< Sòm 127 >

1 Se yon chante Salomon pou yo chante lè y'ap moute lavil Jerizalèm. Si se pa Seyè a ki bati kay la, travay moun k'ap bati yo pa vo anyen. Si se pa Seyè a k'ap pwoteje lavil la, travay moun k'ap veye yo pa vo anyen.
“A psalm of the steps, or the goings up. By Solomon.” Except the LORD build the house, The builders labor in vain; Except the LORD guard the city, The watchman waketh in vain.
2 Sa pa vo lapenn pou nou leve granmaten, pou nou kouche ta, pou nou travay di pou n' ka manje, paske, lè Bondye renmen yon moun, li ba li tout bagay pandan l'ap dòmi.
In vain ye rise up early, and go to rest late, And eat the bread of care! The same giveth he his beloved one in sleep.
3 Pitit se kado Bondye bay, se yon rekonpans pou manman ak papa.
Behold! sons are an inheritance from the LORD, And the fruit of the womb is his gift.
4 Menm jan yon sòlda santi li gen kouraj lè l' gen zam li nan men l', se menm jan an tou pou yon moun ki fè pitit gason depi lè l' te jenn.
As arrows in the hand of the warrior, So are the sons of young men:
5 Ala bon sa bon pou moun ki gen anpil zam konsa! Li p'ap janm wont lè li kanpe nan pòtay lavil la pou l' diskite ak moun k'ap chache l' kont.
Happy the man that hath his quiver full of them! They shall not be put to shame, When they speak with adversaries in the gate.

< Sòm 127 >