< Psalms 99 >

1 Yahweh is the [supreme] king, so [all] the people-groups should tremble ([in his presence/in front of him])! He sits on his throne [in the temple] above the [statues of] winged creatures, [so] the earth should quake/shake!
耶和华作王;万民当战抖! 他坐在二基路伯上,地当动摇。
2 Yahweh is a mighty [king] in Jerusalem; [but] he is [also] the supreme ruler of all people-groups.
耶和华在锡安为大; 他超乎万民之上。
3 [So] they should praise him because he is very great/powerful; and he is holy!
他们当称赞他大而可畏的名; 他本为圣!
4 He is a mighty king who (loves/is pleased with) what is just/right; he has acted justly and fairly [DOU] in Israel.
王有能力,喜爱公平,坚立公正, 在雅各中施行公平和公义。
5 Praise Yahweh our God! Worship him [in front of the Sacred Chest in his temple] [MTY], where he rules people. He is holy!
你们当尊崇耶和华—我们的 神, 在他脚凳前下拜。 他本为圣!
6 Moses and Aaron were two of his priests; Samuel also was someone who prayed to him. Those [three] cried out to Yahweh [to help them], and he answered them.
在他的祭司中有摩西和亚伦; 在求告他名的人中有撒母耳。 他们求告耶和华,他就应允他们。
7 He spoke to Moses and Aaron from the cloud [that was like a huge] pillar; they obeyed [all] the laws and commandments [DOU] that he gave to them.
他在云柱中对他们说话; 他们遵守他的法度和他所赐给他们的律例。
8 Yahweh, our God, you answered [your people] [when they cried out to you to help them]; you are a God who forgave them [for those sins that they had committed], even though you punished them for the things that they did that are wrong.
耶和华—我们的 神啊,你应允他们; 你是赦免他们的 神, 却按他们所行的报应他们。
9 Praise Yahweh, our God, and worship him [at the temple] on his sacred hill; [it is right to do that] because Yahweh, our God, is holy!
你们要尊崇耶和华—我们的 神, 在他的圣山下拜, 因为耶和华—我们的 神本为圣!

< Psalms 99 >