< Luke 17 >

1 [One day Jesus] said to his disciples, “Things that will tempt [people] to sin are certain to happen, but it will be terrible for anyone who causes them to happen!
Disse poi ai suoi discepoli: E’ impossibile che non avvengano scandali: ma guai a colui per cui avvengono!
2 Suppose you caused one of these people who [do not believe in me very strongly] to sin. If a huge stone was fastened {someone fastened a huge stone} around your neck and you were thrown {and threw you} into the sea, [you would consider that a severe punishment, but God will punish] you even more severely [if you cause someone to sin!]
Meglio per lui sarebbe che una macina da mulino gli fosse messa al collo e fosse gettato nel mare, piuttosto che scandalizzare un solo di questi piccoli.
3 Be careful [how you act]. If you [know about] a fellow believer who sins, you [(sg)] should rebuke him. If he [says that he] is sorry for having sinned [and asks you to forgive him], forgive him.
Badate a voi stessi! Se il tuo fratello pecca, riprendilo; e se si pente, perdonagli.
4 Even if he sins against you [(sg)] seven times in one day, if he comes to you each time and says, ‘I am sorry for what I did’, you must continue forgiving him.”
E se ha peccato contro te sette volte al giorno, e sette volte torna a te e ti dice: Mi pento, perdonagli.
5 [One day] the apostles said to the Lord, “Help us to trust [in you] (OR, [in God]) more strongly!”
Allora gli apostoli dissero al Signore: Aumentaci la fede.
6 The Lord replied, “Mustard [seeds are very small, but in this area they grow and produce large] [MET] [plants]. [Similarly], if your faith grows until you truly believe that God [will do what you ask him to, you will be able to do anything]. You could [even] say to this mulberry tree, ‘Pull yourself out [with your roots] and plant yourself in the sea!’ and it would obey you!”
E il Signore disse: Se aveste fede quant’è un granel di senapa, potreste dire a questo moro: Sradicati e trapiantati nel mare, e vi ubbidirebbe.
7 [Jesus also said], “Suppose that one of you had a servant who was plowing [your fields] or taking care of your sheep. After he comes into the house from the field, you [(sg)] would not say [RHQ], ‘Sit down and eat immediately!’
Or chi di voi, avendo un servo ad arare o pascere, quand’ei torna a casa dai campi, gli dirà: Vieni presto a metterti a tavola?
8 Instead, you would say to him, ‘Put on your apron and prepare a meal for me! Then serve it to me so that I can eat and drink! Afterwards you [(sg)] can eat and drink.’
Non gli dirà invece: Preparami la cena, e cingiti a servirmi finch’io abbia mangiato e bevuto, e poi mangerai e berrai tu?
9 (You will not thank your servant for doing the work that he had been told {you had told him} to do!/Would you thank your servant because he did the work that he had been told {you had told him} to do?) [RHQ]
Si ritiene egli forse obbligato al suo servo perché ha fatto le cose comandategli?
10 Similarly, when you [(pl)] have done everything that [God] has told you to do, you should say, ‘We [(inc)] are not worthy [of God thanking us] {[being thanked]}. We are only God’s servants. We have only done the things that he told us to do.’”
Così anche voi, quand’avrete fatto tutto ciò che v’è comandato, dite: Noi siamo servi inutili; abbiam fatto quel ch’eravamo in obbligo di fare.
11 As [Jesus and his disciples] were walking along the road to Jerusalem, they were going through [the region] between Samaria and Galilee [districts].
Ed avvenne che, nel recarsi a Gerusalemme, egli passava sui confini della Samaria e della Galilea.
12 As they entered one village, ten lepers came near the road. [Because lepers were not permitted to come near other people], they stood at some distance
E come entrava in un certo villaggio, gli si fecero incontro dieci uomini lebbrosi, i quali, fermatisi da lontano,
13 and called out, “Jesus, Master, pity us [and heal us]!”
alzaron la voce dicendo: Gesù, Maestro, abbi pietà di noi!
14 When he saw them, he said [to them], “Each of you should go and show yourself to a priest [in Jerusalem so that he can see if you are healed].” As they were going [there], they were healed.
E, vedutili, egli disse loro: Andate a mostrarvi a’ sacerdoti. E avvenne che, mentre andavano, furon mondati.
15 Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God loudly.
E uno di loro, vedendo che era guarito, tornò indietro, glorificando Iddio ad alta voce;
16 He [came to Jesus], prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet, and thanked him. This man was a Samaritan, [not a Jew].
e si gettò ai suoi piedi con la faccia a terra, ringraziandolo; e questo era un Samaritano.
17 Then Jesus said, “[I] healed ten [lepers] (I am disappointed that the other nine did not come back!/Where are the other nine?) [RHQ]
Gesù, rispondendo, disse: I dieci non sono stati tutti mondati? E i nove altri dove sono?
18 I am disappointed [RHQ] that this non-Jewish man was the only one who returned to thank God; none of the others came back to me!”
Non si è trovato alcuno che sia tornato per dar gloria a Dio fuor che questo straniero?
19 Then he said to the man, “Get up and continue on your journey. [God] [PRS] [has saved you and] healed you [(sg)] because you trusted [in me].”
E gli disse: Lèvati e vattene: la tua fede t’ha salvato.
20 [One day] Jesus was asked by [some] Pharisees [SYN] {[some] Pharisees [SYN] asked [Jesus]}, “When is God [going] to rule as king?” He replied, “God’s ruling [MET] is not something people will be able to see with their eyes.
Interrogato poi dai Farisei sul quando verrebbe il regno di Dio, rispose loro dicendo: Il regno di Dio non viene in maniera da attirar gli sguardi; né si dirà:
21 And people will not be able to say, ‘Look! He is [ruling] here!’ Or ‘He is [ruling] over there!’ because, [contrary to what you think], God’s ruling is people’s inner beings (OR, is already happening among you).”
Eccolo qui, o eccolo là; perché ecco, il regno di Dio è dentro di voi.
22 [Jesus] said to his disciples, “There will be a time when you will want to see [me] [MTY], the one who came from heaven, [ruling powerfully]. But you will not see that.
Disse pure ai suoi discepoli: Verranno giorni che desidererete vedere uno de’ giorni del Figliuol dell’uomo, e non lo vedrete.
23 [Some] people will say to you, ‘Look, [the Messiah] is over there!’ or [they will say] ‘Look, he is here!’ When they say that, do not believe them. Do not follow them [to go see the Messiah].
E vi si dirà: Eccolo là, eccolo qui; non andate, e non li seguite;
24 Because when the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, [everyone can see it. Similarly] [SIM], at the time [MTY] when [I], the one who came from heaven, come back again, [everyone will see me].
perché com’è il lampo che balenando risplende da un’estremità all’altra del cielo, così sarà il Figliuol dell’uomo nel suo giorno.
25 But before that happens, I must suffer in many ways (OR, very much). And I will be rejected by people {people will reject me}, [even though] they [have observed me doing good for people].
Ma prima bisogna ch’e’ soffra molte cose, e sia reietto da questa generazione.
26 But when [I], the one who came from heaven, [come again, people] will be doing things just like people were doing at the time when [MTY] Noah [lived].
E come avvenne ai giorni di Noè, così pure avverrà a’ giorni del Figliuol dell’uomo.
27 [At that time] people ate and drank [as usual], and they got married [as usual], up until the day when Noah [and his family] entered the big boat. But then the flood came and destroyed all those [who were not in the boat].
Si mangiava, si beveva, si prendea moglie, s’andava a marito, fino al giorno che Noè entrò nell’arca, e venne il diluvio che li fece tutti perire.
28 Similarly, when Lot lived [in Sodom city], people [there] ate and drank [as usual]. They bought things and they sold things. They planted [crops] and they built [houses as usual].
Nello stesso modo che avvenne anche ai giorni di Lot; si mangiava, si beveva, si comprava, si vendeva, si piantava, si edificava;
29 But on the day that Lot [and his family] left Sodom, fire and [burning] sulfur came down from the sky and destroyed all those [who stayed in the city].
ma nel giorno che Lot uscì di Sodoma, piovve dal cielo fuoco e zolfo, che li fece tutti perire.
30 Similarly, when [I], the one who came from heaven, return to earth, [people will be unprepared] (OR, [enjoying normal life]).
Lo stesso avverrà nel giorno che il Figliuol dell’uomo sarà manifestato.
31 On that day, those who are outside their houses, with all the things that they own inside [the houses], must not go [in] to take them away, [because there will not be enough time to do that]. Similarly, those who are working in a field must not go back home [to get anything]; [they must flee immediately].
In quel giorno, chi sarà sulla terrazza ed avrà la sua roba in casa, non scenda a prenderla; e parimente, chi sarà nei campi non torni indietro.
32 Remember Lot’s wife! [Because she turned back and wanted to get some of her things from Sodom, she died immediately and became a pillar of salt].
Ricordatevi della moglie di Lot.
33 Anyone who wants to hold onto his life [and his possessions] will not [receive eternal] life. But anyone who is [willing to] die [for my sake] will live [eternally].
Chi cercherà di salvare la sua vita, la perderà; ma chi la perderà, la preserverà.
34 I tell you this: On the night [when I return], there will be two people [sleeping] in one bed. The one [who believes in me] will be taken {[God] will take the one [who believes in me]} [to heaven], and the other one will be left [behind and punished] {and [he] will leave the other one [behind and punish him]}.
Io ve lo dico: In quella notte, due saranno in un letto; l’uno sarà preso, e l’altro lasciato.
35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left {[God] will take one and leave the other} [behind].”
Due donne macineranno assieme; l’una sarà presa, e l’altra lasciata.
Due uomini saranno ai campi, l’uno sarà preso e l’altro lasciato.
37 [His disciples] said to him, “Lord, where [will this happen]?” He replied to them, “Wherever there is an animal carcass, the vultures will gather [to eat it] [MET]. [Similarly, wherever there are people who are spiritually dead, God will punish them].”
I discepoli risposero: Dove sarà, Signore? Ed egli disse loro: Dove sarà il corpo, ivi anche le aquile si raduneranno.

< Luke 17 >