babies [who need] milk!
Todo el que toma leche es inexperto en palabra de justicia, porque es niño.
14 But [the more advanced spiritual truth] is for people who are [spiritually] mature, just like [MET] solid food is for [people who are physically] mature. They can tell the difference between what is good and what is evil, because they have trained themselves [to keep doing that].
Pero la comida sólida es para los que han logrado madurez, para los que tienen los sentidos ejercitados por la práctica [del bien] para distinguir lo bueno y lo malo.

< Hebrews 5 >