< Song of Solomon 6 >

1 Where has your beloved gone, most beautiful among women? In what direction has your beloved gone, so that we may seek him with you?
«Sening sɵyümlüküng nǝgǝ kǝtkǝndu, Ⱪiz-ayallar arisida ǝng güzǝl bolƣuqi? Sening sɵyümlüküng ⱪǝyǝrgǝ burulup kǝtti? Biz sǝn bilǝn billǝ uni izdǝyli!»
2 My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to graze in the garden and to gather lilies.
«Mening sɵyümlüküm ɵz beƣiƣa qüxti, Tetitⱪu otyaxliⱪlarƣa qüxti. Baƣlarda ozuⱪlinixⱪa, Nilupǝrlǝrni yiƣixⱪa qüxti.
3 I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies with pleasure.
Mǝn mening sɵyümlükümningkidurmǝn, Wǝ sɵyümlüküm meningkidur; U ɵz padisini nilupǝrlǝr arisida baⱪidu»
4 You are as beautiful as Tirzah, my love, as lovely as Jerusalem, as awe-inspiring as an army with its banners.
«Sǝn güzǝl, i sɵyümlüküm, Tirzaⱨ xǝⱨiridǝk güzǝl; Yerusalemdǝk yeⱪimliⱪ, Tuƣlarni kɵtürgǝn bir ⱪoxundǝk ⱨǝywǝtliktursǝn;
5 Turn your eyes away from me, for they overwhelm me. Your hair is like a flock of goats going down from the slopes of Gilead.
Aⱨ, kɵzliringni mǝndin kǝtküzgin! Qünki ular mening üstümdin ƣalib keliwatidu; Qaqliring Gilead teƣi baƣrida yatⱪan bir top ɵqkilǝrdǝktur.
6 Your teeth are like a flock of ewes coming up from the washing place. Each one has a twin, and none among them is bereaved.
Qixliring yengila yuyuluxtin qiⱪⱪan ⱪirⱪilƣan bir top ⱪoylardǝk; Ularning ⱨǝmmisi ⱪoxkezǝk tuƣⱪanlardindur; Ular arisida ⱨeqbiri kǝm ǝmǝstur;
7 Your cheeks are like pomegranate halves behind your veil.
Qümbiling kǝynidǝ qekiliring parqǝ anardur.
8 There are sixty queens, eighty concubines, and young women without number.
Atmix hanix, sǝksǝn kenizǝkmu bar; Ⱪizlar sanaⱪsiz;
9 My dove, my undefiled, is the only one; she is the only daughter of her mother; she is the favorite one of the woman who bore her. The young women saw her and called her blessed; the queens and the concubines saw her also, and they praised her:
Biraⱪ mening pahtikim, ƣubarsizim bolsa birdinbirdur; Anisidin tuƣulƣanlar iqidǝ tǝngdaxsiz bolƣuqi, Ɵzini tuƣⱪuqining talliƣinidur. Ⱪizlar uni kɵrüp, uni bǝhtlik dǝp ataxti, Hanixlar wǝ kenizǝklǝrmu kɵrüp uni mahtaxti».
10 “Who is this who appears like the dawn, as beautiful as the moon, as bright as the sun, as awe-inspiring as an army with its banners?”
«Tang sǝⱨǝr jaⱨanƣa ⱪariƣandǝk, Aydǝk güzǝl, aydingdǝk roxǝn, Illiⱪ ⱪuyaxtǝk yoruⱪ, Tuƣlarni kɵtürgǝn ⱪoxunlardǝk ⱨǝywǝtlik bolƣuqi kimdur?»
11 I went down into the grove of nut trees to see the young growth in the valley, to see whether the vines had budded, and whether the pomegranates were in bloom.
«Meƣizlar beƣiƣa qüxtüm, Jilƣidiki gül-giyaⱨlarni kɵrüxkǝ, Üzüm telining bihliƣan-bihlimiƣanliⱪini kɵrüxkǝ, Anarlarning qeqǝkligǝn-qeqǝklimigǝnlikini kɵrüxkǝ;
12 I was so happy that I felt I was riding in the chariot of a prince.
Biraⱪ bilǝ-bilmǝy, Jenim meni kɵtürüp, Esil hǝlⱪimning jǝng ⱨarwiliri üstigǝ ⱪoyƣanikǝn».
13 Turn back, turn back, you perfect woman; turn back, turn back so that we may gaze on you. The woman speaking to the friends Why do you gaze on the perfect woman, as if on the dance between two armies?
«Ⱪaytⱪin, ⱪaytⱪin, i Xulamit — Ⱪaytⱪin, ⱪaytⱪin, bizning sanga ⱪariƣumiz bardur!» «Silǝr Xulamitning nemisigǝ ⱪariƣunglar bar?» «“Ikki bargaⱨ” ussulƣa qüxkǝn waⱪtidikidǝk uningƣa ⱪaraymiz!»

< Song of Solomon 6 >