< Esetera 2 >

1 MAHOPE iho o keia mau mea, i ka wa i maalili ai ka huhu o ke alii o Ahasuero, hoomanao iho la ia ia Vaseti, a me na mea ana i hana'i, a me ka kanawai i kauia nona.
After these things, when the wrath of King Ahashuerosh was appeased, he remembred Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her.
2 Alaila, olelo ae la na kanaka o ke alii, o ka poe i lawelawe nana, E imiia ua ke alii na kaikamahine puupaa, a maikai ke nana aku:
And the Kings seruants that ministred vnto him, sayd, Let them seeke for the King beautifull yong virgins,
3 A e hoonoho hoi ke alii i mau luna ma na aina a pau o kona aupuni, i hoakoakoa mai ai lakou ma Susana nei, ma ka pakaua, i na kaikamahine puupaa a pau, na mea maikai ke nana aku, a i ka hele o na wahine, malalo o ka lima o Hegai ka luna o ke alii, o ka mea malama i na wahine, a e haawiia no lakou na laau ala e maemae ai.
And let the King appoynt officers through all the prouinces of his kingdome, and let them gather all the beautiful yong virgins vnto the palace of Shushan, into the house of the women, vnder the hand of Hege the Kings eunuche, keeper of the women, to giue them their things for purification.
4 A o ke kaikamahine e lealea ai ke alii, e lilo ia i alii wahine ma ka hakahaka o Vaseti. A oluolu ke alii ia mea, a hana iho la oia pela.
And the mayde that shall please the King, let her reigne in the steade of Vashti. And this pleased the King, and he did so.
5 Ma Susana ka pakaua kekahi Iudalo, o Moredekai kona inoa, he keiki ia na Iaira, ke keiki a Simei, ke keiki a Kisa, he Beniamina;
In the citie of Shushan, there was a certaine Iewe, whose name was Mordecai the sonne of Iair, the sonne of Shimei, the sonne of Kish a man of Iemini,
6 Ua lawe pio ia, mai Ierusalema aku, me ka poe pio i lawe pu ia me Iekonia, ke alii o ka Iada, ka mea a Nebukaneza ke alii o Babulona i lawe pio ai.
Which had bene caryed away from Ierusalem with the captiuitie that was caryed away with Ieconiah King of Iudah (whom Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel had caryed away)
7 Nana no i hanai ia Hadasa, oia hoi o Esetera, ke kaikamahine a kekahi makuakane ona. No ka mea, aole o Esetera makuakane, aole ona makuwahine; ua maikai ka helehelena o ua kaikamahine la, ua uani hoi; a make kona makuakane a me kona makuwahine, lawe o Moredekai ia ia i kaikamahine nana.
And he nourished Hadassah, that is Ester, his vncles daughter: for she had neither father nor mother, and the mayde was fayre, and beautifull to looke on: and after the death of her father, and her mother, Mordecai tooke her for his own daughter
8 A loheia ka olelo a ke alii, a me kona kanawai, a hoakoakoaia mai na kaikamahine he nui loa ma Susana ka pakaua, ma ka lima o Hegai, o Esetera kekahi i laweia mai iloko o ka hale o ke alii, ma ka lima o Hegai, o ka mea malama i na wahine.
And when the Kings commandement, and his decree was published, and many maydes were brought together to the palace of Shushan, vnder the hand of Hege, Ester was brought also vnto the Kings house vnder the hande of Hege the keeper of the women.
9 Ua maikai ia kaikamahine i kona manao, a loaa ia ia ke alohaia mai e ia, a haawi koke ae la oia ia ia i na mea ala e maemae ai, a me na mea i pili ia ia, a me na kauwa wahine ehiku, na mea pono ke haawiia mai nona mailoko mai o ka hale o ke alii. A hoonoho oia ia ia a me kana mau kauwa wahine, ma ka hale maikai o na wahine.
And the mayde pleased him, and she founde fauour in his sight: therefore he caused her things for purification to be giuen her speedily, and her state, and seuen comely maides to be giuer her out of the Kings house, and he gaue change to her and to her maydes of the best in the house of the women.
10 Aole i hoike o Esetera i kona lahuikanaka, a me kona hanauna; no ka mea, ua kauoha mai o Moredekai ia ia, aole e hoike.
But Ester shewed not her people and her kinred: for Mordecai had charged her, that shee should not tell it.
11 A holoholo ae la o Moredekai i kela la i keia la, ma ke kahua o ka hale o na wahine, i ike ia i ko Esetera noho ana, a me ka mea e hauaia mai ia ia.
Aud Mordecai walked euery day before the court of the womens house, to knowe if Ester did well, and what should be done with her.
12 A hiki i ka manawa pono e hele aku ai kela kaikamahine keia kaikamahine iloko i ke alii ia Ahasuero, mahope iho o kona noho ana he umi a me kumamalua malama, e like me ka hana mau ana a na wahine, (no ka mea, penei i malamaia'i na la o ka hoomaemae ana: eono malama me ka aila mura, a eono malama me na mea ala, a me na mea e maemae ai na wahine: )
And when the course of euery mayd came, to go in to King Ahashuerosh, after that she had bene twelue moneths according to the maner of the women (for so were the dayes of their purifications accomplished, sixe moneths with oyle of myrrhe, and sixe moneths with sweete odours and in the purifying of the women:
13 Pela i hele ai na kaikamahine i ke alii. O ka mea ana i makemake ai, haawiia mai no ia nana, e lawe pu me ia, mai ka hale o na wahine aku, a ka hale o ke alii.
And thus went the maides vnto the King) whatsoeuer she required, was giuen her, to go with her out of the womens house vnto ye kings house.
14 I ke ahiahi, komo aku la oia iloko, a kakahiaka hoi mai la, a i ka lua o ka hale o na wahine, ma ka lima o Saasegaza, ka luna o ke alii nana i malama i na haiawahine; aole ia i komo hou aku i ke alii la, ke olioli ole ke alii ia ia, a heaia'ku hoi ia ma ka inoa.
In the euening she went, and on the morow she returned into the second house of the women vnder the hand of Shaashgaz the Kings eunuche, which kept the concubines: shee came in to the King no more, except shee pleased the King, and that she were called by name.
15 A hiki i ka manawa pono e komo aku ai i ke alii la, o Esetera, e ke kaikamahine a Abihaila, he makuakane no Moredekai, ka mea i lawe ia ia i kaikamahine nana, aole i makeraake o Esetera i kekahi mea e ae, i na mea wale no a Hegai i olelo ai, ka luna o ke alii, ka mea malama i na wahine. Loaa no ia Esetera ka hoomaikaiia mai e ka poe a pau i ike ia ia.
Now when the course of Ester the daughter of Abihail the vncle of Mordecai (which had taken her as his owne daughter) came, that shee should go in to the King, she desired nothing, but what Hege the Kings eunuche the keeper of the women sayde: and Ester founde fauour in the sight of all them that looked vpon her.
16 A laweia'ku la o Esetera i ke alii, ia Ahasuero, iloko o kona hale alii, i ka malama umi, oia hoi ka malama o Tebeta, i ka hiku o ka makahiki o kona noho alii ana.
So Ester was taken vnto King Ahashuerosh into his house royall in the tenth moneth, which is the moneth Tebeth, in the seuenth yeere of his reigne.
17 A oi aku ka makemake o ke alii ia Esetera, mamua o na wahine a pau, a loaa ia ia ke alohaia, a me ka lokomaikaiia mai e ia, mamua o na wahine puupaa a pau. A kau iho la ia i ka leialii maluna o kona poo, a hoolilo iho la ia ia i alii wahine ma ka hakahaka o Vaseti.
And the King loued Ester aboue all the women, and shee founde grace and fauour in his sight more then all the virgins: so that he set the crowne of the kingdome vpon her head, and made her Queene instead of Vashti.
18 Alaila, hana iho la ke alii i ahaaina nui na kona mau alii a pau, a me kona poe kanaka; o ka Esetera ahaaina ia. A haawi ae la oia i ka hoomaha no ua aina, a haawi no hoi i ka manawalea, e like me ka aoao mau o ke alii.
Then the King made a great feast vnto all his princes, and his seruants, which was the feast of Ester, and gaue rest vnto the prouinces, and gaue gifts, according to the power of a King.
19 A i ka lua o ka hoakoakoa ana mai o na wahine puupaa, e noho ana no o Moredekai ma ka pukapa o ke alii.
And whe the virgins were gathered ye second time, then Mordecai sate in the Kings gate.
20 Aole i hoike o Esetera i kona hanauna, a me kona lahuikanaka, e like me ka Moredekai i kauoha aku ai ia ia; no ka mea, malama no o Esetera i ke kauoha a Moredekai, e like me kona manawa i malamaia'i e ia.
Ester had not yet shewed her kindred nor her people, as Mordecai had charged her: for Ester did after the worde of Mordecai, as when she was nourished with him.
21 Ia manawa, i ko Moredokai noho ana ma ka pukapa o ke alii, huhu aku la na luna elua o ke alii, o Bigetana, a me Teresa, na mea kiaipuka, a imi iho la laua i wahi e hiki ai e kau ka lima maluna o ke alii o Ahasuero.
In those dayes whe Mordecai sate in the Kings gate, two of the Kings eunuches, Bigthan and Teresh, which kept the doore, were wroth, and sought to lay hand on the King Ahashuerosh.
22 A ua ikeia ia mea e Moredekai, a nana no i hai aku ia Esetera, i ke alii wahine; a hai aku o Esetera i ke alii, ma ka inoa o Moredekai.
And the thing was knowen to Mordecai, and he tolde it vnto Queene Ester, and Ester certified the King thereof in Mordecais name:
23 A hookolokoloia ua mea la, loaa no; nolaila, liia laua a elua maluna o ka laau; a kakauia no hoi ia ma ka buke oihaua imua i ke alo o ke alii.
and when inquisition was made, it was found so: therefore they were both hanged on a tree: and it was written in the booke of the Chronicles before the King.

< Esetera 2 >