< 2 Chronicles 18 >

1 Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honour in abundance; and he allied himself with Ahab.
Jozafa te vin gen anpil richès, tout moun t'ap fè lwanj pou li. Li ranje yon maryaj ant yon moun nan fanmi l' ak yon moun nan fanmi Akab, wa peyi Izrayèl la.
2 After some years, he went down to Ahab to Samaria. Ahab killed sheep and cattle for him in abundance, and for the people who were with him, and moved him to go up with him to Ramoth Gilead.
Kèk lanne apre sa, Jozafa al rann Akab yon vizit lavil Samari. Lè sa a, Akab fè yon gwo fèt pou Jozafa ansanm ak moun ki te avè l' yo. Li te fè touye yon pakèt mouton ak bèf pou fèt la. Lèfini, li chache pran tèt Jozafa pou yo al atake lavil Ramòt nan peyi Galarad.
3 Ahab king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat king of Judah, “Will you go with me to Ramoth Gilead?” He answered him, “I am as you are, and my people as your people. We will be with you in the war.”
Akab, wa peyi Izrayèl la, di Jozafa, wa peyi Jida a: -Eske w'ap vin avè m' pou atake lavil Ramòt nan peyi Galarad la? Jozafa reponn li: -Mwen menm ak tout sòlda mwen yo, nou avè ou ansanm ak pèp ou a. Se yonn nou ye!
4 Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, “Please enquire first for the LORD’s word.”
Apre sa, Jozafa di Akab, wa peyi Izrayèl la: -Tanpri, annou mande Seyè a sa li di nan sa.
5 Then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together, four hundred men, and said to them, “Shall we go to Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear?” They said, “Go up, for God will deliver it into the hand of the king.”
Se konsa, Akab reyini katsan (400) pwofèt li yo, li mande yo: -Eske se pou m' al atake lavil Ramòt nan peyi Galarad la, osinon èske se pou m' kite sa? Pwofèt yo reponn li: -Atake l', monwa! Seyè a ap lage l' nan men ou!
6 But Jehoshaphat said, “Isn’t there here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we may enquire of him?”
Lè sa a, Jozafa di konsa: -Pa gen lòt pwofèt nou ta ka mande si se volonte Seyè a pou n' al fè sa?
7 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “There is yet one man by whom we may enquire of the LORD; but I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me, but always evil. He is Micaiah the son of Imla.” Jehoshaphat said, “Don’t let the king say so.”
Akab reponn: -Gen yon lòt pwofèt ankò ki ta ka fè sa pou nou. Se Miche, pitit gason Jimla a. Men, m' rayi l', paske li pa janm di anyen ki bon pou mwen. Li toujou wè malè pou mwen. Jozafa reponn: -Pa di sa, monchè!
8 Then the king of Israel called an officer, and said, “Get Micaiah the son of Imla quickly.”
Se konsa Akab rele yonn nan nèg konfyans li yo, li di l': -Prese al chache Miche, pitit gason Jimla a, pou mwen.
9 Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah each sat on his throne, arrayed in their robes, and they were sitting in an open place at the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets were prophesying before them.
Wa peyi Izrayèl la ak Jozafa, wa peyi Jida a, te chita yo chak sou fotèy pa yo ak bèl rad wa yo sou yo, sou gwo glasi ki bò pòtay lavil Samari a sou deyò. Tout pwofèt yo te la devan yo ap bay mesaj pa yo.
10 Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made himself horns of iron and said, “The LORD says, ‘With these you shall push the Syrians, until they are consumed.’”
Yonn ladan yo te rele Sedesyas. Se te pitit Kenana. Li fè fè de kòn an fè. Li di: -Men sa Seyè a di: Avèk kòn sa yo ou pral atake moun Siri yo. Ou pral fini ak yo.
11 All the prophets prophesied so, saying, “Go up to Ramoth Gilead, and prosper; for the LORD will deliver it into the hand of the king.”
Tout lòt pwofèt yo t'ap bay menm mesaj la tou. Yo t'ap di: -Ou mèt al atake Ramòt nan peyi Galarad. W'ap bon. Seyè a ap lage lavil la nan men ou.
12 The messenger who went to call Micaiah spoke to him, saying, “Behold, the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one mouth. Let your word therefore, please be like one of theirs, and speak good.”
Mesaje ki te pati al rele Miche a di Miche konsa: -Tout lòt pwofèt yo te pale an favè wa a. Ranje kò ou pou ou pale tankou yo tout. Pale an favè wa a.
13 Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, I will say what my God says.”
Men, Miche reponn li: -Mwen pran Seyè a, Bondye vivan an, sèvi m' temwen. Sa Seyè a va di m' di se sa m'a di.
14 When he had come to the king, the king said to him, “Micaiah, shall we go to Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear?” He said, “Go up, and prosper. They shall be delivered into your hand.”
Lè Miche rive devan wa a, wa a di l' konsa: -Miche, èske se pou m' al atake lavil Ramòt nan peyi Galarad, osinon èske se pou n' kite sa? Miche reponn: -Ou mèt al atake Ramòt nan peyi Galarad. W'ap bon. Seyè a ap lage lavil la nan men ou.
15 The king said to him, “How many times shall I adjure you that you speak to me nothing but the truth in the LORD’s name?”
Men, Akab di li: -Konbe fwa pou m' di ou lè w'ap pale avè m' nan non Seyè a, se pou ou di m' laverite?
16 He said, “I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd. The LORD said, ‘These have no master. Let them each return to his house in peace.’”
Lè sa a, Miche reponn li: -Mwen te wè tout sòlda pèp Izrayèl yo gaye toupatou sou mòn yo, tankou yon bann mouton san gadò. Seyè a te di: Moun sa yo san chèf. Kite yo tounen lakay yo ak kè poze.
17 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “Didn’t I tell you that he would not prophesy good concerning me, but evil?”
Akab, wa peyi Izrayèl la, di Jozafa: -Mwen pa t' di ou li pa janm di anyen ki bon pou mwen. Li toujou wè malè pou mwen.
18 Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the LORD’s word: I saw the LORD sitting on his throne, and all the army of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left.
Miche pran lapawòl ankò, li di: -Bon! Koute mesaj Seyè a. Mwen te wè Seyè a chita sou fotèy li nan syèl la, avèk tout zanj li yo kanpe bò kote l', sou bò dwat ak sou bò gòch li.
19 The LORD said, ‘Who will entice Ahab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ One spoke saying in this way, and another saying in that way.
Seyè a t'ap mande ki moun ki vle al pran tèt Akab pou li al fè yo touye l' lavil Ramòt. Gen zanj ki di yon bagay, gen lòt zanj ki di yon lòt bagay.
20 A spirit came out, stood before the LORD, and said, ‘I will entice him.’ “The LORD said to him, ‘How?’
Se lè sa a, yon lespri vanse devan Seyè a, li di: Mwen pral pran tet li.
21 “He said, ‘I will go, and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ “He said, ‘You will entice him, and will prevail also. Go and do so.’
Seyè a mande l': Ki jan? Lespri a reponn: Mwen pral mete pawòl manti nan bouch pwofèt Akab yo. Seyè a di l': W'a pran tèt li vre konsa. Ou mèt al fè jan ou di a.
22 “Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of these your prophets; and the LORD has spoken evil concerning you.”
Koulye a, ou konnen Seyè a te mete yon lespri mantò sou pwofèt ou yo pou yo ba ou manti, paske li pran desizyon pou l' fini avè ou.
23 Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah came near, and struck Micaiah on the cheek, and said, “Which way did the LORD’s Spirit go from me to speak to you?”
Lè sa a, Sedesyas, pitit gason Kenana a, mache sou Miche, li flanke li yon souflèt. Epi li di l': -Depi kilè lespri Bondye a kite m' pou se nan bouch ou l'ap pale a?
24 Micaiah said, “Behold, you shall see on that day, when you go into an inner room to hide yourself.”
Miche reponn li: -W'a konn sa lè w'a kouri pase sot nan yon chanm antre nan yon lòt pou al kache jouk nan fon.
25 The king of Israel said, “Take Micaiah, and carry him back to Amon the governor of the city, and to Joash the king’s son;
Se konsa wa Akab pase yon lòd, li di: -Arete Miche. Mennen l' bay Amon, gouvènè lavil la, ak Joas, pitit wa a.
26 and say, ‘The king says, “Put this fellow in the prison, and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction, until I return in peace.”’”
Di yo mwen bay lòd pou yo mete l' nan prizon, pou yo ba li renk pen ak dlo jouk m'a tounen soti nan lagè a san danje ak malè.
27 Micaiah said, “If you return at all in peace, the LORD has not spoken by me.” He said, “Listen, you people, all of you!”
Lè sa a, Miche di: -Si ou tounen soti nan lagè a san danje ni malè vre, w'a konnen Seyè a pa t' pale nan bouch mwen. Lèfini, li di: -Nou tout pèp yo, koute sa m' di la a wi.
28 So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth Gilead.
Se konsa Akab, wa peyi Izrayèl la, ansanm ak Jozafa, wa peyi Jida a, moute al atake lavil Ramòt nan peyi Galarad.
29 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “I will disguise myself, and go into the battle; but you put on your robes.” So the king of Israel disguised himself; and they went into the battle.
Akab di Jozafa konsa: -Mwen pral mete yon lòt rad sou mwen anvan m al goumen an, pou moun pa rekonèt mwen. Ou men, ou mèt mete rad wa ou sou ou. Se konsa wa peyi Izrayèl la chanje rad sou li pou moun pa rekonèt li. Apre sa, li al goumen.
30 Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of his chariots, saying, “Don’t fight with small nor great, except only with the king of Israel.”
Men, wa peyi Siri a te bay trannde chèf ki t'ap kòmande cha lagè yo lòd pou yo pa atake pesonn pase wa peyi Izrayèl la.
31 When the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, they said, “It is the king of Israel!” Therefore they turned around to fight against him. But Jehoshaphat cried out, and the LORD helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.
Se konsa, lè kòmandan cha lagè yo wè Jozafa, yo tout te konprann se li ki te wa peyi Izrayèl la. Yo vire sou li pou yo atake l'. Men, Jozafa rele anmwe. Bondye sèl mèt la vin pote l' sekou, li fè yo vire kite l'.
32 When the captains of the chariots saw that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back from pursuing him.
Lè mesye yo wè se pa li menm ki te wa peyi Izrayèl la, yo rete sou sa yo te vle fè a.
33 A certain man drew his bow at random, and struck the king of Israel between the joints of the armour. Therefore he said to the driver of the chariot, “Turn around and carry me out of the battle, for I am severely wounded.”
Lè sa a, yon sòlda peyi Siri rete konsa li voye yon flèch. Flèch la al pran Akab, wa Izrayèl la, nan fant rad lagè ki te sou li a. Wa a di sòlda ki t'ap mennen cha li a: -Kase tèt tounen. Annou kite batay la, paske mwen blese grav.
34 The battle increased that day. However, the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot against the Syrians until the evening; and at about sunset, he died.
Jou sa a, batay la te makònen anpil. Wa Akab menm te rete kanpe sou cha li a, l'ap gade moun peyi Siri yo jouk aswè. Lè solèy kouche li mouri.

< 2 Chronicles 18 >