< Ezayi 44 >

1 “Men koulye a, koute, O Jacob, sèvitè Mwen an; Israël ke M te chwazi a.
Now listen, Jacob my servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen:
2 Konsa pale SENYÈ ki te fè ou a, ki te fòme ou soti nan vant lan, ki va bay ou soutyen, kap di: ‘Pa pè, O Jacob, sèvitè Mwen an; ak ou menm Israël ke M te chwazi a.
This is what Yahweh says, he who made you and formed you in the womb and who will help you: “Do not fear, Jacob my servant; and you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 Paske Mwen va vide dlo sou yon tè ki swaf e vwa dlo sou tè ki sèch. Mwen va vide Lespri M sou ras ou e benediksyon sou desandan ou yo;
For I will pour water on the thirsty ground, and flowing streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your children.
4 konsa, yo va vin vòltije pami zèb kon bwa akote sous dlo.’
They will spring up among the grass, like willows by the streams of water.
5 Sila a va di: ‘Mwen pou SENYÈ a;’ epi lòt la va rele sou non Jacob; epi yon lòt va ekri sou men l: ‘Apatyen a SENYÈ a’, epi va nonmen non Israël ak respè.
One will say, 'I belong to Yahweh,' and another will call out the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand 'Belonging to Yahweh,' and name himself by the name of Israel.”
6 Konsa pale SENYÈ a, Wa Israël la, ak Redanmtè li a, SENYÈ dèzame yo: Mwen se premye a e Mwen se dènye a; nanpwen Bondye sof ke Mwen menm.
This is what Yahweh says—the King of Israel and his Redeemer, Yahweh of hosts: “I am the first, and I am the last; and there is no God but me.
7 Se kilès ki tankou Mwen? Kite li pwoklame e deklare sa; Wi, kite li pale M sa an lòd. Depi lè ke M te etabli ansyen nasyon a. Epi kite yo deklare a yo menm bagay k ap vini yo ak evenman ki va rive yo.
Who is like me? Let him announce it and explain to me the events that occurred since I established my ancient people, and let them declare the events to come.
8 Pa tranble, pa pè. Èske depi lontan, Mwen pa t anonse sa a nou menm e te demontre nou sa? Konsa, nou se temwen M. Èske gen okenn Bondye sof ke Mwen menm? Anverite, nanpwen! Mwen pa konnen okenn lòt Wòch.”
Do not fear or be afraid. Have I not declared to you long ago, and announced it? You are my witnesses: Is there any God besides me? There is no other Rock; I know of none.”
9 Sila ki fè yon imaj taye yo, tout se pou ryen. Sa ke yo bay enpòtans yo, pa gen benefis. Menm pwòp temwen pa yo pa wè ni konnen. Yo pa ka menm vin wont.
All who fashion idols are nothing; the things they delight in are worthless; their witnesses cannot see or know anything, and they will be put to shame.
10 Se kilès ki te fòme yon dye, oswa te fè yon zidòl fonn ki san benefis?
Who would form a god or cast an idol that is worthless?
11 Gade byen, tout zami l yo va vin wont, paske bòs atizan yo menm se sèlman lòm. Kite yo rasanble yo menm, kite yo kanpe, kite yo tranble, kite yo tout ansanm vin wont.
Look, all his associates will be put to shame; the craftsmen are only men. Let them take their stand together; they will cower and be put to shame.
12 Moun nan fòme bout fè a pou fè yon zouti pou koupe. Yon travay ki fèt sou chabon limen. Li fòme li ak mato, e travay li ak bra li ki fò. Anplis, li vin grangou e pèdi fòs; li pa bwè dlo e li vin fatige.
The smith works with his tools, forming it, working over the coals. He shapes it with hammers and works it with his strong arm. He is hungry, and his strength wanes; he drinks no water and becomes faint.
13 Yon lòt taye bwa, li mezire li ak mèt mezi; li trase sou li ak lakrè wouj. Li travay li ak rif la, trase l ak konpa e fè li sanble ak fòm a yon moun, tankou bèlte a lòm, pou l ka plase li anndan yon kay.
The carpenter measures the wood with a line, and marks it with a stylus. He shapes it with his tools and marks it out with a compass. He shapes it after the figure of a man, like an attractive human, so it may stay in a house.
14 Anverite, li koupe bwa sèd yo pou kont li, pran yon bwa pichpen oswa yon bwadchenn e leve li pou kont li pami bwa forè yo. Li plante yon bwa pen e lapli fè l grandi.
He cuts down cedars, or chooses a cypress tree or an oak tree. He picks for himself trees in the forest. He plants a fir tree and the rain makes it grow.
15 Epi li devni yon bagay pou moun ka brile. Li pran kèk nan li pou l ka chofe e anplis, fè dife pou kwit pen. Anplis li fè yon dye epi l adore l. Li fè li yon imaj taye e li tonbe ba devan l.
Then a man uses it for a fire and warms himself. Yes, he kindles a fire and bakes bread. Then he makes from it a god and bows down to it; he makes an idol and bows down to it.
16 Mwatye li, li brile nan dife; sou mwatye sa a, li manje vyann pandan li kwit yon gwo mòs e li satisfè. Anplis, li chofè kò l epi di: “Aha, koulye a mwen fin chofe ase; mwen te wè dife a.”
He burns part of the wood for the fire, roasting his meat over it. He eats and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, “Ah, I am warm, I have seen the fire.”
17 Men rès la, li sèvi pou fòme yon dye, imaj taye pa li. Li tonbe ba devan l pou adore l; anplis, li priye a li menm e di: “Delivre m, paske se ou ki dye mwen.”
With the rest of the wood he makes a god, his carved image; he bows down to it and reverences it, and prays to it saying, “Rescue me, for you are my god.”
18 Yo pa konnen, ni yo pa konprann, paske Li te fèmen zye yo pou yo pa wè e kè yo pou yo pa konprann.
They do not know, nor do they understand, for their eyes are blind and cannot see, and their hearts cannot perceive.
19 Nanpwen moun ki sonje, ni pa gen konesans ni konprann pou l ta di: “Mwen te brile mwatye li nan dife a e anplis, mwen te kwit pen sou chabon li. Mwen boukannen vyann, e mwen manje li. Èske m ap fè rès la vin yon abominasyon? Èske mwen va tonbe ba devan yon bout bwa!”
No one thinks, nor do they comprehend and say, “I have burned part of the wood in the fire; yes, I have also baked bread upon its coals. I have roasted meat over its coals and eaten. Now should I make the other part of the wood into something disgusting to worship? Should I bow down to a block of wood?”
20 La p manje sou sann yo. Yon kè ki twonpe te mennen l sou kote. Li p ap kapab delivre nanm li menm. Ni li pa mande: “Èske pa gen manti nan men dwat mwen?”
It is as if he were eating ashes; his deceived heart misleads him. He cannot rescue himself, nor does he say, “This thing in my right hand is a false god.”
21 “Sonje bagay sa yo, O Jacob e Israël, paske ou se sèvitè Mwen, O Israël. Mwen p ap janm bliye ou.
Think about these things, Jacob, and Israel, for you are my servant: I have formed you; you are my servant: Israel, you will not be forgotten by me.
22 Mwen te efase transgresyon ou yo tankou yon nwaj byen pwès, ak peche ou yo tankou yon nwaj. Retounen kote Mwen, paske Mwen te rachte ou.”
I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your rebellious deeds, and like a cloud, your sins; return to me, for I have redeemed you.
23 Rele ak jwa, O syèl yo, paske SENYÈ a te fè sa! Rele ak jwa, ou menm, kote pi ba sou latè yo! Pete ak gwo kri lajwa, O mòn yo, O forè ak tout pyebwa ki ladann yo; paske SENYÈ a te rachte Jacob, e an Israël, Li va devwale glwa Li.
Sing, you heavens, for Yahweh has done this; shout, you depths of the earth. Break out into singing, you mountains, you forest with every tree in it; for Yahweh has redeemed Jacob, and will show his glory in Israel.
24 Konsa pale SENYÈ a, Redanmtè ou a e sila ki te fè ou soti nan vant la: “Mwen, SENYÈ a, se Kreyatè a tout bagay, Mwen te lonje ouvri syèl yo pou kont Mwen, e Mwen te lonje ouvri latè, Mwen sèl Mwen;
This is what Yahweh says, your Redeemer, he who formed you from the womb: “I am Yahweh, who made everything, who alone stretched out the heavens, who alone fashioned the earth.
25 ki fristre sila yo ki plen ògeye ak mantè yo; ki te devwale divinò yo tankou moun fou, ki te fè mesye saj yo rale fè bak, pou l vire sajès yo fè 1 tounen foli;
I who frustrate the omens of the empty talkers and who disgrace those who read omens; I who overturn the wisdom of the wise and make their advice foolish.
26 ki te konfime pawòl a sèvitè Li a e te acheve bi a mesaje Li yo. Se Mwen menm ki di de Jérusalem: Li va gen moun ladann!’ Epi a vil a Juda yo: ‘Yo va bati.’ Konsa, Mwen va fè leve mazi li yo ankò.
I, Yahweh, who confirmed the words of his servant and brings to pass the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, 'She will be inhabited,' and of the towns of Judah, 'They will be built again, and I will raise up their ruins';
27 Se Mwen menm ki pale a fon lanmè a: ‘Vin sèch,’ e Mwen va fè rivyè ou yo vin sèk.
who says to the deep sea, 'Be dry, and I will dry up your currents.'
28 Se Mwen menm ki di de Cyrus: ‘Li se bèje Mwen, epi li va acheve tout volonte mwen.’ Li va deklare a Jérusalem: ‘Li va bati,’ e de tanp lan: ‘Fondasyon ou yo va poze.’”
Yahweh is the one who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd, he will do my every wish; he will decree about Jerusalem, 'She will be rebuilt,' and about the temple, 'Let its foundations be laid.'”

< Ezayi 44 >