< Amosi 8 >

1 Mwathani Jehova aanyonirie ũũ: aanyonirie gĩkabũ kĩrĩ na matunda meeru.
The Lord God showed me this: a basket of summer fruit.
2 Nake akĩnjũũria atĩrĩ, “Amosi, nĩ kĩĩ kĩu ũroona?” Ngĩmũcookeria atĩrĩ, “Ndĩrona gĩkabũ kĩrĩ na matunda meeru.” Ningĩ Jehova akĩnjĩĩra atĩrĩ, “Ihinda rĩa mũthia nĩ ikinyu rĩa andũ akwa a Isiraeli; ndigacooka kũmaiguĩra tha rĩngĩ.”
‘What do you see, Amos?’ he asked. I replied, ‘A basket of ripe summer fruit.’ Then the Lord said to me: The time is ripe for my people Israel, I will no longer overlook their crimes.
3 Mwathani Jehova ekuuga atĩrĩ, “Mũthenya ũcio-rĩ, nyĩmbo iria ciinagwo kũu hekarũ-inĩ ikaagarũrũka ituĩke kĩrĩro. Ciimba nyingĩ mũno igaateagwo kũndũ guothe gũkirĩtwo ki!”
The singing women in the palace will howl on that day, says the Lord: Corpses everywhere, thrown out in silence.
4 Iguai ũndũ ũyũ inyuĩ arĩa mũrangagĩrĩria abatari na mũkaniina athĩĩni a bũrũri,
Listen to this, you who trample on the needy, who oppress the poor of the earth,
5 mũkĩũragia atĩrĩ, “Karũgamo ka Mweri gagaathira-rĩ, nĩguo twendie irio, na Thabatũ ĩthire, nĩguo twendie ngano, tũkĩnyiihagia ithimi, tũkĩongagĩrĩra thogora, na tũkĩheenanagia na ratiri itarĩ cia ma;
saying: When will the feast of the new moon be over so that we may sell grain? And the sabbath ended so that we may offer wheat for sale? Reducing the measure and increasing the price, cheating with false scales,
6 tũgũrage athĩĩni na betha, nao arĩa abatari tũkamagũra na nyamũga igĩrĩ, o na twendagie magira hamwe na ngano.”
mixing the sweepings in with the wheat. Then we can buy the poor for money, the needy for a pair of shoes.
7 Jehova o we ũrĩa Jakubu etĩĩagĩra, ehĩtĩte akoiga atĩrĩ, “Ndirĩ hĩndĩ ngariganĩrwo nĩ ciĩko ciothe iria maneeka.
Now the Lord has taken an oath by the Pride of Jacob: I will never forget all their deeds!
8 “Githĩ bũrũri ndũkainaina nĩ ũndũ wa ũguo, na arĩa othe matũũraga kuo macakae? Bũrũri wothe nĩkũiyũra ũkaiyũra ta Rũũĩ rwa Nili, ũhũũrane, na ũcooke ũhũũcũke ta rũũĩ rwa Misiri.”
Because of this won’t the land quake, and all its inhabitants mourn? Won’t the whole of it rise like the Nile, churn and subside like the Nile in Egypt?
9 Mwathani Jehova ekuuga atĩrĩ, “Mũthenya ũcio-rĩ, “nĩngatũma riũa rĩthũe mĩaraho, na ndũme thĩ kũgĩe nduma mũthenya barigici.
On that day, says the Lord God, I will make the sun set at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.
10 Nĩngagarũra ciathĩ cianyu ituĩke macakaya, na kũina kwanyu guothe gũtuĩke kĩrĩro. Nĩngatũma inyuothe mwĩhumbe makũnia, na ndĩmwenje mĩtwe. Nĩngatũma ihinda rĩu rĩhaane ta hĩndĩ ya macakaya ma mwana wa mũmwe, naguo mũthia warĩo ũtuĩke ta mũthenya mũrũrũ.”
I will turn your feasts into mourning, all your songs into dirges. I will cause you to dress in sackcloth, every head shaved. I will make you mourn like you have lost your only son, all that happens will end in bitterness.
11 Mwathani Jehova ekuuga atĩrĩ: “Matukũ nĩmarooka, rĩrĩa ngaatũma ngʼaragu bũrũri-inĩ, na ti ngʼaragu ya irio kana nyoota wa maaĩ, no nĩ ngʼaragu ya kũigua ciugo cia Jehova.
The day is coming, says the Lord God, when I will send hunger in the land. Not a famine of bread or thirst for water, but for hearing the message of the Lord.
12 Andũ magaatũgũũgaga kuuma iria-inĩ rĩmwe nginya rĩrĩa rĩngĩ, na morũũrage kuuma gathigathini nginya irathĩro, magĩcaria kiugo kĩa Jehova, no matigakĩona.
Then they will wander from sea to sea, from the north to the east, to seek a message from the Lord, but they will not find it.
13 “Mũthenya ũcio-rĩ, “airĩtu arĩa ciĩrorerwa na aanake arĩa marĩ hinya nĩmakaringĩka nĩ nyoota.
In that day beautiful girls and strong young men will faint from thirst.
14 Acio mehĩtaga na thoni cia Samaria, kana makoiga atĩrĩ, ‘Ti-itherũ o ta ũrĩa ngai ĩyo yaku ĩtũũraga muoyo wee Dani’, o na kana makoiga atĩrĩ, ‘Ti-itherũ o ta ũrĩa ngai ĩyo ya Birishiba itũũraga muoyo’: nĩmakaagũa, na maticooke gũũkĩra rĩngĩ.”
Those who take oaths by the shameful idol of Samaria, who swear, “As surely as your God lives, O Dan!” and, “By the sacred way to Beer-sheba!” – they will fall and never rise again.

< Amosi 8 >