< Exodus 9 >

1 Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, Entre thou to Farao, and speke thou to hym, The Lord God of Ebrews seith these thingis, Delyuere thou my puple, that it make sacrifice to me;
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Dhi ir Farao mondo iwachne kama: ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasach jo-Hibrania wacho: “We joga odhi mondo olama!”
2 that if thou forsakist yit, and withholdist hem, lo!
To ka itamori weyogi mondo gidhi kendo isiko kiketogi e tich misumba,
3 myn hond schal be on thi feeldis, on horsis, and assis, and camels, and oxun, and scheep, a pestilence ful greuous;
to lwet Jehova Nyasaye biro kelo tho ne jamni mantiere lek kaka fareseni kod pundeni, ngamia magi kaachiel gi dhogi, rombegi kod dieki.
4 and the Lord schal make a merueilous thing bitwixe the possessiouns of Israel and the possessiouns of Egipcians, that outirli no thing perische of these thingis that perteynen to the sones of Israel.
To Jehova Nyasaye biro keto pogruok kuom jamb jo-Israel kod mago mag jo-Misri mi onge chiach ja-Israel moro amora ma biro tho.’”
5 And the Lord ordeinede a tyme, and seide, To morewe the Lord schal do this word in the lond.
Jehova Nyasaye noketo odiechiengʼ ma gigo notimre kowacho kama: “Kiny Jehova Nyasaye notim ma e pinyni.”
6 Therfor the Lord made this word in the tother dai, and alle the lyuynge beestis of Egipcians weren deed; forsothe outirli no thing perischide of the beestis of the sones of Israel.
Kendo kinyne Jehova Nyasaye notimo kamano. Jamni duto mag jo-Misri notho, to onge jamb ja-Israel kata achiel mane otho.
7 And Farao sente to se, nether ony thing was deed of these thingis whiche Israel weldide; and the herte of Farao was maad greuouse, and he delyuerede not the puple.
Kane Farao ooro ji mondo onon wachno, to negiyudo kaonge kata achiel kuom jamb jo-Israel mane otho. To kata kamano wi Farao nomedo bedo matek mine ok onyal weyo ogandano mondo odhi.
8 And the Lord seide to Moises and Aaron, Take ye the hondis ful of askis of the chymeney, and Moises sprynge it in to heuene bifore Farao;
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa kod Harun niya, “Jukuru buch kendo mopongʼo lwetu mondo Musa okire e kor yamo e nyim Farao.
9 and be there dust on al the lond of Egipt; for whi botchis schulen be in men and in werk beestis, and bolnynge bladdris schulen be in al the lond of Egipt.
Obiro lokore buru mayom e piny Misri duto kendo buche malokore adhola biro gore kuom ji kaachiel gi jamni e piny duto.”
10 And thei token askis of the chymney, and stoden bifore Farao; and Moises spreynt it into heuene; and woundis of bolnynge bladdris weren maad in men, and in werk beestis;
Kuom mano ne gijuko buch kendo mi gichungʼ e nyim Farao. Musa nokiro buru e kor yamo kendo buche malokore adhola nogore kuom ji kod jamni.
11 and the witchis myyten not stonde bifor Moises, for woundis that weren in hem, and in al the lond of Egipt.
Ajuoke ne ok nyal chungʼ e nyim Musa nikech buche mane ni kuomgi kaachiel gi jo-Misri duto.
12 And the Lord made hard the herte of Farao, and he herde not hem, as the Lord spak to Moises.
To Jehova Nyasaye nomiyo chuny Farao omedo bedo matek mine ok nonyal winjo wach Musa kod Harun, mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nosewacho ne Musa.
13 Also the Lord seide to Moises, Rise thou eerli, and stonde bifore Farao, and thou schalt seie to hym, The Lord God of Ebrews seth these thingis, Delyuere thou my puple, that it make sacrifice to me;
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Chiew okinyi mangʼich, idhi ir Farao kendo inyise kama: ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasach jo-Hibrania wacho: We joga odhi olama.
14 for in this tyme Y schal sende alle my veniauncis on thin herte, and on thi seruauntis, and on thi puple, that thou wite, that noon is lijk me in al erthe.
Ka ok kamano to wangʼni abiro oro masichena madongo dongo kuomi, kuom jodongi kod kuom jogi mondo ingʼe ni onge ngʼat machal koda e piny ngima.
15 For now Y schal holde forth the hond, and Y schal smyte thee and thi puple with pestilence, and thou schalt perische fro erthe;
Ka dine arie bada mi agoyi gi tuo moro kaachiel gi jogi, to dikoro asetieki e wangʼ piny.
16 forsothe herfor Y haue set thee, that Y schewe my strengthe in thee, and that my name be teld in ech lond.
Makmana asetingʼi malo mana ne wachni, ni mondo anyisigo tekona kendo mondo nyinga olandi e piny duto.
17 Yit thou withholdist my puple, and nylt delyuere it?
To kaka pod ithago joga kendo itamori weyogi mondo gidhi,
18 Lo! to morewe in this same our Y schal reyne ful myche hail, which maner hail was not in Egipt, fro the dai in which it was foundid, til in to present tyme.
kiny sa machal kama anaor pe malich mapok none e piny Misri, nyaka nene.
19 Therfor sende thou `riyt now, and gadere thi werk beestis, and alle thingis whiche thou hast in the feeld; for men and werk beestis and alle thingis that ben in feeldis with outforth, and ben not gaderid fro the feeldis, and haile falle on tho, schulen die.
Chiw chik mondo jambu kaachiel gi gimoro amora ma un-go e pap okel kar tony, nikech pe biro chwer kuom ngʼato angʼata kata le moro amora ma pod ni oko ma ok odonjo e kar tony mi githo.’”
20 He that dredde `the Lordis word, of the seruauntis of Farao, made his seruauntis and werk beestis fle in to housis;
Jodong Farao-go ma noluoro wach Jehova Nyasaye noreto mondo okel wasumbinigi kaachiel gi jambgi e kar tony.
21 sotheli he that dispiside the `Lordis word, lefte his seruauntis and werk beestis in the feeldis.
To mago mane ok odew wach Jehova Nyasaye ne oweyo wasumbinigi gi jambgi e pap.
22 And the Lord seide to Moises, Holde forth thin hond in to heuene, that hail be maad in al the lond of Egipt, on men, and on werk beestis, and on ech eerbe of the feeld in the lond of Egipt.
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Rie badi kochomo polo mondo pe ochwe e piny Misri duto; kochwe kuom ji, le kod gimoro amora madongo e puothe mag Misri.”
23 And Moises held forth the yerde in to heuene; and the Lord yaf thundris, and hail, and leitis rennynge aboute on the lond; and the Lord reynede hail on the lond of Egipt;
Ka Musa norieyo ludhe kochomo polo, Jehova Nyasaye nooro mor polo gi pe kendo polo nomil koni gi koni, kuom mano Jehova Nyasaye noolo pe e piny Misri.
24 and hail and fier meddlid togidere weren borun forth; and it was of so myche greetnesse, how greet apperide neuere bifore in al the lond of Egipt, sithen thilke puple was maad.
Pe nochwe kendo polo nomil koni gi koni. Ne en masich pe marachie moloyo nyaka piny Misri ne chakre.
25 And the hail smoot in the lond of Egipt alle thingis that weren in the feeldis, fro man til to werk beeste; and the hail smoot al the eerbe of the feeld, and brak al the flex of the cuntrey;
E piny Misri duto pe nogoyo gimoro amora mantie e pewe; obed ji kata le. Nogoyo gimoro amora matwi e puothe kendo nolwero it yiende duto.
26 oonli the hail felde not in the lond of Gessen, where the sones of Israel weren.
Makmana piny Goshen kende ema pe ok ochwee, kama piny ma jo-Israel nodakie.
27 And Farao sente, and clepide Moises and Aaron, and seide to hem, Y haue synned also now; the Lord is iust, Y and my puple ben wickid;
Eka Farao noluongo Musa gi Harun. Nowachonegi niya, “Koro aseketho. Jehova Nyasaye ni kare, to an kaachiel gi joga wasetimo richo.
28 preye ye the Lord, that the thundris and hail of God ceesse, and Y schal delyuere you, and dwelle ye no more here.
Kwanwa Jehova Nyasaye nimar mor polo gi pe oromowa. Abiro weyou mondo udhi, nimar onge tiende mondo umed bedo ka.”
29 Moyses seide, Whanne Y schal go out of the citee, Y schal holde forth myn hondis to the Lord, and leitis and thundris schulen ceesse, and hail schal not be, that thou wite, that the lond is the Lordis;
Musa nodwoko niya, “Ka asewuok oko mar dala, abiro yaro bada ka akwayo Jehova Nyasaye. Polo mamor biro rumo bende pe ok nochak ochwe kendo, mondo ingʼe ni piny en mar Jehova Nyasaye.
30 forsothe Y knowe, that thou and thi seruauntis dreden not yit the Lord.
To kata kamano angʼeyo ni in kaachiel gi jodongi pod ok uluoro Jehova Nyasaye.”
31 Therfor the flex and barli was hirt, for the barli was greene, and the flex hadde buriounned thanne knoppis;
(Tworo gi shairi nokethore chuth, nimar noyudo ka shairi oseketo wangʼe, to tworo nosethiewo.
32 forsothe wheete and beenys weren not hirt, for tho weren late.
Ngano to ne ok okethore nimar ne pok gimoyo.)
33 And Moyses yede out fro Farao, and fro the citee, and helde forth the hondis to the Lord, and thundris and hail ceessiden, and reyn droppide no more on the erthe.
Eka Musa noweyo Farao mi gidhi oko mar dala. Noyaro bade ni Jehova Nyasaye, mi mor polo kod pe norumo kendo koth bende ne ok ochwe e piny.
34 Sotheli Farao siy that the reyn hadde ceessid, and the hail, and thundris, and he encreesside synne;
Kane Farao oneno ka koth, pe gi mor polo orumo, to nomedo timo richo. Nomedo bedo gi chuny matek en kaachiel gi jodonge.
35 and the herte of hym and of hise seruauntis was maad greuouse, and his herte was maad hard greetli; nethir he lefte the sones of Israel, as the Lord comaundide bi `the hond of Moises.
Kuom mano chuny Farao nomedo bedo matek kendo ne ok oyie ni jo-Israel mondo odhi kaka ne Jehova Nyasaye osewacho kokalo kuom Musa.

< Exodus 9 >