< 2 Samuel 13 >

1 Forsothe it was doon aftir these thingis, that Amon, the sone of Dauid, louyde the faireste sistir, Thamar bi name, of Absolon, sone of Dauid.
Abusaalomu, mutabani wa Dawudi yalina mwannyina omulungi, omubalagavu erinnya lye Tamali, naye Amunoni omu ku batabani ba Dawudi omulala n’ayagala okwebaka naye.
2 And Amon perischide greetli for hir, so that he was sijk for `the loue of hir. For whanne she was a virgyn, it semyde hard to hym, that he schulde do ony thing vnonestli with hir.
Amunoni n’atawaana nnyo mu nsonga eyo n’okulwala n’alwala, kubanga Tamali yali mbeerera, Amunoni n’akisanga nga kizibu okumufuna.
3 Forsothe a freend, Jonadab bi name, sone of Semmaa, brother of Dauid, `was to Amon; Jonadab was a ful prudent man.
Naye Amunoni yalina mukwano gwe ennyo, eyayitibwanga Yonadabu mutabani wa Simeeya mukulu wa Dawudi, eyali omusajja omukujjukujju.
4 Which seide to Amon, Sone of the kyng, whi art thou maad feble so bi leenesse bi alle daies? whi schewist thou not to me? And Amon seide to him, Y loue Thamar, the sister of my brother Absolon.
N’abuuza Amunoni nti, “Kiki ekikutawanyanga buli nkya, ggwe omwana wa kabaka? Lwaki tombulira?” Amunoni n’amugamba nti, “Njagala Tamali, mwannyina Abusaalomu muganda wange.”
5 And Jonadab answeride to hym, Li thou on thi bed, and feyne thou sikenesse; and whanne thi fadir cometh, that he visyte thee, seie thou to hym, Y preye, come Thamar, my sister, that sche yyue mete to me, and make a seew, that Y ete of hir hond.
Yonadabu n’amugamba nti, “Genda mu kitanda weefuule okuba omulwadde. Kitaawo bw’anajja okukulaba mugambe nti, ‘Gamba mwannyinaze Tamali ajje ampe ku kyokulya. Mukkirize anteekereteekere ekyokulya nga mmulabako n’amaaso, n’oluvannyuma andiise.’”
6 Therfor Amon lay doun, and `bigan as to be sijk. And whanne the kyng hadde come to visite him, Amon seide to the kyng, Y biseche, come Thamar, my sistir, that sche make twei soupyngis bifor my iyen, and that Y take of hir hond meete maad redi.
Awo Amunoni n’agenda n’agalamira ku kitanda kye ne yeefuula okuba omulwadde; kabaka bwe yagenda okumulaba n’okumusaasira, Amunoni n’amugamba nti, “Nkwegayiridde, kkiriza Tamali ajje anfumbire emigaati nga mulaba ku maaso, n’oluvannyuma andiise.”
7 Therfor Dauid sente to the hows of Thamar, and seide, Come thou in to the hows of Amon, thi brother, and make thou seew to hym.
Awo Dawudi n’atumya Tamali n’amugamba nti, “Genda ewa muganda wo Amunoni mu nnyumba ye, omuteekereteekere ekyokulya.”
8 And Thamar cam in to the hows of Amon, hir brother. Sotheli he lai; and sche took mele, and medlide, and made moist bifor hise iyen, and sethide soupyngis;
Tamali n’agenda ewa Amunoni n’amusanga ng’agalamidde ku kitanda kye. Tamali n’addira obuwunga n’abukanda, n’akola emigaati Amunoni ng’alaba, n’agifumba.
9 and sche took that, that sche hadde sode, and helde out, and settide byfor hym, and he nolde ete. And Amon seide, Putte ye out alle men fro me. And whanne thei hadden put out alle men,
Tamali n’addira olukalango, n’aluggyako bye yafumbirako, Amunoni ng’alaba naye n’agaana okulya. Awo Amunoni n’alagira abaddu be nti, “Buli muntu afulume.” Buli muntu n’afuluma, n’asigalamu ne Tamali.
10 Amon seide to Thamar, Bere the mete in to the closet, that Y ete of thin hond. Therfor Thamar took the soupingis whiche sche hadde maad, and brouyte in to Amon, hir brother, in the closet.
Amunoni n’agamba Tamali nti, “Ndeetera emmere eno mu kisenge kyange, ondiise.” Awo Tamali n’addira emigaati gy’afumbye, n’agitwalira Amunoni mwannyina mu kisenge kye.
11 And whanne sche hadde proferid mete to hym, he took hir, and seide, Come thou, my sistir, li thou with me.
Naye bwe yagimusembereza okulya n’amukwata, n’amugamba nti, “Jjangu weebake nange, mwannyinaze.”
12 And sche answeride to hym, My brother, nyle thou, nyle thou oppresse me, for this is not leueful in Israel; nyle thou do this foli.
N’amuddamu nti, “Nedda, mwannyinaze, tonkwata n’amaanyi. Ekyo tekikolwa mu Isirayiri. Tokola kya kivve bwe kityo.
13 For Y schal not mow bere my schenschip, and thou schalt be as oon of the vnwise men in Israel; but rather speke thou to the kyng, and he schal not denye me to thee.
Nsaasira, nnadda wa obuswavu? Ate ggwe, onoobeera ng’omu ku basajja abasirusiru mu Isirayiri. Nkwegayiridde yogera ne kabaka, tajja kukuziyiza nkufumbirwe.”
14 Sotheli he nolde assente to hir preieris; but he was strengere in myytis, and oppresside hir, and lay with hir.
Naye n’agaana okumuwuliriza, n’amukwata olw’empaka, kubanga yali amusinza amaanyi, ne yeebaka naye.
15 And `Amon hadde hir hateful bi ful grete haterede, so that the hatrede was gretter, bi which he hatide hir, than the loue bi which he louyde hir bifor. And Amon seide to hir, Rise thou, and go.
Oluvannyuma Amunoni n’amukyawa nnyo nnyini, okusinga ne bwe yamwagala, n’amulagira nti, “Golokoka ofulume.”
16 And sche answeride to hym, This yuel is more which thou doist now ayens me, and puttist me out, than that, that thou didist bifore. And he nolde here hir; but whanne the child was clepide,
Tamali n’amuddamu nti, “Nedda! Okungoba kibi okusinga ekikolwa ky’onkoze.” Naye n’agaana okumuwuliriza.
17 that mynystride to hym, he seide, Putte thou out this womman fro me, and close thou the dore aftir hir.
N’ayita omuddu ey’amuweerezanga n’amugamba nti, “Omukazi oyo muggye mu maaso gange, omuggalire ebweru.”
18 And sche was clothid with a coote doun to the heele; for the kyngis douytris virgyns vsiden siche clothis. Therfor the mynystre of Amon puttide hir out, and closide the dore aftir hir.
Awo omuddu we n’afulumya Tamali ebweru, n’aggalawo oluggi. Yali ayambadde ekyambalo ekiwanvu nga ky’amabala mangi, kubanga eyo ye yabeeranga ennyambala ey’abambejja embeerera.
19 And sche spreynte aische to hir heed, whanne the coote to `the heele was to-rent, and whanne the hondis weren put on hir heed, and sche yede entrynge and criynge.
Tamali n’ateeka evvu mu mutwe gwe, n’ayuza ekyambalo kye, n’ateeka omukono ku mutwe gwe n’agenda ng’akaaba.
20 Forsothe Absolon, hir brother, seide to hir, Whether Amon, thi brothir, hath leyn with thee? But `now, sister, be stille; he is thi brother, and turmente not thin herte for this thing. Therfor Thamar dwellide morenynge in the hows of Absolon, hir brothir.
Abusaalomu mwannyina n’amubuuza nti, “Obadde ne mwannyoko Amunoni? Sirikawo mwannyinaze, oyo mwannyoko. Ekyo kireme okukunakuwaza.” Awo Tamali n’abeeranga ne mwannyina Abusaalomu, nga mukazi munaku.
21 Forsothe whanne `kyng Dauid hadde herd these wordis, he was ful sori, and he nolde make sore the spyrit of Amon, his sone; for he louyde Amon, for he was the firste gendrid `to hym.
Kabaka Dawudi bwe yakiwulira, n’asunguwala nnyo.
22 Forsothe Absolon spak not to Amon, nether yuel nether good; for Absolon hatide Amon, for he hadde defoulid Thamar, his sistir.
Naye Abusaalomu n’atabaako kigambo ky’ayogera ne Amunoni, ekirungi oba ekibi, kyokka n’akyawa Amunoni kubanga yayonoonyesa Tamali mwannyina.
23 Forsothe it was doon aftir the tyme of twei yeer, that the scheep of Absolon weren shorun in Baalasor, which is bisidis Effraym. And Absolon clepide alle the sones of the kyng.
Bwe waayitawo emyaka ebiri nga kiseera kya kusala ebyoya by’endiga, ng’abasazi ba Abusaalomu bali e Baalukazoli, ekiriraanye Efulayimu, Abusaalomu n’ayita abaana ba kabaka bonna.
24 And he cam to the kyng, and seide to hym, Lo! the scheep of thi seruaunt ben schorun; Y preye, come the king with hise seruauntis to his seruaunt.
Abusaalomu n’agenda eri kabaka n’amugamba nti, “Omuddu wo alina abasazi ab’ebyoya by’endiga baaleese. Nkusaba kabaka n’abakungu be, mujje munjagulizeeko.”
25 And the kyng seide to Absolon, Nyle thou, my sone, nyle thou preye, that alle we come, and greeue thee. Forsothe whanne he constreynede Dauid, and he nolde go, he blesside Absolon.
Kabaka n’amuddamu nti, “Nedda, mwana wange. Ffenna bwe tunajja, tujja kuzitoowerera.” Abusaalomu n’amwegayirira nga bw’amuwaliriza, naye n’agaana okugenda, wabula n’amusabira omukisa.
26 And Absolon seide to Dauid, If thou nylt come, Y byseche, come nameli Amon, my brother, with vs. And the kyng seide to hym, It is no nede, that he go with thee.
Awo Abusaalomu n’amugamba nti, “Ggwe bw’oba nga tojje, nkwegayiridde okkirize Amunoni agende naffe.” Kabaka n’amubuuza nti, “Lwaki Amunoni agenda nammwe?”
27 Therfor Absolon constreynede hym; and he delyuerede with him Amon, and alle the sones of the kyng. And Absolon hadde maad a feeste as the feeste of a kyng.
Naye Abusaalomu n’amwegayirira nnyo okutuusa bwe yakkiriza Amunoni n’abaana ba kabaka bonna okugenda naye.
28 Sotheli Absolon comaundide to hise children, and seide, Aspie ye, whanne Amon is drunkun of wyn, and Y seie to you, Smyte ye, and sle hym. Nyle ye drede, for Y am that comaunde to you; be ye strengthid, and be ye stronge men.
Awo Abusaalomu n’alagira abaddu be nti, “Muwulire! Mugenderere okulaba Amunoni ng’atudde, n’omutima gwe nga musanyuukirivu; bwe n’abagamba nti, ‘mutte Amunoni,’ mumutte. Temutya, si nze mpadde ekiragiro? Mube n’amaanyi era mube bazira.”
29 Therfor the children of Absolon diden ayens Amon, as Absolon hadde comaundide to hem; and alle the sones of the kyng risiden, and stieden ech on his mule, and fledden.
Awo abasajja ba Abusaalomu ne batta Amunoni nga Abusaalomu bwe yabalagira. Abaana ba kabaka bonna ne basituka ne beebagala buli muntu ennyumbu ye ne badduka.
30 And whanne thei yeden yit in the weie, fame cam to the kyng, and seide, Absolon hath kild alle the sones of the king, and `nameli not oon lefte of hem.
Bwe baali bakyali mu kkubo, amawulire ne gatuuka eri Dawudi nti, “Abusaalomu asse abaana ba kabaka bonna, era tewasigadde n’omu.”
31 Therfor the kyng roos, and to-rente hise clothis, and felde doun on the erthe; and alle hise seruauntis that stoden nyy to hym, to-renten her clothis.
Kabaka n’agolokoka n’ayuza ebyambalo bye, ne yeebaka mu ttaka n’abaddu be bonna abaaliwo ne bayuza ebyambalo byabwe.
32 Sotheli Jonadab, sone of Semmaa, brother of Dauid, answeride and seide, My lord the kyng, gesse not, that alle the children, and sones of the kyng, ben slayn; Amon aloone is deed, for he was set in hatrede to Absolon, fro the day in which he oppresside Thamar, his sistir.
Naye Yonadabu mutabani wa Simeeya, mukulu wa Dawudi, n’ayogera nti, “Mukama wange kabaka aleme okulowooza nga basse abalangira bonna, Amunoni yekka y’afudde. Era ekyo kye kyali ekigendererwa kya Abusaalomu okuva ku lunaku Amunoni lwe yakwata Tamali mwannyina.
33 Now therfor, my lord the kyng, set not this word on his herte, and seie, Alle the sones of the kyng ben slayn; for Amon aloone is deed.
Noolwekyo mukama wange kabaka aleme okweraliikirira olw’amawulire g’afunye agagamba nti abaana ba kabaka bonna bafudde. Amunoni yekka ye afudde.”
34 Forsothe Absolon fledde. And a child aspiere reiside hise iyen, and bihelde, and lo! myche puple cam bi a weye out of the comyn weie bi the side of the hil.
Kyokka Abusaalomu n’adduka. Omuvubuka omukuumi n’ayimusa amaaso ge, n’alengera abantu bangi mu kkubo ery’ebugwanjuba nga bakkirira ku mabbali g’olusozi.
35 And Jonadab seide to the kyng, Lo! the sones of the kyng comen; bi the word of thi seruaunt, so it is doon.
Awo Yonadabu n’agamba kabaka nti, “Laba abaana ba kabaka bajja; kituukiridde omuddu wo kye yayogedde.”
36 And whanne he hadde ceessid to speke, also the sones of the kyng apperiden; and thei entriden, and reisiden her vois, and wepten; but also the kyng and alle his seruauntis wepten bi ful greet wepyng.
Bwe yali yakamala okwogera, abaana ba kabaka ne bayingira nga bakuba ebiwoobe. Kabaka n’abaddu be nabo ne bakaaba nnyo nnyini.
37 Forsothe Absolon fledde, and yede to Tholmai, sone of Amyur, the kyng of Gessur. Therfor Dauid biweilide his sone Amon in many daies.
Abusaalomu ye n’addukira eri Talumaayi mutabani wa Ammikuli, kabaka w’e Gesuli, Dawudi n’amukaabiranga buli lunaku.
38 Forsothe Absolon, whanne he hadde fled, and hadde come in to Gessur, was there thre yeer.
Abusaalomu n’amala e Gesuli emyaka esatu.
39 And Dauid ceesside to pursue Absolon, for he was coumfortid on the deeth of Amon.
Naye omutima gwa Dawudi ne gwegomba okulaba ku Abusaalomu, kubanga yali akubagizibbwa olw’okufa kwa Amunoni.

< 2 Samuel 13 >