< Isaiah 51 >

1 [Yahweh says], “You people who desire to act righteously/justly, who want to do what I want you to do, listen to me! Think about Abraham! [It is as though] [MET] he was a huge rock cliff; and when you [people of Israel became a nation], [it was as though] [MET] you were cut from that rock [DOU].
Audite me qui sequimini quod iustum est, et quaeritis Dominum: attendite ad petram unde excisi estis, et ad cavernam laci, de qua praecisi estis.
2 Think about your ancestor Abraham and [his wife] Sarah, of whom [all of] you are descendants. When I first spoke to Abraham, he had no children. But after I blessed him, he had a huge number of descendants.
Attendite ad Abraham patrem vestrum, et ad Saram, quae peperit vos: quia unum vocavi eum, et benedixi ei, et multiplicavi eum.
3 [Some day I], Yahweh, will encourage his descendants [again], and I will comfort all [the people who live in] the ruins [of Jerusalem]. The desert in that area will become like Eden, like the garden that I, Yahweh, [made/planted]. All the people there will be joyful and happy; they will thank me and sing.
Consolabitur ergo Dominus Sion, et consolabitur omnes ruinas eius: et ponet desertum eius quasi delicias, et solitudinem eius quasi hortum Domini. Gaudium et laetitia invenietur in ea, gratiarum actio, et vox laudis.
4 My people of Judah, listen carefully [DOU] to me, because [I want you to] proclaim my laws; the just/right things that I do will be [like] [MET] a light for the people of the nations.
Attendite ad me popule meus, et tribus mea me audite: quia lex a me exiet, et iudicium meum in lucem populorum requiescet.
5 I will soon/quickly rescue you [DOU]; by my power [MTY] I will bring you back [from being exiled in Babylonia] [DOU]. The people who live on islands in the ocean will wait for me [to help them], confidently expecting for me to use my power [MTY].
Prope est iustus meus, egressus est salvator meus, et brachia mea populos iudicabunt: me insulae expectabunt, et brachium meum sustinebunt.
6 Look up at the sky, and look at the earth, [and see what they are like now], because [some day] the sky will disappear like [SIM] smoke, and the earth will wear out like [SIM] old clothes wear out, and people on the earth will die like gnats/flies. But I will rescue/save you, and you will remain free forever, and I will rule you righteously/fairly forever.
Levate in caelum oculos vestros, et videte sub terra deorsum: quia caeli sicut fumus liquescent, et terra sicut vestimentum atteretur, et habitatores eius sicut haec interibunt: Salus autem mea in sempiternum erit, et iustitia mea non deficiet.
7 You people who know what things are right to do, and who know in your inner beings [what is written in] my laws, listen to me! Do not be afraid of people who taunt/insult you; do not be disturbed/upset when people revile you,
Audite me qui scitis iustum, populus meus lex mea in corde eorum: nolite timere opprobrium hominum, et blasphemias eorum ne metuatis.
8 because [some day they will be destroyed] like [MET] clothing that is eaten by ([larvae of] moths/cockroaches), like wool garments that have been eaten by worms. I will save you people, and you will be saved forever.”
Sicut enim vestimentum, sic comedet eos vermis: et sicut lanam, sic devorabit eos tinea: salus autem mea in sempiternum erit, et iustitia mea in generationes generationum.
9 Yahweh, wake up [and do something for us]! Show your power! Do mighty things like you did long ago, when you stabbed [RHQ] that sea monster/dragon Rahab and cut it into pieces.
Consurge, consurge, induere fortitudinem brachium Domini: consurge sicut in diebus antiquis, in generationibus saeculorum. Numquid non tu percussisti superbum, vulnerasti draconem?
10 Surely you are [RHQ] the one who caused the [Red] Sea to become dry and made a path through that deep water in order that your people could cross it!
Numquid non tu siccasti mare, aquam abyssi vehementis: qui posuisti profundum maris viam, ut transirent liberati?
11 And those whom Yahweh will rescue [from being exiled in Babylonia] will [similarly] return to Jerusalem, singing. Their being joyful forever will be [like] [MET] a crown on their heads. They will not be sad or mourn any more; they will be [completely] joyful and happy.
Et nunc qui redempti sunt a Domino, revertentur, et venient in Sion laudantes, et laetitia sempiterna super capita eorum, gaudium et laetitiam tenebunt, fugiet dolor et gemitus.
12 [Yahweh says], “I am the one who encourages you. So (why are you/you should not be) [RHQ] afraid of humans who will [wither and disappear like] [MET] grass.
Ego, ego ipse consolabor vos: quis tu ut timeres ab homine mortali, et a filio hominis, qui quasi foenum ita arescet?
13 (Why have you/You should not have) [RHQ] forgotten [me], Yahweh, the one who created your nation, the one who stretched out the sky and laid the foundations of the earth. (Why are you/You should not be) [RHQ] continually afraid of those who are angry with you and (oppress you/treat you cruelly) and want to get rid of you. [You should not be afraid of them now], because those angry people have now disappeared!
Et oblitus es Domini factoris tui, qui tetendit caelos, et fundavit terram: et formidasti iugiter tota die a facie furoris eius, qui te tribulabat, et paraverat ad perdendum: ubi nunc est furor tribulantis?
14 Soon you people who have been caused to be slaves [in Babylonia] will be freed! You will not remain in prison, and you will not die of hunger,
Cito veniet gradiens ad aperiendum, et non interficiet usque ad internecionem, nec deficiet panis eius.
15 because I am Yahweh, your God, the one who stirs up the sea and causes the waves to roar; I am the Commander of the armies of angels!
Ego autem sum Dominus Deus tuus, qui conturbo mare, et intumescunt fluctus eius: Dominus exercituum nomen meum.
16 I have given you my message [MTY] to proclaim, and I have protected you with my hand [MTY]. I stretched out the sky and laid the foundation of the earth. And I am the one who says to you Israeli people, ‘You are my people!’”
Posui verba mea in ore tuo, et in umbra manus meae protexi te, ut plantes caelos, et fundes terram: et dicas ad Sion: Populus meus es tu.
17 [You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, wake up [DOU]! You have experienced Yahweh severely punishing [MTY] you. Yahweh has caused you to suffer much, all that he wanted you to suffer, like [MET] someone who causes another person to suffer by forcing him to drink every drop of [MTY] a cupful of bitter liquid.
Elevare, elevare, consurge Ierusalem, quae bibisti de manu Domini calicem irae eius: usque ad fundum calicis soporis bibisti, et potasti usque ad faeces.
18 [Now] you do not have any children who are alive [DOU] and able to take your hand and guide you.
Non est qui sustentet eam ex omnibus filiis, quos genuit: et non est qui apprehendat manum eius ex omnibus filiis, quos enutrivit.
19 You have experienced several disasters: Your country has become desolate/deserted; [your cities have been] destroyed; [many people have] died from hunger; [many people have been] killed by your enemies’ swords. Now, there is no one [RHQ] left to console/comfort you and sympathize with you.
Duo sunt quae occurrerunt tibi: quis contristabitur super te? vastitas, et contritio, et fames, et gladius, quis consolabitur te?
20 Your children have fainted and lie in the streets; they are [as helpless as] [SIM] an antelope [that has been caught] in a net. What has happened to them is because Yahweh has been very angry with them; he has rebuked them severely.
Filii tui proiecti sunt, dormierunt in capite omnium viarum, sicut oryx illaqueatus: pleni indignatione Domini, increpatione Dei tui.
21 So now, you people who have suffered much, [you act as though] you are drunk, but it is not because you have drunk a lot of wine.
Idcirco audi hoc paupercula, et ebria non a vino.
22 Yahweh, your Lord and your God, the one who argues/pleads your case, says this: “Note this: [It is as though] [MET] I have taken that cup of bitter liquid from your hands; I will not be angry with you and cause you to suffer any more.
Haec dicit dominator tuus Dominus, et Deus tuus, qui pugnabit pro populo suo: Ecce tuli de manu tua calicem soporis, fundum calicis indignationis meae, non adiicies ut bibas illum ultra.
23 Instead, I will cause those who have tormented you to suffer; [I will severely punish] those who said to you, ‘Prostrate yourselves in order that we may walk on you; [lie down on your stomachs] in order that your backs will be like [SIM] streets that we can walk on.’”
Et ponam illum in manu eorum, qui te humiliaverunt, et dixerunt animae tuae: Incurvare, ut transeamus: et posuisti ut terram corpus tuum, et quasi viam transeuntibus.

< Isaiah 51 >