< מִשְׁלֵי 13 >

בן חכם מוסר אב ולץ לא שמע גערה׃ 1
A wise son is a lover of teaching, but the ears of the haters of authority are shut to sharp words.
מפרי פי איש יאכל טוב ונפש בגדים חמס׃ 2
A man will get good from the fruit of his lips, but the desire of the false is for violent acts.
נצר פיו שמר נפשו פשק שפתיו מחתה לו׃ 3
He who keeps a watch on his mouth keeps his life; but he whose lips are open wide will have destruction.
מתאוה ואין נפשו עצל ונפש חרצים תדשן׃ 4
The hater of work does not get his desires, but the soul of the hard workers will be made fat.
דבר שקר ישנא צדיק ורשע יבאיש ויחפיר׃ 5
The upright man is a hater of false words: the evil-doer gets a bad name and is put to shame.
צדקה תצר תם דרך ורשעה תסלף חטאת׃ 6
Righteousness keeps safe him whose way is without error, but evil-doers are overturned by sin.
יש מתעשר ואין כל מתרושש והון רב׃ 7
A man may be acting as if he had wealth, but have nothing; another may seem poor, but have great wealth.
כפר נפש איש עשרו ורש לא שמע גערה׃ 8
A man will give his wealth in exchange for his life; but the poor will not give ear to sharp words.
אור צדיקים ישמח ונר רשעים ידעך׃ 9
There is a glad dawn for the upright man, but the light of the sinner will be put out.
רק בזדון יתן מצה ואת נועצים חכמה׃ 10
The only effect of pride is fighting; but wisdom is with the quiet in spirit.
הון מהבל ימעט וקבץ על יד ירבה׃ 11
Wealth quickly got will become less; but he who gets a store by the work of his hands will have it increased.
תוחלת ממשכה מחלה לב ועץ חיים תאוה באה׃ 12
Hope put off is a weariness to the heart; but when what is desired comes, it is a tree of life.
בז לדבר יחבל לו וירא מצוה הוא ישלם׃ 13
He who makes sport of the word will come to destruction, but the respecter of the law will be rewarded.
תורת חכם מקור חיים לסור ממקשי מות׃ 14
The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning men away from the nets of death.
שכל טוב יתן חן ודרך בגדים איתן׃ 15
Wise behaviour gets approval, but the way of the false is their destruction.
כל ערום יעשה בדעת וכסיל יפרש אולת׃ 16
A sharp man does everything with knowledge, but a foolish man makes clear his foolish thoughts.
מלאך רשע יפל ברע וציר אמונים מרפא׃ 17
A man taking false news is a cause of trouble, but he who gives news rightly makes things well.
ריש וקלון פורע מוסר ושומר תוכחת יכבד׃ 18
Need and shame will be the fate of him who is uncontrolled by training; but he who takes note of teaching will be honoured.
תאוה נהיה תערב לנפש ותועבת כסילים סור מרע׃ 19
To get one's desire is sweet to the soul, but to give up evil is disgusting to the foolish.
הלוך את חכמים וחכם ורעה כסילים ירוע׃ 20
Go with wise men and be wise: but he who keeps company with the foolish will be broken.
חטאים תרדף רעה ואת צדיקים ישלם טוב׃ 21
Evil will overtake sinners, but the upright will be rewarded with good.
טוב ינחיל בני בנים וצפון לצדיק חיל חוטא׃ 22
The heritage of the good man is handed down to his children's children; and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the upright man.
רב אכל ניר ראשים ויש נספה בלא משפט׃ 23
There is much food in the ploughed land of the poor; but it is taken away by wrongdoing.
חושך שבטו שונא בנו ואהבו שחרו מוסר׃ 24
He who keeps back his rod is unkind to his son: the loving father gives punishment with care.
צדיק אכל לשבע נפשו ובטן רשעים תחסר׃ 25
The upright man has food to the full measure of his desire, but there will be no food for the stomach of evil-doers.

< מִשְׁלֵי 13 >