< Sòm 40 >

1 Pou chèf sanba yo. Se yon sòm David. Mwen te mete tout espwa m' nan Seyè a. Li te panche zòrèy li bò kote m', li te tande m' lè m' t'ap rele.
For the leader. A psalm of David. For the Lord I waited and waited, till, inclining to me, he heard my cry.
2 Li rale m' soti nan twou kote m' t'ap peri a, nan gwo ma labou a. Li mete m' sou gwo wòch la, li fè m' kanpe dwat ankò.
From the horrible pit he drew me, up out of the miry clay; he set my feet on a rock, and my steps he made firm.
3 Li mete yon chante tou nèf nan bouch mwen, yon chante pou m' fè lwanj Bondye nou an. Anpil moun, lè yo wè sa, yo pral pè, y'a mete konfyans yo nan Seyè a.
He put a new song in my mouth, of praise to our God. Many see it, and, filled with awe, put their trust in the Lord.
4 Ala bon sa bon pou moun ki mete konfyans yo nan Seyè a, pou moun ki p'ap swiv ni moun k'ap fè awogans yo ni moun k'ap bay manti yo!
Happy the person who has put in the Lord their trust, not looking to false gods or turning to idols.
5 Seyè, Bondye mwen, ou te fè anpil bèl mèvèy pou nou, ou te fè anpil lide pou nou. Pa gen tankou ou, Seyè! Mwen ta renmen fè moun konnen yo, mwen ta renmen pale sou yo. Men, yo sitèlman anpil, mwen pa ka rakonte yo.
With us you have wrought in rich measure, O Lord our God, your marvels and purposes for us – none may compare with you – were I to declare or to tell them, past counting are they.
6 Ou pa bezwen yo fè okenn ofrann bèt pou boule pou ou, ni pou yo fè ou kado anyen. Men, ou louvri zòrèy mwen yo. Ou pa mande pou yo boule okenn vyann bèt pou ou, ni pou yo touye bèt pou wete peche.
In offerings bloody or bloodless you have no delight, but with open ears you have made me. Burnt-offering and offering for sin are not what you ask.
7 Lè sa a mwen di: -Men mwen, mwen vini, jan sa ekri sou mwen nan liv la.
Then said I, ‘Here I am, as the roll of the book has enjoined.
8 Bondye mwen, mwen pran plezi m' nan fè sa ou vle m' fè. Wi, mwen kenbe lalwa ou nan fon kè m'
My delight, O God, is to do your will, and your law is within my heart.’
9 Seyè, lè tout pèp Bondye a te reyini, mwen te fè yo konnen jan ou fè nou gras. Wi, ou konn sa, mwen p'ap rete ak bouch mwen fèmen.
Well, O Lord, you know that, with lips unrestrained, your righteousness I told in the great congregation,
10 Mwen pa t' manke pa di jan ou fè nou gras, jan ou bay moun sekou. Nan mitan tout pèp Bondye a, lè yo reyini, mwen pa t' manke pa di jan ou renmen nou, jan ou toujou kenbe pawòl ou.
not hiding it in my heart. I have told of your steadfast help, from the great congregation I hid not your love and your faithfulness.
11 Seyè, ou pa janm sispann gen pitye pou mwen. W'ap toujou pwoteje m', paske ou renmen m'. Ou p'ap janm lage m'.
So do not restrain, Lord, your pity from us. Your love and your faithfulness – ever may they be our shield.
12 Kote m' vire, malè tonbe sou mwen. Mwen pa ka konte yo. Peche m' yo twòp pou mwen. Mwen pa k'ap sipòte yo. Yo pi plis pase cheve nan tèt mwen. Mwen pèdi tout kouraj mwen.
For evils that cannot be numbered have compassed me round. My transgressions have followed me up – I can bear it no more. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart has forsaken me.
13 Seyè, tanpri, delivre m' non! Prese vin pote m' sekou, Seyè.
O Lord, be pleased to deliver me, haste to my help, O Lord.
14 Moun k'ap chache touye m' yo, se pou yo tout wont, se pou yo pa ka leve tèt yo. Moun ki anvi wè malè rive mwen, se pou yo renka kò yo, se pou yo wont.
May those who are seeking my life be ashamed and confounded together; may those who delight in my hurt be defeated and brought to dishonour.
15 Moun k'ap lonje dwèt sou mwen yo, se pou sezisman pran yo tèlman yo wont.
May those who hurrah over me be dumbfounded because of their shame.
16 Men, tout moun ki vin jwenn ou, se pou yo kontan, se pou yo fè fèt. Tout moun ki renmen jan ou delivre yo a, se tout tan pou yo di: -Seyè a gen gwo pouvwa!
But may all who seek after you rejoice and be glad in you. May all those eager for your aid, say, ‘Great is the Lord’ evermore.
17 Pou mwen menm, se yon pòv malere san sekou mwen ye. Men ou menm ki mèt mwen, pa bliye m'. Se ou ki tout sekou mwen, se ou ki tout delivrans mwen. Bondye mwen, pa mize!
I am weak and needy, yet the Lord cares for me. You are my help and deliverer; don’t delay, my God.

< Sòm 40 >