< 2 Wa 17 >

1 Wa Akaz t'ap mache sou douzan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Jida lè Oze, pitit Ela, moute wa nan peyi Izrayèl. Li gouvènen nan lavil Samari pandan nevan.
Yn the tweluethe yeer of Achaz, kyng of Juda, Osee, sone of Hela, regnyde in Samarie on Israel nyne yeer.
2 Li fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a, men tansèlman pa tankou lòt wa ki te gouvènen peyi Izrayèl la anvan l' yo.
And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, but not as the kyngis of Israel, that weren bifor hym.
3 Salmanaza, wa peyi Lasiri a, atake Oze. Oze soumèt devan l'. Li peye l' yon lajan chak lanne.
Salmanasar, kyng of Assiriens, stiede ayens this Osee, and Osee was maad seruaunt to hym, and yildide tributis to hym.
4 Men, Salmanaza vin dekouvri Oze t'ap moute konplo sou do l'. Oze te voye mesaje bò kot So, wa peyi Lejip, pou mande l' konkou. Lèfini, li te sispann voye lajan li te gen pou l' peye wa peyi Lasiri a chak lanne. Se konsa Salmanaza fè arete Oze, mete l' nan prizon ak chenn nan pye l'.
And whanne the kyng of Assiriens hadde perseyued, that Osee he enforside to be rebelle, and hadde sent messangeris to Sua, kyng of Egipt, that he schulde not yyue tributis to the kyng of Assiriens, as he was wont bi alle yeeris, `the kyng of Assiriens bisegide hym, and sente him boundun in to prisoun.
5 Salmanaza anvayi peyi Izrayèl la. Li sènen lavil Samari pandan twazan.
And he yede thoruy al the lond, and he stiede to Samarie, and bisegide it bi thre yeer.
6 Oze te gen nevan depi li te wa lè wa Lasiri a pran lavil Samari. Salmanaza fè tout pèp Izrayèl la prizonye, li depòte yo nan peyi Lasiri. Li mete yon pati ladan yo lavil Ala, toupre larivyè Abò nan zòn Gozan, yon pati nan lavil peyi Medi yo.
Forsothe in the nynthe yeer of Osee, the kyng of Assiriens took Samarie, and translatide Israel in to Assiriens; and he puttide hem in Hela, and in Thabor, bisidis the flood Gozam, in the citee of Medeis.
7 Sa te rive konsa paske moun peyi Izrayèl yo te fè peche kont Seyè a, Bondye yo a, ki te fè yo soti kite peyi Lejip, ki te delivre yo anba men farawon an, wa peyi Lejip la. Yo t'ap sèvi lòt bondye.
Forsothe it was don, whanne the sones of Israel hadden synned bifor her Lord God, that ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hond of Farao, kyng of Egipt, thei worschipeden alien goddis;
8 Yo t'ap swiv mès moun lòt nasyon Seyè a te mete deyò nan peyi a pou fè plas pou yo. Yo t'ap mache dapre lòt vye prensip wa Izrayèl yo te ba yo.
and yeden bi the custom of hethene men, whiche the Lord hadde wastid in the siyt of the sones of Israel, and of the kyngis of Israel, for thei hadden do in lijk maner.
9 Lèfini, moun peyi Izrayèl yo te fè yon bann bagay yo pa t' dwe fè devan Seyè a. Yo bati tanp pou zidòl nan tout lavil yo, depi nan ti bouk kote ki gen avanpòs pou faksyonnè rive nan gwo lavil ak ranpa yo.
And the sones of Israel offendiden her Lord God bi wordis not riytful, and thei bildiden to hem silf hiy thingis in alle her citees, fro the tour of keperis `til to a strengthid citee.
10 Sou tout mòn, anba tout gwo pyebwa, yo kanpe gwo wòch ak estati pou Achera, zidòl fanm lan.
And thei maden to hem ymagis, and wodis, in ech hiy hil, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis;
11 Yo boule lansan sou tout lotèl zidòl yo tankou moun Seyè a te mete deyò nan peyi a te konn fè. Yo fè yon bann bagay derespektan ki lakòz Seyè a te fache anpil.
and thei brenten there encence on the auteris bi the custom of hethene men, whiche the Lord hadde translatid fro the face of hem. And thei diden werste wordis, and thei wraththiden the Lord;
12 Yo adore zidòl, bagay Seyè a te ba yo lòd pa fè.
and worschipiden vnclenesses, of whiche the Lord comaundide to hem, that thei schulden not do this word.
13 Seyè a te voye mesaje ak pwofèt li yo avèti moun peyi Izrayèl yo ansanm ak moun peyi Jida yo. Li te byen di yo: Manyè kite move chemen n'ap swiv la! Fè sa m' mande nou fè. Kenbe lòd mwen yo jan sa ye nan lalwa mwen te bay zansèt nou yo, lalwa mwen te fè pwofèt yo, sèvitè m' yo, moutre nou an.
And the Lord witnesside in Israel and in Juda, bi the hond of alle prophetis and seeris, and seide, Turne ye ayen fro youre werste weies, and kepe ye my comaundementis, and ceremonyes, bi al the lawe whiche Y comaundide to youre fadris, and as Y sente to you in the hond of my seruauntis prophetis.
14 Men, yo pa koute l', yo fè tèt di tankou zansèt yo ki pa t' mete konfyans yo nan Seyè a, Bondye yo a.
Whiche herden not, but maden hard her nol bi the nol of her fadris, that nolden obeie to her Lord God.
15 Yo derefize kenbe lòd li yo, yo pa respekte kontra li te pase ak zansèt yo. Yo pa okipe avètisman li te ba yo, yo pran sèvi zidòl ki pa vo anyen. Yo menm, yo pèdi valè yo. Yo pran fè tankou lòt nasyon k'ap viv bò kote yo t'ap fè, yo dezobeyi lòd Seyè a ki te di yo pa fè sa.
And thei castiden, awei the lawful thingis of hym, and the couenaunt which he couenauntide with her fadris, and the witnessyngis bi whiche he witnesside to hem; and thei sueden vanytees, `that is, idols, and diden veynli; and sueden hethene men, that weren `bi the cumpas of hem; of whiche vanytees the Lord comaundide to hem, that thei schulden not do as also tho hethene men diden.
16 Yo lage tout kòmandman Seyè a, Bondye yo a, te ba yo. Yo fè de estati towo an kwiv pou yo sèvi ak yon pòtre Achera, zidòl fanm lan, yo sèvi zetwal nan syèl la ansanm ak Baal.
And thei forsoken alle the comaundementis of her Lord God, and thei maden to hem twei yotun calues, and wodis, and worschipiden al the knyythod of heuene; and thei seruyden Baal, and halewiden to hym her sones,
17 Yo bay pitit fi ak pitit gason yo pou boule pou bondye lòt nasyon yo, y' al dèyè divinò ak chòche. Yo vann tèt yo, yo lage kò yo nan fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a, pou yo te ka fè l' move jouk li pa kapab ankò.
and her douytris thoruy fier, and thei seruyden to fals dyuynyng, and to dyuynyng bi chiterynge of briddis; and thei yauen hem silf to do yuel bifor the Lord, and thei wraththiden hym.
18 Se konsa Seyè a fè yon sèl move sou pèp Izrayèl la, li wete yo devan je l'. Pa rete pase branch fanmi Jida a.
And the Lord was wrooth greetli to Israel; and he took awei hem fro his siyt, and noon lefte, no but the lynage of Juda oneli.
19 Men, ata moun peyi Jida yo tou pa t' kenbe lòd Seyè a, Bondye yo a. Yo t'ap fè tankou moun peyi Izrayèl yo. Yo t'ap fè tout vye bagay moun peyi Izrayèl yo te ranmase.
But nether Juda hym silf kepte the heestis of `his Lord God, netheles he erride, and yede in the errour of Israel, whiche it wrouyte.
20 Se poutèt sa Seyè a vire do bay dènye moun nan ras Izrayèl la. Li fè yo wont, li lage yo nan men yon bann piyajè, jouk li wete yo devan je l'.
And the Lord castide awei al the seed of Israel, and turmentide hem, and bitook hem in the hond of rauynouris; til he castide awei hem fro his face,
21 Li separe pèp la, li mete moun peyi Izrayèl yo yon bò, moun fanmi David yo yon bò. Moun peyi Izrayèl yo pran Jewoboram, pitit Nebat, yo mete l' wa pou gouvènen yo. Jewoboram lakòz yo kite chimen Seyè a nèt. Li fè yo fè pi gwo peche toujou.
fro that tyme in which Israel was departid fro the hous of Dauid, and maden to hem a kyng, Jeroboam, sone of Nabath. For Jeroboam departide Israel fro the Lord, and made hem to do a greet synne.
22 Moun peyi Izrayèl yo pran fè tankou Jewoboram, yo donnen ladan l' san rete.
And the sones of Israel yeden in alle the synnes of Jeroboam, whiche he hadde do; and thei departiden not fro tho synnes,
23 Bout pou bout, Seyè a wete yo nèt devan je l', jan li te voye sèvitè l' yo, pwofèt yo avèti yo a. Se konsa yo depòte moun peyi Izrayèl yo byen lwen nan peyi Lasiri kote yo ye jouk jounen jòdi a.
til the Lord dide awei Israel fro his face, as he spak in the hond of alle hise seruauntis prophetis; and Israel was translatid fro his lond in to Assiriens til in to this dai.
24 Wa peyi Lasiri a pran moun lavil Babilòn, moun lavil Kout, moun lavil Ava, moun lavil Ama ak moun lavil Sefavayim, li voye yo al rete nan lavil peyi Samari nan plas moun Izrayèl li te fè depòte yo. Moun yo pran peyi Samari a pou yo, y' al rete nan tout lavil yo.
Forsothe the kyng of Assiriens brouyte puple fro Babiloyne, and fro Cutha, and fro Hailath, and fro Emath, and fro Sepharuaym, and settide hem in the citees of Samarie for the sones of Israel; whiche hadden in possessioun Samarie, and dwelliden in the citees therof.
25 Moun sa yo pa t' nan sèvi Seyè a. Konsa, lè yo fèk vin tabli nan peyi a, Seyè a voye lyon ki touye kèk ladan yo.
And whanne thei bigunnen to dwelle there, thei dredden not the Lord; and the Lord sente to hem liouns, that killiden hem.
26 Yo voye di wa peyi Lasiri a: Moun ou te voye vin rete lavil peyi Samari yo pa konnen jan pou yo sèvi Bondye peyi a. Se konsa bondye peyi a voye lyon k'ap fini ak yo.
And it was teld to the kyng of Assiriens, and was seid, The folkis whiche thou translatidist, and madist to dwelle in the citees of Samarie, kunnen not the lawful thingis of God of the lond; and the Lord sente liouns in to hem, and lo! liouns sleen hem; for thei kunnen not the custom of God of the lond.
27 Lè sa a, wa peyi Lasiri a bay lòd sa a: Pran yonn nan prèt nou te fè prizonye yo, voye l' tounen al viv laba a pou l' ka moutre moun yo jan pou yo sèvi bondye peyi a.
Sotheli the kyng of Assiriens comaundide, and seide, Lede ye thidur oon of the preestis, whiche ye brouyten prisoneris fro thennus, that he go, and dwelle with hem, and teche hem the lawful thingis of God of the lond.
28 Se konsa yonn nan prèt yo te depòte yo tounen nan peyi Samari, l' al rete lavil Betèl, li moutre yo jan pou yo fè sèvis pou Seyè a.
Therfor whanne oon of these preestis had come, that weren led prisoneris fro Samarie, he dwellide in Bethel, and tauyte hem, how thei schulden worschipe the Lord.
29 Men, chak nasyon te fè bondye pa yo nan lavil kote yo te rete a, yo mete yo nan tanp ansyen moun peyi Izrayèl yo te bati pou zidòl yo.
And ech folk made his god, and thei settiden tho goddis in the hiy templis, whiche the men of Samarie hadden maad, folk and folk in her citees, in whiche thei dwelliden.
30 Moun lavil Babilòn yo te fè pòtre Soukòt Benòt. Moun lavil Kout yo te fè pòtre Negal. Moun lavil Amat yo te fè pòtre Asima.
For men of Babiloyne maden Socoth Benoth; forsothe men of Cutha maden Vergel; and men of Emath maden Asyma;
31 Moun lavil Ava yo te fè pòtre Nibaz ak Tatak. Moun lavil Sefavayim yo ofri pitit yo pou boule pou Adramelèk ak Anamelèk, bondye pa yo.
forsothe Eueis maden Nabaath and Tharcha; sotheli thei that weren of Sepharuaym brenten her sones in fier to Adramelech and Anamelech, goddis of Sepharuaym.
32 Kifè yo t'ap sèvi Seyè a, men an menm tan yo chwazi moun nan mitan yo pou sèvi prèt zidòl yo, pou fè sèvis pou yo nan tanp zidòl yo.
And netheles thei worschipiden the Lord; forsothe of the laste men thei maden preestis of the hiye thingis, and settiden hem in hiye templis.
33 Se konsa yo t'ap adore Seyè a men yo t'ap adore bondye pa yo tou, dapre koutim peyi kote yo te soti.
And whanne thei worschipiden God, thei serueden also her goddis, bi the custom of hethene men, fro whiche thei weren translatid to Samarie;
34 Jouk jounen jòdi a y'ap fè sa yo te konn fè a. Men, yo pa adore Seyè a, yo pa fè sa li mande nan lalwa ak kòmandman li te bay moun fanmi Jakòb yo swiv. Se Jakòb sa a Bondye sèl Mèt la te bay yon lòt non, li te rele l' Izrayèl.
`til in to present dai thei suen the eld custom; thei dredden not the Lord, nethir thei kepen hise cerymonyes, and domes, and lawe, and comaundement, which the Lord comaundide to the sones of Jacob, whom he nemyde Israel;
35 Seyè a te pase yon kontra ak pitit Jakòb yo, li te ba yo lòd sa a: Pa sèvi lòt bondye, pa mete jenou atè devan yo. Pa fè sèvis pou yo, pa ofri ankenn bèt pou touye pou yo.
and he smoot a couenaunt with hem, and comaundide to hem, and seide, Nyle ye drede alien goddis, and onoure ye not outwardli hem, nethir worschipe ye inwardli hem, and make ye not sacrifice to hem;
36 Se mwen menm Seyè a pou nou sèvi, mwen menm Bondye nou an ki te fè nou soti kite peyi Lejip ak gwo kouraj mwen, ak fòs ponyèt mwen. Se mwen menm sèlman pou nou sèvi, pou nou adore. Se pou mwen ase pou nou ofri bèt pou touye.
but youre Lord God, that ledde you out of the lond of Egipt in greet strengthe, and in arm holdun forth, drede ye hym, and worschipe ye hym, and make ye sacrifice to hym.
37 Se pou nou toujou kenbe prensip ak regleman, lòd ak kòmandman mwen te ekri ban nou pou nou te ka swiv yo chak jou. Piga nou gen krentif pou bondye lòt nasyon yo.
And kepe ye the cerymonyes, and domes, and the lawe, and comaundement, which he wroot to you, that ye do in alle daies; and drede ye not alien goddis.
38 Piga nou bliye kontra mwen te pase ak nou an. Piga nou gen krentif pou bondye lòt nasyon yo.
And nyle ye foryete the couenaunt, which he smoot with you, nether worschipe ye alien goddis;
39 Se mwen menm ase, Seyè a, Bondye nou an, pou nou sèvi, m'a delivre nou anba men lènmi nou yo.
but drede ye youre Lord God, and he schal delyuere you fro the hond of alle youre enemyes.
40 Men, moun yo pa koute m', yo toujou ap fè sa yo te konn fè anvan an.
Forsothe thei herden not, but diden bi her formere custom.
41 Konsa moun nasyon sa yo t'ap sèvi Seyè a, men yo te toujou ap sèvi zidòl pa yo tou. Pitit yo ak pitit pitit yo ap fè tankou papa yo jouk jounen jòdi a.
Therfor these hethene men dredden sotheli God; but netheles thei serueden also her idols, for bothe her sones and the sones of sones doen so, til in to present dai, as her fadris diden.

< 2 Wa 17 >