< Προς Εφεσιους 5 >

1 γινεσθε ουν μιμηται του θεου ως τεκνα αγαπητα
Therefore imitate God, as his dear children,
2 και περιπατειτε εν αγαπη καθως και ο χριστος ηγαπησεν ημας και παρεδωκεν εαυτον υπερ ημων προσφοραν και θυσιαν τω θεω εις οσμην ευωδιας
and live a life of love, following the example of the Christ, who loved you and gave himself for you as ‘an offering and a sacrifice to God, that should be fragrant and acceptable.’
3 πορνεια δε και πασα ακαθαρσια η πλεονεξια μηδε ονομαζεσθω εν υμιν καθως πρεπει αγιοις
As for unchastity and every kind of impurity, or greed, do not let them even be mentioned among you, as befits Christ’s People,
4 και αισχροτης και μωρολογια η ευτραπελια τα ουκ ανηκοντα αλλα μαλλον ευχαριστια
nor shameful conduct, nor foolish talk or jesting, for they are wholly out of place among you; but rather thanksgiving.
5 τουτο γαρ εστε γινωσκοντες οτι πας πορνος η ακαθαρτος η πλεονεκτης ος εστιν ειδωλολατρης ουκ εχει κληρονομιαν εν τη βασιλεια του χριστου και θεου
For of this you may be sure — that no one who is unchaste or impure or greedy of gain (for to be greedy of gain is idolatry) has any place awaiting him in the kingdom of the Christ and God.
6 μηδεις υμας απατατω κενοις λογοις δια ταυτα γαρ ερχεται η οργη του θεου επι τους υιους της απειθειας
Do not let any one deceive you with specious arguments. Those are the sins that bring down the Wrath of God upon the disobedient.
7 μη ουν γινεσθε συμμετοχοι αυτων
Therefore have nothing to do with such people.
8 ητε γαρ ποτε σκοτος νυν δε φως εν κυριω ως τεκνα φωτος περιπατειτε
For, although you were once in Darkness, now, by your union with the Lord, you are in the Light. Live as ‘Children of Light’ —
9 ο γαρ καρπος του πνευματος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια
For the outcome of life in the Light may be seen in every form of goodness, righteousness, and sincerity —
10 δοκιμαζοντες τι εστιν ευαρεστον τω κυριω
Always trying to find out what is pleasing to the Lord.
11 και μη συγκοινωνειτε τοις εργοις τοις ακαρποις του σκοτους μαλλον δε και ελεγχετε
Take no part in deeds of Darkness, from which no good can come; on the contrary, expose them.
12 τα γαρ κρυφη γινομενα υπ αυτων αισχρον εστιν και λεγειν
It is degrading even to speak of the things continually done by them in secret.
13 τα δε παντα ελεγχομενα υπο του φωτος φανερουται παν γαρ το φανερουμενον φως εστιν
All such actions, when exposed, have their true character made manifest by the Light.
14 διο λεγει εγειραι ο καθευδων και αναστα εκ των νεκρων και επιφαυσει σοι ο χριστος
For everything that has its true character made manifest is clear as light. And that is why it is said — ‘Sleeper, awake! Arise from the dead, And the Christ shall give thee light!’
15 βλεπετε ουν πως ακριβως περιπατειτε μη ως ασοφοι αλλ ως σοφοι
Take great care, then, how you live — not unwisely but wisely,
16 εξαγοραζομενοι τον καιρον οτι αι ημεραι πονηραι εισιν
making the most of every opportunity; for these are evil days.
17 δια τουτο μη γινεσθε αφρονες αλλα συνιεντες τι το θελημα του κυριου
Therefore do not grow thoughtless, but try to understand what the Lord’s will is.
18 και μη μεθυσκεσθε οινω εν ω εστιν ασωτια αλλα πληρουσθε εν πνευματι
Do not drink wine to excess, for that leads to profligacy; but seek to be filled with the Spirit of God, and speak to one another in psalms and hymns and sacred songs.
19 λαλουντες εαυτοις ψαλμοις και υμνοις και ωδαις πνευματικαις αδοντες και ψαλλοντες εν τη καρδια υμων τω κυριω
Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord.
20 ευχαριστουντες παντοτε υπερ παντων εν ονοματι του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου τω θεω και πατρι
Always give thanks for everything to our God and Father, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21 υποτασσομενοι αλληλοις εν φοβω θεου
and submit to one another from reverence for him.
22 αι γυναικες τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν υποτασσεσθε ως τω κυριω
Wives should submit to their husbands as submitting to the Lord.
23 οτι ο ανηρ εστιν κεφαλη της γυναικος ως και ο χριστος κεφαλη της εκκλησιας και αυτος εστιν σωτηρ του σωματος
For a man is the Head of his wife, as the Christ is the Head of the Church — being indeed himself the Saviour of his Body.
24 αλλ ωσπερ η εκκλησια υποτασσεται τω χριστω ουτως και αι γυναικες τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν εν παντι
But as the Church submits to the Christ, so also should wives submit to their husbands in everything.
25 οι ανδρες αγαπατε τας γυναικας εαυτων καθως και ο χριστος ηγαπησεν την εκκλησιαν και εαυτον παρεδωκεν υπερ αυτης
Husbands, love your wives, just as the Christ loved the Church, and gave himself for her,
26 ινα αυτην αγιαση καθαρισας τω λουτρω του υδατος εν ρηματι
to make her holy, after purifying her by the Washing with the Water, according to his promise;
27 ινα παραστηση αυτην εαυτω ενδοξον την εκκλησιαν μη εχουσαν σπιλον η ρυτιδα η τι των τοιουτων αλλ ινα η αγια και αμωμος
so that he might himself bring the Church, in all her beauty, into his own presence, with no spot or wrinkle or blemish of any kind, but that she might be holy and faultless.
28 ουτως οφειλουσιν οι ανδρες αγαπαν τας εαυτων γυναικας ως τα εαυτων σωματα ο αγαπων την εαυτου γυναικα εαυτον αγαπα
That is how husbands ought to love their wives — as if they were their own bodies. A man who loves his wife is really loving himself;
29 ουδεις γαρ ποτε την εαυτου σαρκα εμισησεν αλλ εκτρεφει και θαλπει αυτην καθως και ο κυριος την εκκλησιαν
for no one ever yet hated his own body. But every one feeds his body and cares for it, just as the Christ for the Church;
30 οτι μελη εσμεν του σωματος αυτου εκ της σαρκος αυτου και εκ των οστεων αυτου
for we are members of his Body.
31 αντι τουτου καταλειψει ανθρωπος τον πατερα αυτου και την μητερα και προσκολληθησεται προς την γυναικα αυτου και εσονται οι δυο εις σαρκα μιαν
‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife; and the man and his wife shall become one.’
32 το μυστηριον τουτο μεγα εστιν εγω δε λεγω εις χριστον και εις την εκκλησιαν
In this there is a profound truth — I am speaking of Christ and his Church.
33 πλην και υμεις οι καθ ενα εκαστος την εαυτου γυναικα ουτως αγαπατω ως εαυτον η δε γυνη ινα φοβηται τον ανδρα
However, for you individually, let each love his wife as if she were himself; and the wife be careful to respect her husband.

< Προς Εφεσιους 5 >