< Micah 3 >

1 Then I said, “You Israeli [MTY] leaders, listen [to what I say]! You should certainly [RHQ] know what things are right [to do] [and what things are wrong],
我言ふヤコブの首領よイスラエルの家の侯伯よ 汝ら聽け公義は汝らの知べきことに非ずや
2 but you hate what is good and you love what is evil. [You act like butchers]: [it is as though] you strip the skin off my people and [tear] the flesh from their bones.
3 [It is as though] you chop them into pieces like [SIM] meat [to be cooked] in a pot.
4 Then, [when you have troubles], you plead to Yahweh [to help you], but he will not answer you. At that time, he will turn away from you because of the evil things that you have done.”
然ば彼時に彼らヱホバに呼はるともヱホバかれらに應へたまはじ 却てその時には面を彼らに隱したまはん 彼らの行惡ければなり
5 This is what Yahweh says about your [false] prophets who are deceiving the people: “If someone gives them food, those prophets say that things will go well for him. But they declare war against anyone who does not give them food.
我民を惑す預言者は齒にて噛べき物を受る時は平安あらんと呼はれども何をもその口に與へざる者にむかひては戰門の準備をなす ヱホバ彼らにつきて斯いひたまふ
6 So [now it is as though] [MET] night will descend on you prophets; you will not receive any [more] visions. [It is as though] [MET] the sun will set for you; the time [when you are greatly honored] will end.
然ば汝らは夜に遭べし 復異象を得じ 黑暗に遭べし 復卜兆を得じ 日はその預言者の上をはなれて沒りその上は晝も暗かるべし
7 [Then] you (seers/people who predict what will happen in the future) [DOU] will be disgraced; you will cover your faces [because you will be ashamed], because when you ask me [what will happen], there will be no answer from me.”
見者は愧を抱き卜者は面を赧らめ皆共にその唇を掩はん 神の垂應あらざればなり
8 But as for me, I am full of [God’s] power, [power] from the Spirit of Yahweh. I am courageous and strong to declare to the Israeli people [MTY, DOU] that they have sinned and rebelled [against Yahweh].
9 You leaders of the people [MTY] of Israel, listen to this! You hate [it when people do] what is just; and [when people say] what is true, you distort it, [saying it is false].
10 [It is as though] you are building [houses in] Jerusalem on foundations that consist of murdering people and doing what is corrupt.
11 Your leaders make [favorable] decisions [only if they receive] bribes. Your priests teach people only if [those people] pay them [well]. Your [false] prophets require people to pay them to tell people what will happen [to them] in the future. Those prophets say, “Yahweh is telling us [what we should say], and [we say that] we will not experience any disasters.”
その首領等は賄賂をとりて審判をなしその祭司等は値錢を取て敎晦をなす 又その預言者等は銀子を取て占卜を爲しヱホバに倚賴みて云ふヱホバわれらと偕に在すにあらずや 然ば災禍われらに降らじと
12 Because of what you [leaders do], Zion [Hill] will be plowed like a field; it will become a heap of ruins/rubble; the top of the hill, where the temple is [now], will be covered with bushes.

< Micah 3 >