< Isaiah 62 >

1 Because I am very concerned about [the people of] Jerusalem [DOU], I will do something to help them. I will not stop praying for them until they are rescued/freed [from their oppressors], until that becomes as apparent to everyone as the dawn [every morning], until people can see it as clearly as [SIM] they see a torch shining brightly [at night].
Nokuda kweZioni handinganyarari, nokuda kweJerusarema handingarambi ndinyerere, kusvikira kururama kwake kwapenya samambakwedza, noruponeso rwake somwenje unopfuta.
2 [Some day] the [people of many] nations will know that Yahweh has rescued you, [his people]. Their kings will see that your city is [very] great/glorious. And Yahweh [MTY] will give your [city] a new name.
Ndudzi dzichaona kururama kwako, uye madzimambo ose achaona kubwinya kwako; iwe uchadaidzwa nezita idzva richataurwa nomuromo waJehovha.
3 [It will be as though] Yahweh will hold you up in his hands in order that everyone can see you. Under his authority [MTY], you will be [like] a glorious headband/turban worn by a king.
Uchava korona yokubwinya muruoko rwaJehovha, ukomba hwoumambo muruoko rwaMwari wako.
4 Your [city] will never again be called “the deserted/abandoned city” and your country will never again be called “the desolate land”; it will be called “the land that Yahweh delights in”, and [it will also be called] “married to Yahweh”. It will be called that because Yahweh will be delighted with you, [and it will be as though] you are his bride [MET].
Havachazokutizve Musiyiwa, kana kutumidza nyika yako kuti Dongo. Asi uchatumidzwa kuti Hefizibha uye nyika yako ichanzi Bhiyura; nokuti Jehovha achakufarira, uye nyika yako icharoorwa.
5 You people will live in all the country of Judah like [SIM] a young man lives with his bride. And our God will be happy that you [belong to] him like [SIM] a bridegroom is happy that his bride [belongs to him].
Sejaya zvarinowana mhandara, saizvozvo vanakomana vako vachakuwana; sechikomba chinofarira mwenga, saizvozvo Mwari wako achafara pamusoro pako.
6 [You people of] Jerusalem, I have placed watchmen on your walls; they will [LIT] earnestly pray to Yahweh day and night. You watchmen, you must not stop [praying] [and] reminding Yahweh [about what he has promised to do]!
Ndakagadza nharirire pamasvingo ako, iwe Jerusarema; havangambonyarari masikati kana usiku. Imi munodana kuna Jehovha, musazorora,
7 And tell Yahweh that he should not rest until he causes Jerusalem to be [a city that is] famous throughout the world.
uye musamupa zororo kusvikira asimbisa Jerusarema, uye ariita rumbidzo yenyika.
8 Yahweh has raised his right hand to solemnly promise [to the people of Jerusalem], “I will use my power [MTY] and never again allow your enemies to defeat you; [soldiers from other nations will never come again] to take away your grain and the wine that you worked hard [to produce].
Jehovha akapika noruoko rwake rworudyi, noruoko rwake rune simba achiti, “Handichazopizve zviyo zvenyu sezvokudya kuvavengi venyu, uye vatorwa havachazonwizve waini itsva yamakatamburira;
9 You yourselves grew the grain, and you will be the ones who will praise [me], Yahweh, while you eat [the bread made from] that grain. Inside the courtyards of my temple you yourselves will drink the wine made from the grapes [that you harvested].”
asi ivo vanokohwa ndivo vachadya uye vacharumbidza Jehovha, uyewo vaya vanounganidza mazimbiringa ndivo vachainwa mumavazhe eimba yangu tsvene.”
10 Go out through the [city] gates! Prepare the highway on which people [will return from other countries]! Cause the road to become smooth; clear off [all] the stones; set up signal flags to help the people-groups to see [where the road to Jerusalem is].
Pfuurai, pfuurai napamasuo! Gadzirirai vanhu nzira. Vakai, vakai mugwagwa mukuru! Bvisai mabwe. Simudzirai ndudzi mureza.
11 This is the message that Yahweh has sent to [the people of] every nation: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘The one who will rescue/save you is coming! Look! He will be bringing to you (your reward/what you deserve [for the good things that you have done]); those whom he is setting free will be going ahead of him.’”
Jehovha akaparidzira kumagumo enyika achiti, “Uti kuMwanasikana weZioni, ‘Tarira, Muponesi wako ouya! Tarira, mubayiro wake anawo, uye kuripira kwake kunomutevera.’”
12 They will be called “Yahweh’s own people, the ones whom he rescued”. And Jerusalem will be known as the city that [Yahweh] loves, the city that is no [longer] abandoned.
Vachanzi Vanhu Vatsvene, Vakadzikinurwa vaJehovha; uye iwe uchanzi Mutsvakwa, iro Guta Risina Kuzova Dongo.

< Isaiah 62 >