< Ezayi 48 >

1 “Tande sa, O lakay Jacob, ki rele pa non Israël, ki te sòti nan dlo Juda la. Nou sèmante pa non SENYÈ a, e envoke Bondye Israël la, men san verite e san ladwati.
Hear this, house of Jacob, who are called by the name Israel, and have come from the sperm of Judah; you who swear by the name of Yahweh and invoke the God of Israel, but not sincerely nor in a righteous manner.
2 Paske yo rele tèt yo menm jan ak vil sen an e yo depann sou Bondye Israël la; SENYÈ dèzame se non Li.
For they call themselves people of the holy city and trust in the God of Israel. Yahweh of hosts is his name.
3 Mwen te deklare ansyen bagay lontan yo, yo te sòti nan bouch Mwen e Mwen te pwoklame yo. Sibitman Mwen te fè yo, e yo te vin rive.
“I have declared the things from long ago; they came out from my mouth, and I made them known; then suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.
4 Akoz Mwen konnen ke tèt ou di, kou ou tankou ba fè, e fwontèn ou tankou bwonz;
Because I knew that you were obstinate, your neck muscles tight as iron, and your forehead like bronze,
5 pou sa, Mwen te deklare sa a ou menm lontan sa; avan yo te rive, Mwen te pwoklame yo a Ou menm, pou ou pa ta di: ‘Se zidòl mwen an ki te fè l; imaj taye mwen ak imaj fonn mwen an ki te kòmande yo.’
therefore I declared these things to you beforehand; before they happened I informed you, so you could not say, 'My idol has done them,' or 'My carved figure and my cast metal figure has ordained these things.'
6 Ou te tande sa! Gade tout sa! Konsa, ou menm, èske ou p ap deklare li? Mwen pwoklame bagay tounèf yo a ou menm soti kounye a, tout bagay kache a ke ou pa t konnen yo.
You heard about these things; look at all this evidence; and you, will you not admit what I said is true? From now on, I am showing you new things, hidden things that you have not known.
7 Se koulye a yo fèt, e pa lontan sa. Avan jou sa a, ou pa t tande yo. Konsa, ou p ap di: “Gade byen, mwen te konnen yo”.
Now, and not from previously, they come into being, and before today you have not heard about them, so you will not be able to say, 'Yes, I knew about them.'
8 Anverite, Ou pa t konn tande yo, ni ou pa t konnen yo. Menm depi lontan, zòrèy ou pa t ouvri, paske Mwen te konnen ke ou aji nan koken. Depi nan nesans ou, se rebèl ou te ye.
You never heard; you did not know; these things were not unfolded to your ears beforehand. For I knew that you have been very deceitful, and that you have been a rebel from birth.
9 Pou koz a non Mwen, M ap fè kòlè Mwen pran ti reta; pou koz lwanj Mwen, Mwen ralanti l pou ou, pou m pa koupe retire ou nèt.
For the sake of my name I will defer my anger, and for my honor I will hold back from destroying you.
10 Gade byen, Mwen te rafine ou, men pa tankou ajan; Mwen te fè ou pase a leprèv nan founo doulè a.
Look, I refined you, but not as silver; I have purified you in the furnace of affliction.
11 Pou koz pa M, pou pwòp koz pa Mwen, Mwen va aji; paske kòman non Mwen ka vin pwofane konsa? Glwa Mwen, Mwen p ap ka sede l bay yon lòt.
For my own sake, for my own sake I will act; for how can I allow my name to be profaned? I will not give my glory to anyone else.
12 Koute Mwen, O Jacob, menm Israël ke M te rele a; Mwen se Li menm nan. Mwen se premye a. E Mwen se osi dènye a.
Listen to me, Jacob, and Israel, whom I called: I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.
13 Anverite, men M te etabli latè, e men dwat Mwen te louvri syèl yo. Lè M rele yo, yo kanpe ansanm.
Yes, my hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I call to them, they stand up together.
14 Rasanble, nou tout pou koute! Se kilès pami yo ki te deklare bagay sa yo? Sila SENYÈ a renmen; li va akonpli sa li pito sou Babylone. Men L va kontra Kaldeyen yo.
Assemble yourselves, all of you, and listen! Who among you has announced these things? Yahweh's ally will accomplish his purpose against Babylon. He will carry out Yahweh's will against the Chaldeans.
15 Mwen menm, Mwen te pale. Anverite, Mwen te rele li. Mwen te mennen li, e Li va fè chemen li yo vin reyisi.
I, I have spoken, yes, I have summoned him, I have brought him, and he will succeed.
16 Vin toupre Mwen, koute sa: “Depi nan kòmansman, Mwen pa t pale an sekrè; depi tan sa te rive a, Mwen te la.” Epi koulye a Senyè BONDYE a te voye Mwen ak Lespri Li.
Come near to me, listen to this: From the beginning I have not spoken in secret; when it happens, I am there.” Now the Lord Yahweh has sent me, and his Spirit.
17 Konsa pale SENYÈ a, Redanmtè ou a, Sila Ki Sen an Israël la: “Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye ou a, ki enstwi ou pou ou ta byen reyisi, ki mennen ou nan chemen ke ou ta dwe ale a.
This is what Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says, “I am Yahweh your God, who teaches you how to succeed, who leads you by the way that you should go.
18 Si sèlman ou te okipe kòmandman Mwen yo! Konsa afè ou t ap mache byen tankou yon rivyè, e ladwati ou tankou lam lanmè yo.
If only you had obeyed my commandments! Then your peace and prosperity would have flowed like a river, and your salvation like the waves of the sea.
19 Desandan nou yo t ap tankou sab e pitit ou yo tankou grenn sab. Non pa li pa ta janm vin disparèt ni detwi devan prezans Mwen.”
Your descendants would have been as numerous as the sand, and the children from your womb as numerous as the grains of sand; their name would not have been cut off nor blotted out from before me.
20 Ale kite Babylone! Sove ale devan Kaldeyen yo! Deklare ak son a kri lajwa, pwoklame sa. Voye li rive jis nan dènye pwent latè. Anonse li, “SENYÈ a te rachte sèvitè Li a, Jacob.”
Come out from Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans! With the sound of a ringing cry announce it! Make this known, make it go out to the ends of the earth! Say, 'Yahweh has redeemed his servant Jacob.'
21 Yo pa t swaf lè Li te mennen yo travèse dezè yo. Li te fè dlo sòti nan wòch pou yo; Li te fann wòch la e dlo te vin pete.
They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made the water to flow out of the rock for them; he split open the rock, and the waters gushed out.
22 “Pa gen lapè pou mechan yo”, SENYÈ a di.
There is no peace for the wicked—says Yahweh.”

< Ezayi 48 >