< Psalms 22 >

1 My God, my God, why have you abandoned/deserted me? Why do you stay so far from me, and why do you not hear/help me [RHQ]? Why do you not hear me when I am groaning?
Kuom jatend wer. E dwol mar “Mwanda mar Okinyi.” Zaburi mar Daudi. Nyasacha, Nyasacha, iweya nangʼo? Angʼo momiyo in mabor koda ma ok inyal resa? In mabor ma ok inyal winjo weche mag churna mondo iresa?
2 My God, every day I call to you during the daytime and during the night, but you do not answer me, so I am not able to sleep.
Yaye Nyasacha, aywagora odiechiengʼ duto to ok idwoka, aywagora gotieno bende ma ok alingʼ.
3 But you are holy. You sit on your throne as king, and [we the people of] Israel praise you [PRS].
To eka ibet e kom duongʼ kaka Ngʼama Ler; in e pak mar jo-Israel.
4 Our ancestors trusted in you. [Because] they trusted in you, you rescued them.
Kuomi ema wuonewa noketoe genogi; ne gigeni kendo ne iresogi.
5 When they cried out to you, you saved them. They trusted in you, and (they were not disappointed/you [saved them] as you said that you would).
Ne giywakni kendo ne iwarogi; negigeno kuomi mine ok gineno wichkuot.
6 But [you have not rescued me] [People despise me and consider that I am not a man]; [they think that] I am [as worthless as] a worm! Everyone [HYP] scorns me and despises me.
An to an mana kudni ma ok dhano, ngʼama ji duto jaro kendo ma ji ochayo.
7 Everyone who sees me [HYP] makes fun of me. They sneer at me and [insult me by] shaking their heads [at me as though I were an evil man]. They say,
Ji duto monena jara; gidiro ayany ka gikino wigi.
8 “He trusts in Yahweh, so Yahweh should save him! [He says that] Yahweh is very pleased with him; if that is so, Yahweh should rescue him!”
“Ogeno kuom Jehova Nyasaye; koro mondo Jehova Nyasaye okonye ane. Koro mondo orese ane, nikech chunye mor kode.”
9 [Why do] you [not] protect me [now as you did] when I was born? I was safe even when I was (nursing/drinking milk from my mother’s breasts).
To in ema ne igola e ich; ne ichweya mondo agen kuomi kata kane pod adhodho thund minwa.
10 [It was as though] you adopted me right when I was born. You have (been my God/taken care of me) ever since I was born.
Ne oriwa kodi chakre chiengʼ mane onywolae; isebedo Nyasacha aa kinde mane an ei minwa.
11 So, (do not stay far from/stay close to) [LIT] me now because [enemies who will cause me much] trouble are near me, and there is no one [else] who can help me.
Kik ibed mabor koda, nikech chandruok ni koda machiegni, kendo onge ngʼama nyalo konya.
12 [My enemies] surround me [like] a herd/group of wild bulls. [Fierce people, like those] strong bulls that graze [on the hills] in Bashan [area], encircle me.
Rwedhi mangʼeny olwora; rwedhi maroteke moa Bashan olwora koni gi koni.
13 [They are like] roaring lions that are attacking the animals that they want to kill [MET] [and eat]; they rush toward me [to kill] me; they [are like lions that] have their mouths open, [ready to tear their victims to pieces] [MET].
Sibuoche maruto makidho le ma gisemako ongʼamo dhogi malach ka dwaro kidha.
14 I am completely exhausted [MET], and all my bones are out of their joints/places. I [no longer expect that God will save me]; [that expectation is gone completely], like wax that has melted away.
Ipuka oko ka pi, kendo chokena duto osewil. Chunya olokore odok; oseleny morumo e iya.
15 My strength is [all dried up] [MET] like a broken piece of a clay jar that has dried [in the sun]. [I am so thirsty that] my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. O God, [I think that you are about to let] me die and become dirt!
Tekona osetwo ka balatago, kendo lewa omoko e danda; isepiela e lop tho.
16 My enemies [MET] surround me like a pack/group of wild dogs. A group of evil men has encircled me, [ready to attack me]. They have [already] smashed my hands and my feet.
Guogi oselwora; oganda mar joma richo oseketa diere, gisetucho lwetena gi tiendena.
17 [I am so weak and thin that] my bones can be seen and counted. My enemies stare at me and (gloat/are happy) about [what has happened to] me.
Anyalo kwano chokena duto; ji ranga amingʼa kendo jara.
18 They looked at the clothes that I [was wearing] and gambled to determine which piece each of them would get.
Ne gipogore lepa e kindgi giwegi kendo gigoyo ombulu ne nangana.
19 O Yahweh, do not stay far away from me! You who are my [source of] strength, come quickly and help me!
To in, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, kik ibed mabor koda. In e tekra, bi piyo mondo ikonya.
20 Rescue me from [those who want to kill me with] their swords. Save me from those who are [like wild/fierce] dogs [MET].
Res ngimana kuom ligangla, res ngimana e teko guogi.
21 Snatch me away from [my enemies who are] like lions whose jaws [are already open, ready to chew me up] Grab me away from [those men who are like] wild oxen [that attack other animals with] their horns [MET]!
Resa e dho sibuoche; resa e tunge jowi mager.
22 [But you have saved me, so] I will declare to my fellow [Israelis] how great you [MTY] are. I will praise you among the group of your people gathered [to worship you].
Abiro hulo nyingi ne owetena; abiro paki e nyim chokruok.
23 You people who have an awesome respect for Yahweh, praise him! All you who are descended from Jacob, honor Yahweh! All you Israeli people, revere him!
Un muluoro Jehova Nyasaye, pakeuru! Un nyikwa Jakobo duto, miyeuru duongʼ. Luoreuru, un koth jo-Israel duto!
24 He does not despise or ignore those who are suffering; he does not hide (his face/himself) from them. He has listened to them when they cried out to him for help.
Nikech pok ochayo kata ojaro sandruok mar joma winjo malit; pok opandone wangʼe to osewinjo ywakne mar dwaro kony.
25 Yahweh, in the great gathering [of your people], I will praise you for what you have done. In the presence of those who revere you, I will offer [the sacrifices] that I promised.
Kuomi ema thoro mara mar pak e chokruok maduongʼ aye; abiro chopo singruok maga e nyim joma oluori.
26 The poor people [whom I have invited to the meal] will eat as much as they want. All who come worship Yahweh will praise him. I pray that [God will enable] you all to live a long and happy life!
Joma odhier biro chiemo mi yiengʼ; joma manyo Jehova Nyasaye biro pake, mad chunjeu bed mangima nyaka chiengʼ!
27 I pray that [people in all nations, even] in the remote areas, will think about Yahweh and turn to him, and that people from all the clans in the world will bow down before him.
Tunge piny duto biro paro miduog ir Jehova Nyasaye, kendo dhout ogendini duto biro kulore e nyime,
28 Because Yahweh is the king! He rules all the nations.
Nikech loch en mar Jehova Nyasaye kendo en ema olocho ewi ogendini.
29 I desire that all the rich people on the earth will bow before him. Some day they will die, but I want them to prostrate themselves on the ground in his presence [before they die].
Jo-mwandu duto manie piny biro chiemo kendo lemo; ji duto madhi piny e lowo biro kulore e nyime, jogo ma ok nyal siko kangima.
30 People (in the future generations/who have not been born yet) will also serve Yahweh. Our descendants will be told about what Yahweh [has done].
Tienge mabiro noti ne Jehova Nyasaye, kendo nonyis ogendini mabiro wachne.
31 People who are not yet born, [who will live in future years], will be told how Yahweh rescued his people. People will tell them, “Yahweh did it!”
Gibiro hulo timne makare, ne ji mapok onywol niya: “Jehova Nyasaye osewaro joge.”

< Psalms 22 >