< Psalms 135 >

1 Praise Yahweh! You who (do work for/serve) Yahweh, praise him!
Aleluja! Hvalite ime Gospodovo, hvalite gospodovi hlapci!
2 You who stand in the temple of Yahweh our God and in the surrounding courtyard, praise him [MTY]!
Kateri stojite v hiši Gospodovi, v vežah hiše našega Boga.
3 Praise Yahweh, because he does good things [for us]; sing to him [MTY], because he is kind [to us].
Hvalite Gospoda, ker dober je Gospod; prepevajte imenu njegovemu, ker je prijetno.
4 He has chosen [us, the descendants of] Jacob; he has chosen [us] Israelis to belong to him [DOU].
Ker Jakoba si je izvolil Gospod, Izraela v svojo last.
5 I know that Yahweh is great; he is greater than all the gods.
Ker jaz vem, da je velik Gospod, in kralj naš nad vse bogove.
6 Yahweh does whatever he desires to do, in heaven and on the earth and in the seas/oceans, [down] to the bottom of the seas.
Karkoli mu je po volji, stori Gospod; v nebesih in na zemlji, po morjih in vseh breznih.
7 He is the one who causes clouds to appear from very distant places on the earth; he sends lightning with the rain, and he brings the winds from the places where he stores them.
Ki pripelje sopare od kraja zemlje, bliske dela z dežjem, vetrove jemlje iz zakladnic svojih.
8 He is the one who killed [all] the firstborn [males] in Egypt, the firstborn of people and of animals.
Ki je udaril prvorojeno v Egiptu, od ljudî in od živine.
9 There he performed many kinds of miracles [DOU] to punish the king and all his officials.
Poslal je znamenja in čuda v sredo tvojo, Egipt, zoper Faraona in zoper vse hlapce njegove.
10 He destroyed many nations and the powerful kings [who ruled them]:
Kateri je udaril narode mogočne, in pobil silne kralje.
11 Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, and Og, the king of Bashan [region], and all the other kings in Canaan [land].
Sihona, kralja Amorejskega in Oga, kralja Basanskega, in vsa kraljestva Kanaanska.
12 Then he gave their land to [us] Israeli people to belong to us [forever].
In dal je njih deželo v posest, v posest Izraelu, svojemu ljudstvu.
13 Yahweh your name will endure forever, and people who are not yet born will remember the great things [that you have done].
O Gospod, ime tvoje je vekomaj; Gospod, spomin tvoj od roda do roda.
14 Yahweh, [you] declare that we your people (are innocent/have not done things that are wrong), and you are merciful to us.
Ker Gospod sodi ljudstvo svoje, žal mu je kmalu za hlapce svoje.
15 But the idols that the [other] people-groups [worship] are only [statues made of] silver and gold, things that humans have made.
Maliki narodov zlati in srebrni, rok človeških dela,
16 Their idols have mouths, but they cannot say [anything]; they have eyes, but they cannot see [anything].
Usta imajo, ali ne govoré, oči, ali ne vidijo.
17 They have ears, but they cannot hear [anything], and they are not [even able to] breathe.
Ušesa imajo, ali ne slišijo; tudi sape ni nič v njih ustih.
18 The people who make those idols are as [powerless as] those idols, and those who trust in those idols [can accomplish no more than] their idols can!
Podobni njim bodejo, kateri jih delajo; kdorkoli vanje zaupa.
19 [My fellow] Israelis, praise Yahweh! You [priests] who are descended from Aaron, praise Yahweh!
Hiša Izraelova, blagoslavljajte Gospoda! hiša Aronova, blagoslavljajte Gospoda!
20 You [men] who are descended from Levi, [you who assist the priests], praise Yahweh! [All] you who revere Yahweh, praise him!
Hiša Levijeva, blagoslavljajte Gospoda; Gospoda boječi se, blagoslavljajte Gospoda;
21 Praise Yahweh in [the temple on] Zion [Hill] in Jerusalem, where he lives! Praise Yahweh!
"Slava Gospodu sè Sijona, ki prebiva v Jeruzalemu! Aleluja!"

< Psalms 135 >