< Κατα Ιωαννην 21 >

1 μετα ταυτα εφανερωσεν εαυτον παλιν ο ιησουσ τοισ μαθηταισ επι τησ θαλασσησ τησ τιβεριαδοσ εφανερωσεν δε ουτωσ
AFTER these Jeshu again showed himself to his disciples at the sea of Tiberios; and he showed (himself) thus.
2 ησαν ομου σιμων πετροσ και θωμασ ο λεγομενοσ διδυμοσ και ναθαναηλ ο απο κανα τησ γαλιλαιασ και οι του ζεβεδαιου και αλλοι εκ των μαθητων αυτου δυο
There were together Shemun Kipha, and Thoma who was called the Twin, and Nathanael, he who was of Kotna of Galila, and the sons of Zabdai, and two other of the disciples.
3 λεγει αυτοισ σιμων πετροσ υπαγω αλιευειν λεγουσιν αυτω ερχομεθα και ημεισ συν σοι εξηλθον και ενεβησαν εισ το πλοιον ευθυσ και εν εκεινη τη νυκτι επιασαν ουδεν
Shemun Kipha saith to them, I go to net fishes. They say to him, We also go with thee. And they went forth and ascended into a vessel; and through that night they netted nothing.
4 πρωιασ δε ηδη γενομενησ εστη ο ιησουσ εισ τον αιγιαλον ου μεντοι ηδεισαν οι μαθηται οτι ιησουσ εστιν
But when it was morning Jeshu stood on the sea shore; but the disciples knew not that it was Jeshu.
5 λεγει ουν αυτοισ ο ιησουσ παιδια μη τι προσφαγιον εχετε απεκριθησαν αυτω ου
And Jeshu said to them, Children, have you any thing to eat? They say to him, No.
6 ο δε ειπεν αυτοισ βαλετε εισ τα δεξια μερη του πλοιου το δικτυον και ευρησετε εβαλον ουν και ουκετι αυτο ελκυσαι ισχυσαν απο του πληθουσ των ιχθυων
He saith to them, Cast your net on the right side of the vessel, and you shall find. And they cast (it), and could not draw the net for the multitude of fishes which it held.
7 λεγει ουν ο μαθητησ εκεινοσ ον ηγαπα ο ιησουσ τω πετρω ο κυριοσ εστιν σιμων ουν πετροσ ακουσασ οτι ο κυριοσ εστιν τον επενδυτην διεζωσατο ην γαρ γυμνοσ και εβαλεν εαυτον εισ την θαλασσαν
And that disciple whom Jeshu loved said to Kipha, This is our Lord. But Shemun, when he heard that it was our Lord, took his tunic, and threw it over his loins, for he was naked, and cast himself into the sea to come to Jeshu.
8 οι δε αλλοι μαθηται τω πλοιαριω ηλθον ου γαρ ησαν μακραν απο τησ γησ αλλ ωσ απο πηχων διακοσιων συροντεσ το δικτυον των ιχθυων
But the other disciples came in the vessel, for they were not far from the land, but as two hundred ameen, and they drew that net of fishes.
9 ωσ ουν απεβησαν εισ την γην βλεπουσιν ανθρακιαν κειμενην και οψαριον επικειμενον και αρτον
Then when they had ascended the land, they saw coals laid, and fish laid upon them, and bread.
10 λεγει αυτοισ ο ιησουσ ενεγκατε απο των οψαριων ων επιασατε νυν
And Jeshu said, Bring of the fish which you have now caught.
11 ανεβη σιμων πετροσ και ειλκυσεν το δικτυον επι τησ γησ μεστον ιχθυων μεγαλων εκατον πεντηκοντα τριων και τοσουτων οντων ουκ εσχισθη το δικτυον
And Shemun Kipha went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: yet for all this weight that net was not broken.
12 λεγει αυτοισ ο ιησουσ δευτε αριστησατε ουδεισ δε ετολμα των μαθητων εξετασαι αυτον συ τισ ει ειδοτεσ οτι ο κυριοσ εστιν
And Jeshu said to them, Come, dine. But one of the disciples did not dare to ask him, Who is he? for they knew that it was our Lord.
13 ερχεται ουν ο ιησουσ και λαμβανει τον αρτον και διδωσιν αυτοισ και το οψαριον ομοιωσ
And Jeshu drew near, and took bread, and fish, and gave to them.
14 τουτο ηδη τριτον εφανερωθη ο ιησουσ τοισ μαθηταισ αυτου εγερθεισ εκ νεκρων
This is the third time that Jeshu was seen by his disciples when he had risen from among the dead.
15 οτε ουν ηριστησαν λεγει τω σιμωνι πετρω ο ιησουσ σιμων ιωνα αγαπασ με πλειον τουτων λεγει αυτω ναι κυριε συ οιδασ οτι φιλω σε λεγει αυτω βοσκε τα αρνια μου
WHEN they had dined, Jeshu said to Shemun Kipha, Shemun bar Jona, lovest thou me more than these? He saith to him, Yes, my Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Jeshu saith to him, Feed my lambs.
16 λεγει αυτω παλιν δευτερον σιμων ιωνα αγαπασ με λεγει αυτω ναι κυριε συ οιδασ οτι φιλω σε λεγει αυτω ποιμαινε τα προβατα μου
He saith to him again the second time, Shemun bar Jona, lovest thou me? He saith to him, Yes, my Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Jeshu saith to him, Feed my sheep.
17 λεγει αυτω το τριτον σιμων ιωνα φιλεισ με ελυπηθη ο πετροσ οτι ειπεν αυτω το τριτον φιλεισ με και ειπεν αυτω κυριε συ παντα οιδασ συ γινωσκεισ οτι φιλω σε λεγει αυτω ο ιησουσ βοσκε τα προβατα μου
Jeshu saith to him again the third time, Shemun bar Jona, lovest thou me? And it grieved Kipha that he said to him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said to him, My Lord, all things thou understandest, thou knowest that I love thee. Jeshu saith to him, Feed my sheep.
18 αμην αμην λεγω σοι οτε ησ νεωτεροσ εζωννυεσ σεαυτον και περιεπατεισ οπου ηθελεσ οταν δε γηρασησ εκτενεισ τασ χειρασ σου και αλλοσ σε ζωσει και οισει οπου ου θελεισ
Amen, I say to thee, When thou wast young, thou didst gird thy loins and walk whithersoever thou willedst; but when thou art old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another will bind thy loins, and conduct thee whither thou willest not.
19 τουτο δε ειπεν σημαινων ποιω θανατω δοξασει τον θεον και τουτο ειπων λεγει αυτω ακολουθει μοι
But this he said, to show by what death he was to glorify Aloha. And when he had said these, he said to him, Come after me.
20 επιστραφεισ δε ο πετροσ βλεπει τον μαθητην ον ηγαπα ο ιησουσ ακολουθουντα οσ και ανεπεσεν εν τω δειπνω επι το στηθοσ αυτου και ειπεν κυριε τισ εστιν ο παραδιδουσ σε
AND Shemun turned, and saw the disciple whom Jeshu loved following; he, who leaned at the supper upon the bosom of Jeshu, and said, My Lord, who is he that betrayeth thee?
21 τουτον ιδων ο πετροσ λεγει τω ιησου κυριε ουτοσ δε τι
This when Kipha saw, he said to Jeshu, My Lord, and this, what?
22 λεγει αυτω ο ιησουσ εαν αυτον θελω μενειν εωσ ερχομαι τι προσ σε συ ακολουθει μοι
Jeshu saith to him, If I will that this wait until I come, what (is that) to thee? Come thou after me.
23 εξηλθεν ουν ο λογοσ ουτοσ εισ τουσ αδελφουσ οτι ο μαθητησ εκεινοσ ουκ αποθνησκει και ουκ ειπεν αυτω ο ιησουσ οτι ουκ αποθνησκει αλλ εαν αυτον θελω μενειν εωσ ερχομαι τι προσ σε
And that word went forth among the brethren, that that disciple dieth not. But Jeshu did not say, He dieth not, but, If I will that this (man) wait until I come, what (is that) to thee?
24 ουτοσ εστιν ο μαθητησ ο μαρτυρων περι τουτων και γραψασ ταυτα και οιδαμεν οτι αληθησ εστιν η μαρτυρια αυτου
This is the disciple who hath testified of all these, and hath also written them: and we know that the truth is his testimony.
25 εστιν δε και αλλα πολλα οσα εποιησεν ο ιησουσ ατινα εαν γραφηται καθ εν ουδε αυτον οιμαι τον κοσμον χωρησαι τα γραφομενα βιβλια αμην
There are also many other things which Jeshu hath done, those that if one by one they were written, not the world also itself, as I think, would suffice for the books that could be written.

< Κατα Ιωαννην 21 >