< Job 30 >

1 But now yongere men in tyme scornen me, whos fadris Y deynede not to sette with the doggis of my flok.
Tedae a kum la kai lakah aka noe long khaw, kai taengah luem uh coeng. Te rhoek kah a napa pataeng ka boiva kah ui taengah khueh ham ka hnawt lah mako.
2 Of whiche men the vertu of hondis was for nouyt to me, and thei weren gessid vnworthi to that lijf.
Amih kut dongkah thadueng khaw kai taengah metlam a om? Amih te a hminkhah lamni a paltham.
3 Thei weren bareyn for nedynesse and hungur; that gnawiden in wildirnesse, and weren pale for pouert and wretchidnesse;
Vaitahnah neh khokha rhamling lamkah, pumhong loh hlaem vaengah, khohaeng neh imrhong kah rhamrhae te a cilh.
4 and eeten eerbis, aud the ryndis of trees; and the roote of iunyperis was her mete.
Tangpuem dongkah baekkoi te a hlaek uh tih, a buh la hlingcet yung a khueh.
5 Whiche men rauyschiden these thingis fro grete valeis; and whanne thei hadden foundun ony of alle, thei runnen with cry to tho.
A nam lamloh a haek uh tih, amih taengah hlanghuen bangla a o uh.
6 Thei dwelliden in deseertis of strondis, and in caues of erthe, ethir on grauel, `ethir on cley.
Soklong cakhom kah laipi neh thaelsawk khui ah kho a sak.
7 Whiche weren glad among siche thingis, and arettiden delices to be vndur buschis.
Tangpuem khuiah pang uh tih, lota hmuiah poem uh.
8 The sones of foolis and of vnnoble men, and outirli apperynge not in erthe.
Aka ang ca rhoek neh ming mueh ca rhoek ni khohmuen lamloh a hawt uh.
9 But now Y am turned in to the song of hem, and Y am maad a prouerbe to hem.
Te dongah amih kah rhotoeng la ka om coeng tih, amih taengah ol la ka om.
10 Thei holden me abhomynable, and fleen fer fro me, and dreden not to spete on my face.
Kai aka tuei rhoek tah kai lamloh lakhla uh tih, ka mikhmuh ah timtui khaw tuem uh pawh.
11 For God hath openyd his arowe caas, and hath turmentid me, and hath set a bridil in to my mouth.
A lirhui lakah ka lirhui he pawl coeng. Te dongah kai he m'phaep tih, ka mikhmuh ah kamrhui han tueih uh.
12 At the riytside of the eest my wretchidnessis risiden anoon; thei turneden vpsedoun my feet, and oppressiden with her pathis as with floodis.
Bantang kah hlangyoe aka tlai loh ka kho a kalh. Amih kah rhainah caehlong te kai taengah a picai uh.
13 Thei destrieden my weies; thei settiden tresoun to me, and hadden the maistri; and `noon was that helpide.
Ka talnah khuiah ka hawn a mak uh tih, amih aka bom pawt khaw hoeikhang uh.
14 Thei felden in on me as bi a brokun wal, and bi yate openyd, and weren stretchid forth to my wretchidnessis.
A puut aka len bangla ael uh tih, a khohli rhamrhael hmuiah paluet uh.
15 Y am dryuun in to nouyt; he took awei my desir as wynd, and myn helpe passide awei as a cloude.
Kai soah mueirhih pai tih, khohli bangla ka moeihoeihnah a hloem vaengah, kai kah khangnah te khomai bangla a yah.
16 But now my soule fadith in my silf, and daies of turment holden me stidfastly.
Kai lamloh ka hinglu a kingling coeng tih, phacip phabaem khohnin loh kai n'tuuk.
17 In nyyt my boon is persid with sorewis; and thei, that eten me, slepen not.
Khoyin ah ka rhuh te ka pum dong lamloh a cueh. Kai aka thuek he a dim moenih.
18 In the multitude of tho my cloth is wastid, and thei han gird me as with coler of a coote.
Thadueng cungkuem dongah ka pueinak a phuelhthaih tih, ka angkidung te rhawnmoep bangla ka vah.
19 Y am comparisound to cley, and Y am maad lijk to a deed sparcle and aisch.
Kai he dikpo khuila n'dong tih, laipi neh hmaiphu bangla n'thuidoek.
20 Y schal cry to thee, and thou schalt not here me; Y stonde, and thou biholdist not me.
Na taengah bomnah kam bih dae kai nan doo moenih. Ka pai akhaw kai he nan yakming moenih.
21 Thou art chaungid in to cruel to me, and in the hardnesse of thin hond thou art aduersarie to me.
Kai soah a muen la na poeh tih, na ban thaa neh kai nan konaeh thil.
22 Thou hast reisid me, and hast set as on wynd; and hast hurtlid me doun strongli.
Kai he khohli dongah nan phueih. Kai nan ngol thil vaengah kai nan paci sak tih, lungming cueihnah a yawn.
23 Y woot, that thow schalt bitake me to deeth, where an hows is ordeyned to ech lyuynge man.
Mulhing boeih kah tingtunnah im la, dueknah neh kai nan mael sak ham khaw ka ming.
24 Netheles thou sendist not out thin hond to the wastyng of hem; and if thei fallen doun, thou schalt saue.
A yoethaenah khuiah bombihnah a yaak vaengah, kut aka thueng he lairhok dongah a om moenih.
25 Y wepte sum tyme on him, that was turmentid, and my soule hadde compassioun on a pore man.
Khohnin a mangkhak dongah ka rhap tih, khodaeng dongah ka hinglu a omdam moenih.
26 Y abood goodis, and yuelis ben comun to me; Y abood liyt, and derknessis braken out.
A then ka lamtawn vaengah boethae ha pawk. Vangnah te ka ngaiuep vaengah a hmuep ha pai.
27 Myn ynnere thingis buyliden out with outen my reste; daies of turment camen bifor me.
Ka bung he tlawk tih a kuemsuem moenih. Kai he phacip phabaem khohnin loh n'doe.
28 Y yede morenynge, and Y roos with out woodnesse in the cumpenye, and criede.
Khomik a tal dongah maelhmai a hmuep la ka cet. Hlangping neh ka pai tih bomnah ka bih.
29 Y was the brother of dragouns, and the felow of ostrigis.
Pongui kah a manuca neh, tuirhuk vanu kah a hui la ka om.
30 My skyn was maad blak on me, and my boonys drieden for heete.
Ka vin khaw kamah dong lamloh mu tih, ka rhuh khaw kholing neh tlum coeng.
31 Myn harpe is turned in to morenyng, and myn orgun in to the vois of weperis.
Ka rhotoeng te nguekcoinah la, ka phavi rhah ol la poeh.

< Job 30 >