< Numbers 18 >

1 Yahweh said to Aaron, “You and your sons and the other members of your father’s family are the ones (who will be punished/whom I will punish) [if anything bad happens to the things] inside the Sacred Tent. But only you and your sons will be punished if the priests do something bad.
И рече Господь ко Аарону, глаголя: ты и сынове твои, и дом отца твоего с тобою, возмите грехи святых, ты же и сынове твои возмите грехи жречества вашего:
2 Require that those who belong to your tribe, the tribe of Levi, must assist you and your sons while you perform your work at the Sacred Tent.
и братию твою, племя Левиино, сонм отца твоего приведи к себе, и да приложатся к тебе, и да служат тебе, и ты и сынове твои с тобою пред скиниею свидения,
3 But while they do that work, they must not go near the sacred items inside the tent or near the altar. If they do that, they will die, and you will die, too!
и да блюдут стражбы твоя и стражбы скинии: токмо к сосудом святым и ко олтарю да не приступают, да не измрут и сии, и вы:
4 They may assist you in doing all the work to take care of the Sacred Tent, but no one else is permitted to come near the place where you are working.
и приложатся к тебе и да блюдут стражбы скинии свидения по всем службам скинии, и иноплеменник да не приступит к тебе,
5 “You are the ones who will do the sacred work inside the Sacred Tent and at the altar. If you obey these instructions, I will not become very angry with the Israeli people again.
и соблюдете стражбы святых и стражбы олтаря, и не будет ктому гнева на сынех Израилевых:
6 I myself have chosen the descendants of Levi from the other Israelis in order that they may be your special helpers. They are like a gift that I have given you to work at the Sacred Tent.
и Аз взях братию вашу левиты от среды сынов Израилевых в дар данный Господу служити службы скинии свидения.
7 But it is you and your sons, who are the priests, who must perform all the rituals concerning the altar and with what happens inside the Very Holy Place. I am giving to you this work of serving as priests. So anyone else who tries to do that work must be executed.”
И ты и сынове твои с тобою сохраните жречество ваше по всему образу олтаря, и еже внутрь завесы, и да служите службы в дар жречества вашего: и иноплеменник приступаяй умрет.
8 Yahweh also said to Aaron, “I myself have appointed you to take care of all the sacred offerings that the Israeli people bring to me. I have given all these sacred offerings to you and to your sons. You and your descendants will get a share of these offerings permanently.
И рече Господь ко Аарону: и се, Аз дах вам снабдение начатков моих от всех освященных Мне от сынов Израилевых: тебе дах я в честь, и сыном твоим по тебе законно вечно:
9 The parts of the offerings that are not completely burned on the altar belong to you. Those parts of the sacred offerings, including the offerings of grain, the offerings for sins and for the people to be forgiven for not giving me what they are required to give, are set apart, and are to be given to you and your sons.
и сие да будет вам от освященных святых приношений, от всех даров их и от всех жертв их, и от всякаго преступления их и от всех грех их, елика отдают Мне, от всех святынь, тебе да будут и сыном твоим.
10 You must eat those offerings in a sacred place, [near the Sacred Tent]. You and all of the other males [in your clan] may eat them, but you must consider those offerings to be holy/dedicated to me.
Во святем святых ядите я: всяк мужеский пол да яст я, ты и сынове твои: свята будут тебе.
11 “The priests lift up high the sacred offerings while they are standing in front of the altar. All of those offerings that the Israelis offer to me belong to you and your sons and daughters. They will always be your share. All the members of your family who [have performed the rituals to cause them to] be acceptable to me are permitted to eat from these offerings.
И сие да будет вам от начатков даяний их, от всех возложений сынов Израилевых: тебе дах я, и сыном твоим и дщерем твоим с тобою, законно вечно: всяк чистый в дому твоем да яст я.
12 “am [also] giving to you the first food that people harvest each year and bring to me—the best [olive] oil and new wine and grain.
Всяк начаток елеа, и всяк начаток вина и пшеницы, начаток их, елика аще отдадят Господу, тебе дах я: первородная вся елика в земли их, елика аще принесут Господу, тебе да будут:
13 All of the first crops that people harvest and bring to me belong to you. Anyone in your family who has [performed the ritual to] become acceptable to me is permitted to eat that food.
всяк чистый в дому твоем да яст я.
14 “Everything in Israel that is set apart to belong to me also belongs to you.
Всяко освященное в сынех Израилевых тебе да будет,
15 The firstborn males, both humans and domestic animals, that are offered to me, will be yours. But people must buy back their firstborn sons and the firstborn animals that may not be used for sacrifices.
и всякое разверзающее всяка ложесна от всякия плоти, елика приносят Господу, от человека до скота, тебе да будут: но токмо искуплением искупятся первенцы человечестии, и первенцы скотов нечистых да искупятся:
16 They must buy them back when they are one month old. The price that they must pay [for each one] is five pieces of silver. They must weigh the silver on the scales that are in the Sacred Tent.
и искуп его от единаго месяца, сценение пять сикль, по сиклю святому: двадесять медниц есть:
17 “But they are not permitted to buy back the firstborn cattle or sheep or goats. They are holy and have been set apart for me. [Slaughter them and] sprinkle their blood on the altar. Then completely burn the fat of those animals [on the altar] to be an offering to me. The smell as they burn will be very pleasing to me.
обаче первородная телцев и первородная овец и первородная коз да не искупятся: свята суть: и кровь их пролиеши у олтаря, и тук принесеши принос в воню благовония Господу.
18 The meat from those offerings will be yours, just like the breast and right thigh of animals that are presented to me to maintain fellowship with me as the priest lifts them up high in front of the altar are yours.
И мяса тебе да будут, якоже и груди возложения: и по раму десному тебе да будут.
19 Anything that the Israeli people present to me as holy/sacred gifts, I am giving to you. They are for you and your sons and daughters [to eat]. They will always be your share. This is an agreement that I am making with you, an agreement that will (last forever/never be changed). I am also making this agreement with your descendants.”
Всяко участие святых, елика аще отлучат сынове Израилтестии Господу, тебе дах и сыном твоим и дщерем твоим с тобою, законно вечно: завет соли вечныя есть пред Господем, тебе и семени твоему по тебе.
20 Yahweh also said to Aaron, “You priests will not receive any of the land or the property like the [other] Israeli people will receive. I am what you will receive.
И рече Господь ко Аарону: в земли их да не наследиши наследия, и части да не будет тебе в них: яко Аз часть твоя и наследие твое посреде сынов Израилевых.
21 “Then the Israeli people bring to me a tenth of all [the crops and of their newborn animals], I will give that to you descendants of Levi. That will be your payment for the work you do at the Sacred Tent.
И сыном Левииным, се, дах всю десятину во Израили в жребий за службы их, елико служат тии служение в скинии свидения:
22 The other Israelis must not go near that tent. If they go near it, [I will consider that their doing that is a sin, and] they will die for committing that sin.
и да не приступают по сем сынове Израилтестии к скинии свидения прияти грех смертоносный:
23 Only the descendants of Levi are permitted to work at the Sacred Tent, and they will be punished if anything bad happens to it. That is a law that will never be changed. You descendants of Levi will not receive any land among the other Israeli people,
и да служат левити сами службу скинии свидения, и тии возмут грехи их: законно вечно в роды их: и посреде сынов Израилевых да не наследят наследия:
24 because I will give you one tenth of all the [crops and animals] that the Israelis bring to be offerings to me. That is why I said that you will not receive any land like the other Israelis will receive.”
яко десятины сынов Израилевых, елики аще отлучат Господу, участие дах левитом в жребий: сего ради рекох им: среди сынов Израилевых да не наследят жребия.
25 Yahweh said to Moses/me,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
26 “Tell this to the descendants of Levi: ‘When you receive one tenth of all [the crops and animals] from the Israeli people, you must give one tenth of all that to me to be a sacred offering.
и левитом да глаголеши и речеши к ним: аще возмете десятину от сынов Израилевых, юже дах вам от них во жребий, и отделите вы от нея участие Господу, десятину от десятины ея,
27 Just like the other Israelis give one tenth of the grain and wine that they produce,
и вменятся вам участия ваша яко пшеница от гумна и яко участие от точила:
28 you must give to me one tenth of all that you receive from them. That will be your sacred offering to me. You must present it to Aaron.
тако отделите их и вы от всех участий Господних, от всех десятин ваших, елики аще возмете от сынов Израилевых, и дадите от них участие Господу, Аарону жерцу:
29 Select the best parts of the things that are given to you to give them to me.’
от всех даяний ваших отделите участие Господу, или от всех начатков освященное от него,
30 “Also, tell this to the descendants of Levi: ‘When you present those best portions of grain and wine as your offering to me, I will consider that those gifts are as though they came from your own grain fields and vineyards.
и речеши к ним: егда отделите начаток от него, и вменится левитом аки жито от гумна и яко участие от точила:
31 You descendants of Levi and your families are permitted to eat [the rest of] that food, and you may eat it wherever [you want to], because it is your payment for the work that you do at the Sacred Tent.
и ядите то во всяком месте вы и сынове ваши и домове ваши, яко мзда сия вам есть за службы вашя, яже в скинии свидения:
32 If you give to the priests the best portions of what you receive, you will not be punished [by me] for accepting one tenth of the gifts that the people bring to me. But you must consider those gifts to be sacred/holy. If you sin [by eating those things in ways that are contrary to these regulations that I have given to you], you will be executed.’”
и не приимете за сие греха, яко аще отлучите начаток от него: и святынь сынов Израилевых не оскверните, да не умрете.

< Numbers 18 >