< Exodus 20 >

1 And the Lord spak alle these wordis, Y am thi Lord God,
Eka Nyasaye nowuoyo kowacho niya,
2 that ladde thee out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hous of seruage.
“An e Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu mane ogolou e piny Misri, ka uwuok e piny mane unie wasumbini.
3 Thou schalt not haue alien goddis bifore me.
“Kik ubed gi nyiseche mamoko e nyima.
4 Thou schalt not make to thee a grauun ymage, nethir ony licnesse of thing which is in heuene aboue, and which is in erthe bynethe, nether of tho thingis, that ben in watris vndur erthe; thou schalt not `herie tho,
Kik ulos nyasaye milamo maket gi kido moro amora e polo malo kata e piny mwalo, kata e bwo pi.
5 nether `thou schalt worschipe; for Y am thi Lord God, a stronge gelouse louyere; and Y visite the wickidnesse of fadris in to the thridde and the fourthe generacioun of hem that haten me,
Kik ukulrunegi piny; bende kik ulamgi; nimar An, Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu, An Nyasaye ma janyiego, kendo akumo nyithindo nikech richo mar wuonegi chakre tiengʼ mar adek nyaka tiengʼ mar angʼwen mar jogo mamon koda,
6 and Y do mercy in to `a thousynde, to hem that louen me, and kepen myn heestis.
to anyiso hera ni tienge gana gi gana mar jogo mohera kendo morito chikena.
7 Thou schalt not take in veyn the name of thi Lord God, for the Lord schal not haue hym giltles, that takith in veyn the name of his Lord God.
Kik uti gi nying Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu e yo ma ok owinjore, nimar Jehova Nyasaye ok nongʼwon ne ngʼato angʼata matiyo gi nyinge e yo marach.
8 Haue thou mynde, that thou halowe the `dai of the sabat;
Rituru chiengʼ Sabato kendo ukete obed maler.
9 in sixe daies thou schalt worche and schalt do alle thi werkis;
Tiuru kuom ndalo auchiel kendo uti tijeu duto,
10 forsothe in the seuenthe day is the sabat of thi Lord God; thou schalt not do ony werk, thou, and thi sone, and thi douytir, and thi seruaunt, and thin handmaide, thi werk beeste, and the comelyng which is withynne thi yatis;
to chiengʼ mar abiriyo en Sabato ne Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu. Chiengʼno ok unutim tich moro amora, bed ni un kata yawuotu kata nyiu kata jotiju machwo kata jotiju mamon kata jambu kata jodak manie dieru.
11 for in sixe dayes God made heuene and erthe, the see, and alle thingis that ben in tho, and restide in the seuenthe dai; herfor the Lord blesside the `dai of the sabat, and halewide it.
Nimar kuom ndalo auchiel Jehova Nyasaye nochweyo polo gi piny, gi nembe kaachiel gi gik moko duto manie igi, to noyweyo chiengʼ mar abiriyo. Kuom mano Jehova Nyasaye nogwedho chiengʼ Sabato mi okete maler.
12 Onoure thi fadir and thi moder, that thou be long lyuyng on the lond, which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
Luor wuonu gi minu mondo udagi amingʼa e piny ma Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu miyou.
13 Thou schalt not sle.
Kik ineki.
14 Thou schalt `do no letcherie.
Kik iterri.
15 Thou schalt `do no theft.
Kik ikwal.
16 Thou schalt not speke fals witnessyng ayens thi neiybore.
Kik ihang wach ne wadu.
17 Thou schalt not coueyte `the hous of thi neiybore, nether thou schalt desyre his wijf, not seruaunt, not handmaide, not oxe, not asse, nether alle thingis that ben hise.
Kik igomb od wadu. Kik igomb chi wadu kata jatije ma wuowi kata jatije ma nyako, kata rwadhe kata pundane kata gire moro amora.”
18 Forsothe al the puple herde voices, and siy laumpis, and the sowne of a clarioun, and the hil smokynge; and thei weren afeerd, and schakun with inward drede, and stoden afer,
Kane oganda oneno mil polo gi mor polo kendo owinjo ywak turumbete mi gineno ka got otimo iro, luoro nomakogi. Negisudo gichien
19 and seiden to Moises, Speke thou to vs, and we schulen here; the Lord speke not to vs, lest perauenture we dien.
mi giwachone Musa niya, “Wuo kodwa in iwuon to wabiro winjo. Kik iwe Nyasaye wuo kodwa nono to wabiro tho.”
20 And Moises seide to the puple, Nyle ye drede, for God cam to proue you, and that his drede schulde be in you, and that ye schulden not do synne.
Musa nowacho ne oganda niya, “Kik ubed maluor. Nyasaye osebiro mondo otemu mondo omi usik kuluore kendo mondo kik utim richo.”
21 And the puple stood afer; forsothe Moises neiyede to the derknesse, wherynne God was.
Ogandano nochungʼ gichien ka Musa to ne ochomo bor polo kama Nyasaye ne nitie.
22 And the Lord seide ferthermore to Moises, Thou schalt seie these thingis to the sones of Israel, Ye seiyen that fro heuene Y spak to you;
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Nyis jo-Israel kama: ‘Useneno un uwegi ni asewuoyo kodu ka aa e polo.
23 ye schulen not make goddis of silver, nethir ye schulen make to you goddis of gold.
Kik ulos nyiseche manono mondo opiem koda; bende kik ulos nyiseche mag kido mag fedha kata dhahabu.
24 Ye schulen make an auter of erthe to me, and ye schulen offre theronne youre brent sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices, youre scheep, and oxun, in ech place in which the mynde of my name schal be; Y schal come to thee, and Y schal blesse thee.
“‘Losnauru kendo mar misango mochwe gi lowo kendo timieuru misenginiu miwangʼo pep kod mag lalruok gi rombeu gi dieu kod dhou. Kinde moro amora ma amiyo nyinga oyudo duongʼ, to anabi iru mi agwedhu.
25 That if thou schalt make an auter of stoon to me, thou schalt not bilde it of stoonys hewun; for if thou schalt reise thi knyif theronne, it schal be `polluted, ether defoulid.
Ka ulosona kendo mar misango mar kite, to kik ugere gi kite mopa, nimar ubiro miyo kendono bedo mogak ka utiyoe gi gige payo kite.
26 Thou schalt not stye bi grees to myn auter, lest thi filthe be schewid.
Kendo kik udhi e kendona mar misango ka uwuotho e kuonde motingʼore ma iidhogo malo, dipo ka dugu onenorene.’

< Exodus 20 >