< Psalms 39 >

1 I said [to myself], “I will be careful not to sin by the things that I say [MTY]. I will not say anything [to complain] while wicked people are near to me [and can hear me].”
われ曩にいへり われ舌をもて罪ををかさざらんために我すべての途をつつしみ惡者のわがまへに在るあひだはわが口に衝をかけんと
2 [So] I was completely silent [DOU], and I did not [even] talk about things that were good, but it was useless, because I began to suffer even more.
われ默して唖となり善言すらことばにいださず わが憂なほおこれり
3 I became very anxious/worried [IDM]. As I thought [about my troubles], I became more worried. Then [finally] I said [MTY],
わが心わがうちに熱し おもひつづくるほどに火もえぬればわれ舌をもていへらく
4 “Yahweh, show/tell me how long I will live. Tell me when I will die. Tell me how many years I will live!
ヱホバよ願くはわが終とわが日の數のいくばくなるとを知しめたまへ わが無常をしらしめたまへ
5 [It seems that] you have caused me to live only a short time; (my lifetime/all the time that I have lived) seems like nothing to you. The time that all we humans live is [as short as] [MET] a puff of wind.
觀よなんぢわがすべての日を一掌にすぎさらしめたまふ わがかいのち主前にてはなきにことならず 實にすべての人は皆その盛時だにもむなしからざるはなし (セラ)
6 Then we disappear like a shadow does. It seems that all that we do is for nothing/useless. We [sometimes] get a lot of money, but we do not know who will get it [after we die].
人の世にあるは影にことならず その思ひなやむことはむなしからざるなし その積蓄ふるものはたが手にをさまるをしらず
7 So now, Yahweh, if I expect [RHQ] [to receive blessings from other people], I will be disappointed. You are the [only] one from whom I confidently expect [to receive blessings].
主よわれ今なにをかまたん わが望はなんぢにあり
8 Save me from [being punished for] all the sins that I have committed. And do not allow foolish people to make fun of me.
ねがはくは我ぞすべて愆より助けいだしたまへ 愚なるものに誹らるることなからしめたまへ
9 I did not say anything [when you punished me], because [I knew that] you were the one who caused [me to suffer].
われは默して口をひらかず 此はなんぢの成したまふ者なればなり
10 But now, please stop punishing me! [If you do not do that], I am about to die because of the ways that you [SYN] have struck/afflicted me.
願くはなんぢの責をわれよりはなちたまへ 我なんぢの手にうちこらさるるによりて亡ぶるばかりになりぬ
11 When you rebuke someone and punish him for the sin that he has committed, you destroy the things that (he loves/are precious to him), like moths’ [larva] destroy clothing. Our lives [disappear like] a puff of wind.
なんぢ罪をせめて人をこらし その慕ひよろこぶところのものを蠧のくらふがごとく消うせしめたまふ 實にもろもろの人はむなしからざるなし (セラ)
12 Yahweh, listen to me while I pray; pay attention to me while I cry out to you. Help me while I am crying. I am here on the earth for only a short time, like all my ancestors.
ああヱホバよねがはくはわが祈をきき わが號呼に耳をかたぶけたまへ わが涙をみて默したまふなかれ われはなんぢに寄る旅客すべてわが列祖のごとく宿れるものなり
13 [Now] please leave me alone, [and do not punish me any more] in order that I may smile and be happy for a while before I die. [EUP, DOU]”

< Psalms 39 >