< Zephaniah 3 >

1 Woe to the rebellious city! The violent city is defiled.
Magaalaa cunqursitootaa, finciltuu fi xurooftuu sanaaf wayyoo!
2 She has not listened to the voice of God, nor accepted correction from Yahweh. She does not trust in Yahweh and will not approach her God.
Isheen nama tokkoof iyyuu hin ajajamtu; sirreeffama tokko iyyuu hin fudhattu. Isheen Waaqayyoon hin amanattu; Waaqa isheettis hin dhiʼaattu.
3 Her princes are roaring lions in her midst. Her judges are evening wolves who leave nothing to be gnawed upon in the morning.
Qondaaltonni ishee leenca aaduu dha; bulchitoonni ishee yeeyyii galgalaa kanneen waan tokko illee ganamaaf hin bulfannee dha.
4 Her prophets are insolent and treasonous men. Her priests have profaned what is holy and have done violence to the law.
Raajonni ishee of tuultota; isaan namoota hin amanamnee dha. Luboonni ishee iddoo qulqulluu xureessanii seeras cabsu.
5 Yahweh is righteous in her midst. He can do no wrong. Morning by morning he will dispense his justice! It will not be hidden in the light, yet unrighteous people know no shame.
Waaqayyo inni ishee keessa jiru qajeelaa dha; inni dogoggora tokko illee hin hojjetu. Inni ganama ganama murtii qajeelaa kenna; guyyaa tokko iyyuu waan kana hojjechuu hin dadhabu; jalʼoonni garuu qaanii tokko iyyuu hin beekan.
6 “I have destroyed nations; their fortresses are ruined. I have made their streets ruins, so that no one passes over them. Their cities are destroyed so that there is no man inhabiting them.
“Ani saboota nan balleessa; daʼannoowwan isaanii diigamaniiru. Akka namni tokko iyyuu achiin hin dabarreef ani daandiiwwan ishee onseera. Magaalaawwan isaanii onanii nama malee, duwwaa hafu.
7 I said, 'Surely you will fear me. Accept correction and do not be cut off from your homes by all that I have planned to do to you.' But they were eager to begin each morning by corrupting all their deeds.
Ani magaalaa sanaan, ‘Ati dhugumaan na sodaatta; sirreeffamas ni fudhatta!’ nan jedhe. Ergasii iddoon jireenya ishee hin badu yookaan adabbiin koo hundinuu isheetti hin dhufu. Isaan garuu waan hojjetan hunda keessatti daba hojjechuutti ciman.
8 Therefore wait for me—this is Yahweh's declaration—until the day that I rise up to seize the prey. For my decision is to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms, to pour out on them my anger—all of my burning wrath; for in the fire of my jealousy all the earth will be consumed.
Kanaafuu guyyaa ani itti dhugaa baʼu eeggadhu” jedha Waaqayyo; “Ani sabootaa fi mootummoota walitti qabee dheekkamsa kootii fi aarii koo sodaachisaa sana hunda isaanitti dhangalaasuuf murteesseera. Addunyaan guutuun ibidda hinaaffaa kootiin gubattee barbadoofti.
9 But then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call upon the name of Yahweh to serve him shoulder to shoulder.
“Ergasii ani akka hundi isaanii maqaa Waaqayyoo waammataniif, akka walii galuudhaan isa tajaajilaniifis afaan namootaa nan qulqulleessa.
10 From beyond the river of Cush my worshipers—my scattered people—will bring offerings due me.
Warri anaaf sagadan, intallan koo kanneen bittinnaaʼan lageen Itoophiyaa gamaa kennaa naaf fidu.
11 In that day you will not be put to shame for all your deeds that you committed against me, since at that time I will remove from among you those who celebrated your pride, and because you will no longer act arrogantly on my holy mountain.
Sababii ani warra of tuulummaa isaaniitti gammadan magaalaa kana keessaa baasuuf, gaafas yakka ati natti hojjette sana hundaaf salphinni sitti hin dhufu. Ati lammata gaara koo qulqulluu irratti of hin tuultu.
12 But I will leave among you a lowly and poor people, and they will find refuge in the name of Yahweh.
Ani garuu garraamotaa fi gad of qabeeyyii kanneen maqaa Waaqayyoo amanatan si keessatti nan hambisa.
13 The remnant of Israel will no longer commit injustice or speak lies, and no deceitful tongue will be found in their mouth; so they will graze and lie down, and no one will make them afraid.”
Hambaan Israaʼel yakka tokko illee hin hojjetan. Isaan soba hin dubbatan yookaan gowwoomsaan afaan isaanii keessatti hin argamu. Isaan nyaatanii boqotu; kan isaan sodaachisus hin jiru.”
14 Sing, daughter of Zion! Shout, Israel. Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem.
Yaa Intala Xiyoon ati faarfadhu; yaa Israaʼel sagalee ol fudhadhuu iyyi! Yaa Intala Yerusaalem gammadiitii garaa kee guutuudhaan ililchi!
15 Yahweh has taken away your punishment; he has driven out your enemies! Yahweh is the king of Israel among you. You will never again fear evil!
Waaqayyo adaba kee sirraa fuudheera; inni diinota kee sirraa deebiseera. Waaqayyo Mootiin Israaʼel, si wajjin jira; ati lammata balaa tokko illee hin sodaattu.
16 In that day they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not fear, Zion. Do not let your hands falter.
Isaan gaafas Yerusaalemiin akkana ni jedhu; “Yaa Xiyoon hin sodaatin; harki kees hin laafin.
17 Yahweh your God is among you, a mighty one to save you. He will celebrate over you with joy; he will be silent over you in his love; he will be glad over you with a shout for joy.
Waaqayyo Waaqni kee inni si wajjin jiru jabaa dha. Inni baayʼee sitti gammada; inni jaalala isaatiin si boqochiisa; faarfannaadhaanis sitti gammada.”
18 I will gather those who grieve, those who cannot attend the appointed feasts, so you will no longer bear any shame for it.
“Ani gadda ati ayyaanota murteeffamaniif gadditu sirraa nan fuudha; isaan booʼichaa fi salphina sitti taʼu.
19 Behold, I am about to deal with all your oppressors. At that time, I will rescue the lame and gather up the outcast. I will make them as praise, and I will change their shame into renown in all the earth.
Ani yeroo sanatti warra si cunqursan hunda nan adaba; ani okkolaa nan baraara; warra gatamanis walitti nan qaba. Ani biyya isaan itti qaaneffaman hunda keessatti maqaa fi ulfina isaaniifin kennaaf.
20 At that time I will lead you; at that time I will gather you together. I will make all the nations of the earth respect and praise you, when you see that I restored you,” says Yahweh.
Ani yeroo sanatti walittin isin qaba; yeroo sanatti ani biyya keessanitti isin nan galcha. Ani yeroo utuma isin argitanuu boojuu keessan deebisutti saba lafaa hunda gidduutti ulfinaa fi maqaa isiniifin kenna” jedha Waaqayyo.

< Zephaniah 3 >