< Isaiah 34 >

1 You people of all nations, come near and listen and pay careful attention. I want the world and everything that is in it to hear what I say.
もろもろの國よちかづきてきけ もろもろの民よ耳をかたぶけよ 地と地にみつるもの世界とせかいより出るすべての者きけ
2 Yahweh is angry with [the people of] all nations; he is (furious/very angry) with all their armies. He has decided that they must be destroyed, and he will slaughter them.
ヱホバはよろづの國にむかひて怒り そのよろづの軍にむかひて忿恚り かれらをことごとく滅し かれらを屠らしめたまふ
3 Their corpses will not be buried, and [as a result] their corpses will stink, and their blood will [fill the streams that] flow down the mountains.
かれらは殺されて抛棄られ その屍の臭氣たちのぼり山はその血にて融されん
4 The sky will disappear like [SIM] a scroll that is rolled up [and thrown away]. Stars will fall [from the sky] like [SIM] [withered] leaves fall from grapevines, [or] like [SIM] shriveled figs fall from fig trees.
天の萬象はきえうせ もろもろの天は書巻のごとくにまかれん その萬象のおつるは葡萄の葉のおつるがごとく無花果のかれたる葉のおつるが如くならん
5 When Yahweh has finished his work of destroying objects in the sky, he will punish [the people of] Edom, that people-group that he has said must be destroyed/exterminated.
わが劍は天にてうるほひたり 視よエドムの上にくだり滅亡に定めたる民のうへにくだりて之をさばかん
6 [It is as though] Yahweh has a sword that is covered with blood and fat— the blood of lambs and goats and the fat of the kidneys of rams to be sacrificed. [It is as though] Yahweh will offer a sacrifice in [the city of] Bozrah [and kill many people] in other cities in Edom.
ヱホバの劍は血にてみち脂にてこえ小羊と山羊との血 牡羊の腎のあぶらにて肥ゆ ヱホバはボズラにて牲のけものをころしエドムの地にて大にほふることをなし給へり
7 [Even] wild oxen will be killed, as well as young calves and big bulls. The ground will be soaked with blood, and the dirt will be covered with the fat of those animals.
その屠場には野牛 こうし 牡牛もともに下る そのくには血にてうるほされ その塵はあぶらにて肥さるべし
8 That will be the time when Yahweh gets revenge for what those people did to the people of Judah.
9 The streams in Edom will be full of burning pitch/tar, and the ground will be covered with burning sulfur.
エドムのもろもろの河はかはりて樹脂となり その塵はかはりて硫磺となり その土はかはりてもゆる樹脂となり
10 Yahweh will never finish punishing Edom with fire; the smoke will rise forever. No one will ever live in that land, and no one will [even] travel through it.
晝も夜もきえずその烟つくる期なく上騰らん かくて世々あれすたれ永遠までもその所をすぐる者なかるべし
11 Ravens and various kinds of owls and small animals will live there. Yahweh will measure that land carefully: He will measure it to [to decide where] to cause chaos and destruction.
鵜と刺猬とそこを己がものとなし鷺と鴉とそこにすまん ヱホバそのうへに亂をおこす繩をはり空虛をきたらする錘をさげ給ふべし
12 There will be no princes; the people who have authority will have no kingdom to rule.
國をつぐべき者をたてんとて貴者ふたたび呼集ることをせじ もろもろの諸侯はみな失てなくなるべし
13 The deserted palaces and fortified buildings will be full of thorns and thistles. The ruins will be a place for jackals/wolves and owls to live.
その殿にはことごとく荊はえ 城にはことごとく刺草と薊とはえ 野犬のすみか駝鳥の場とならん
14 Animals that live in the desert and hyenas/wolves will be there, and wild goats will bleat/call to each other. There will also be creatures/animals that [roam around] at night.
野のけものと豺狼とここにあひ 牡山羊その友をよび 鴟鴞もまた宿りてここを安所とせん
15 Owls will make their nests there and lay their eggs in the nests; and when the eggs hatch, the mother birds will cover them [with their wings]. There will also be falcons/hawks there, each with its mate.
蛇ここに穴をつくり卵をうみてこれを孚しおのれの影の下に子をあつむ 鳶もまたその偶とともに此處にあつまらん
16 If you read what is written in the book that contains messages from Yahweh, you will find out what he will do [in Edom]. All of those animals and birds will be there, and each one will have a mate, because that is what Yahweh has promised, and his Spirit will cause them [all] to gather [there].
なんぢらヱホバの書をつまびらかにたづねて讀べし これらのもの一つも缺ることなく又ひとつもその偶をかくものあらじ そはヱホバの口このことを命じ その靈これらを集めたまふべければなり
17 He has decided what parts of the land [of Edom] each will live in, and those are the places where each bird or animal will live. Their descendants will possess those areas forever, throughout all generations.
ヱホバこれらのものに鬮をひかせ手づから繩をもて量り この地をわけあたへて永くかれらに保たしめ 世々にいたるまでここに住しめたまはん

< Isaiah 34 >