< Solomona 3 >

1 E KUU keiki, mai haalele oe i ko'u kanawai, E waiho hoi i ka'u mau kauoha ma kou naau.
My son, do not forget my commands and keep my teachings in your heart,
2 No ka mea, oia ka mea e nui ai na la a me na makahiki o kou ola ana, A o ka malu hoi e haawiia ia oe.
for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.
3 I ole e haalele ia oe ka lokomaikai a me ke aloha; E hawele ia mau mea ma kou a-i; E kakau hoi ma ka papa o ka naau.
Do not let covenant faithfulness and trustworthiness ever leave you, tie them together about your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Pela e loaa'i ka lokomaikai a me ka ike oiaio, Imua o Iehova a me na kanaka.
Then you will find favor and a good reputation in the sight of God and man.
5 E paulele ia Iehova me kou naau a pau; Mai hilinai hoi ma kou naauao iho.
Trust in Yahweh with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding;
6 Ma kou aoao a pau ia ia no oe e nana aku ai, A nana no e hoopololei i kou hele ana.
in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
7 Mai hooakamai oe ma kou manao iho; E makau ia Iehova a e haalele i ka hewa.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear Yahweh and turn away from evil.
8 Oia ke ola no kou mau olona, A me ka lolo no kou mau iwi.
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment for your body.
9 E hoonani ia Iehova ma kou waiwai, A me na hua mua o na mea a pau i loaa'i ia oe:
Honor Yahweh with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce,
10 Alaila, e hoopihaia kou waihona waiwai a hu, E hu ae kau mau mea kaomi waina i ka waina hou.
and your storehouses will be filled up and your vats will be bursting, full of new wine.
11 E kuu keiki, mai hoole oe i ke aoia mai e Iehova; Mai pauaho oe i kona hooponopono ana mai.
My son, do not despise Yahweh's instruction and do not hate his rebuke,
12 No ka mea, o ka mea a Iehova i aloha'i oia kana i paipai mai. Me he makua la i ke keiki ana i makemake ai.
for Yahweh disciplines those he loves, as a father deals with a son who pleases him.
13 Pomaikai ke kanaka ke loaa ia ia ka naauao, A o ke kanaka hoi i makaukau i ka ike.
The one who finds wisdom is blessed; he also gets understanding.
14 No ka mea, ua oi aku ka waiwai o ia mea mamua o ke kala, A o ke kuai ana hoi mamua o ke gula.
What you gain from wisdom is better than what silver will give in return and its profit is better than gold.
15 Ua maikai oia mamua o na momi; A o na mea a pau au e makemake ai, aole e liko me ia ka maikai.
Wisdom is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare to her.
16 Aia ma kona lima akau ka loihi o na la; A ma kona lima hema ka waiwai a me ka hanohano.
She has length of days in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
17 O kona mau aoao he mau aoao oluolu no, Ua pau hoi kona mau alanui i ka maluhia,
Her ways are ways of kindness and all her paths are peace.
18 Oia ka laau o ke ola no ka poe e hoopaa ana ia ia, Poinaikai hoi ka mea e apo ana ia ia.
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of it, those who hold on to it are happy.
19 Ma ke akamuai i hookumu iho ai o Iehova i ka honua; A ma ka ike i kau aku ai i ka lani.
By wisdom Yahweh founded the earth, by understanding he established the heavens.
20 Ma kona ike hoi i wawahiia'i na wahi hohonu, A ninini mai no na ao i ka ua.
By his knowledge the depths broke open and the clouds dropped their dew.
21 E kuu keiki e, mai huli e aku kou mau maka; E hoopaa i ka naauao a me ka ike.
My son, keep sound judgment and discernment, and do not lose sight of them.
22 He ola no ia no kou uhane, He hanohano no ia i kou a-i.
They will be life to your soul and an adornment of favor to wear around your neck.
23 Alaila, e hele makau ole oe ma kou ala, A o kou wawae hoi, aole ia e palaha.
Then you will walk on your way in safety and your foot will not stumble;
24 I kou moe ana, aole oe e makau; E moe iho no oe, a e oluolu kou hiamoe ana.
when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
25 Mai weliweli oe i ka mea e makau ai ke hikilele mai, Aole hoi i ka luku ana o ka poe hewa ke hiki mai.
Do not be afraid of sudden terror or devastation caused by the wicked, when it comes,
26 No ka mea, o Iehova no kou mea e peulele ai, E malama no oia i kou wawae i ole no e heiia.
for Yahweh will be on your side and will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.
27 Mai aua oe i ka maikai i ka mea e pono ai ia, Ke hiki i kou lima ke hana aku.
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.
28 Mai olelo oe i kou hoanoho, O hele oe a hoi mai, apopo e haawi aku au, Ke waiho wale ia mea ia oe.
Do not say to your neighbor, “Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give it,” when you have the money with you.
29 Mai imi hala oe i kou hoanoho, No ka mea, ke noho la oia ma ou la me ka maluhia.
Do not make a plan to harm your neighbor— the one who lives close and trusts you.
30 Mai hoopaapaa hala ole oe me ke kanaka, Ina aole oia i hana hewa aku ia oe.
Do not argue with a person without a reason, when he has done nothing to harm you.
31 Mai hoolalike oe me ke kanaka huhu, Mai koho hoi oe i kekahi aoao ona.
Do not envy a violent person or choose any of his ways.
32 No ka mea, he mea hoopailua ka aia ia Iehova, O ka poe pololei oia kona poe hoakuka.
For the devious person is detestable to Yahweh, but he brings the upright person into his confidence.
33 O ka hoino o Iehova aia ma ka hale o ka mea hewa, Hoopomaikai oia i kahi noho ai o ka poe pono.
The curse of Yahweh is on the house of the wicked person, but he blesses the home of righteous people.
34 E hoowahawaha mai oia i ka poe hoowahawaha; E haawi mai oia i ka lokomaikai i ka poe i haahaa ka naau.
He mocks mockers, but he gives his favor to humble people.
35 E ili mai ka hanohano no ka poe naauao; O ka hookiekieia mai o ka poe hewa, he mea hilahila ia.
Wise people inherit honor, but fools will be lifted up in their shame.

< Solomona 3 >