< Ephesians 5 >

1 Therfor be ye foloweris of God, as moost dereworthe sones;
ato yUyaM priyabAlakA ivezvarasyAnukAriNo bhavata,
2 and walke ye in loue, as Crist louyde vs, and yaf hym silf for vs an offryng and a sacrifice to God, in to the odour of swetnesse.
khrISTa iva premAcAraM kuruta ca, yataH so'smAsu prema kRtavAn asmAkaM vinimayena cAtmanivedanaM kRtvA grAhyasugandhArthakam upahAraM baliJcezvarAca dattavAn|
3 And fornycacioun, and al vnclennesse, or aueryce, be not named among you, as it bicometh holi men;
kintu vezyAgamanaM sarvvavidhAzaucakriyA lobhazcaiteSAm uccAraNamapi yuSmAkaM madhye na bhavatu, etadeva pavitralokAnAm ucitaM|
4 ethir filthe, or foli speche, or harlatrye, that perteyneth not to profit, but more doyng of thankyngis.
aparaM kutsitAlApaH pralApaH zleSoktizca na bhavatu yata etAnyanucitAni kintvIzvarasya dhanyavAdo bhavatu|
5 For wite ye this, and vndurstonde, that ech letchour, or vnclene man, or coueytouse, that serueth to mawmetis, hath not eritage in the kingdom of Crist and of God.
vezyAgAmyazaucAcArI devapUjaka iva gaNyo lobhI caiteSAM koSi khrISTasya rAjye'rthata Izvarasya rAjye kamapyadhikAraM na prApsyatIti yuSmAbhiH samyak jJAyatAM|
6 No man disseyue you bi veyn wordis; for whi for these thingis the wraththe of God cam on the sones of vnbileue.
anarthakavAkyena ko'pi yuSmAn na vaJcayatu yatastAdRgAcArahetoranAjJAgrAhiSu lokeSvIzvarasya kopo varttate|
7 Therfor nyle ye be maad parteneris of hem.
tasmAd yUyaM taiH sahabhAgino na bhavata|
8 For ye weren sum tyme derknessis, but now `ye ben liyt in the Lord. Walke ye as the sones of liyt.
pUrvvaM yUyam andhakArasvarUpA AdhvaM kintvidAnIM prabhunA dIptisvarUpA bhavatha tasmAd dIpteH santAnA iva samAcarata|
9 For the fruyt of liyt is in al goodnesse, and riytwisnesse, and treuthe.
dIpte ryat phalaM tat sarvvavidhahitaiSitAyAM dharmme satyAlApe ca prakAzate|
10 And preue ye what `thing is wel plesynge to God.
prabhave yad rocate tat parIkSadhvaM|
11 And nyle ye comyne to vnfruytouse werkis of derknessis; but more repreue ye.
yUyaM timirasya viphalakarmmaNAm aMzino na bhUtvA teSAM doSitvaM prakAzayata|
12 For what thingis ben don of hem in priuy, it is foule, yhe, to speke.
yataste lokA rahami yad yad Acaranti taduccAraNam api lajjAjanakaM|
13 And alle thingis that ben repreuyd of the liyt, ben opynli schewid; for al thing that is schewid, is liyt.
yato dIptyA yad yat prakAzyate tat tayA cakAsyate yacca cakAsti tad dIptisvarUpaM bhavati|
14 For which thing he seith, Rise thou that slepist, and rise vp fro deth, and Crist schal liytne thee.
etatkAraNAd uktam Aste, "he nidrita prabudhyasva mRtebhyazcotthitiM kuru| tatkRte sUryyavat khrISTaH svayaM tvAM dyotayiSyati|"
15 Therfor, britheren, se ye, hou warli ye schulen go;
ataH sAvadhAnA bhavata, ajJAnA iva mAcarata kintu jJAnina iva satarkam Acarata|
16 not as vnwise men, but as wise men, ayenbiynge tyme, for the daies ben yuele.
samayaM bahumUlyaM gaNayadhvaM yataH kAlA abhadrAH|
17 Therfor nyle ye be maad vnwise, but vndurstondynge which is the wille of God.
tasmAd yUyam ajJAnA na bhavata kintu prabhorabhimataM kiM tadavagatA bhavata|
18 And nyle ye be drunkun of wyn, in which is letcherie, but be ye fillid with the Hooli Goost; and speke ye to you silf in salmes,
sarvvanAzajanakena surApAnena mattA mA bhavata kintvAtmanA pUryyadhvaM|
19 and ymnes, and spiritual songis, syngynge and seiynge salm in youre hertis to the Lord;
aparaM gItai rgAnaiH pAramArthikakIrttanaizca parasparam Alapanto manasA sArddhaM prabhum uddizya gAyata vAdayata ca|
20 euermore doynge thankingis for alle thingis in the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist to God and to the fadir.
sarvvadA sarvvaviSaye'smatprabho yIzoH khrISTasya nAmnA tAtam IzvaraM dhanyaM vadata|
21 Be ye suget togidere in the drede of Crist.
yUyam IzvarAd bhItAH santa anye'pareSAM vazIbhUtA bhavata|
22 Wymmen, be thei suget to her hosebondis,
he yoSitaH, yUyaM yathA prabhostathA svasvasvAmino vazaGgatA bhavata|
23 as to the Lord, for the man is heed of the wymman, as Crist is heed of the chirche; he is sauyour of his bodi.
yataH khrISTo yadvat samite rmUrddhA zarIrasya trAtA ca bhavati tadvat svAmI yoSito mUrddhA|
24 But as the chirche is suget to Crist, so wymmen to her hosebondis in alle thingis.
ataH samiti ryadvat khrISTasya vazIbhUtA tadvad yoSidbhirapi svasvasvAmino vazatA svIkarttavyA|
25 Men, loue ye youre wyues, as Crist louyde the chirche, and yaf hym silf for it, to make it holi;
aparaJca he puruSAH, yUyaM khrISTa iva svasvayoSitsu prIyadhvaM|
26 and clenside it with the waisching of watir, in the word of lijf,
sa khrISTo'pi samitau prItavAn tasyAH kRte ca svaprANAn tyaktavAn yataH sa vAkye jalamajjanena tAM pariSkRtya pAvayitum
27 to yyue the chirche gloriouse to hym silf, that it hadde no wem, ne ryueling, or ony siche thing, but that it be hooli and vndefoulid.
aparaM tilakavalyAdivihInAM pavitrAM niSkalaGkAJca tAM samitiM tejasvinIM kRtvA svahaste samarpayituJcAbhilaSitavAn|
28 So and men `schulen loue her wyues, as her owne bodies. He that loueth his wijf, loueth hym silf;
tasmAt svatanuvat svayoSiti premakaraNaM puruSasyocitaM, yena svayoSiti prema kriyate tenAtmaprema kriyate|
29 for no man hatide euere his owne fleisch, but nurischith and fostrith it, as Crist doith the chirche.
ko'pi kadApi na svakIyAM tanum RtIyitavAn kintu sarvve tAM vibhrati puSNanti ca| khrISTo'pi samitiM prati tadeva karoti,
30 And we ben membris of his bodi, of his fleisch, and of his boonys.
yato vayaM tasya zarIrasyAGgAni mAMsAsthIni ca bhavAmaH|
31 For this thing a man schal forsake his fadir and modir, and he schal drawe to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
etadarthaM mAnavaH svamAtApitaro parityajya svabhAryyAyAm AsaMkSyati tau dvau janAvekAGgau bhaviSyataH|
32 This sacrament is greet; yhe, Y seie in Crist, and in the chirche.
etannigUDhavAkyaM gurutaraM mayA ca khrISTasamitI adhi tad ucyate|
33 Netheles ye alle, ech man loue his wijf as hym silf; and the wijf drede hir hosebonde.
ataeva yuSmAkam ekaiko jana Atmavat svayoSiti prIyatAM bhAryyApi svAminaM samAdarttuM yatatAM|

< Ephesians 5 >