< Ntendo nia itumi 27 >

1 Nai ilamuwe kina itakiwe kutunga muhinzo ku mazi kulongola ku Italia, ai aminkiiye uPaulo ni atungwa angiiza kung'wa afisa ung'wi nua idale nila Kiroma nai witangwaa Julio, nua idale lang'wa Agustani.
And as it was determined that we should sail to Italy, they delivered Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the Augustan band, named Julius.
2 Kikanankila i meli kupuma ku Adramitamu, naiza ituile itunge muhinzo mu mpelo mpelo a nshemba a Asia. Iti gwa ki kingila mu luzi. uAristaka kupuma ku Thesalonike a ku Makedonia akalongola palung'wi nu sese.
And going on board a ship of Adramyttium, we put to sea, intending to sail by the coast of Asia, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
3 Luhiku nai lutyatile kikasimya u ludigi mu kisali nika ku Sidoni, naiza uJulio ai umutendee uPaulo ku ukende nu kumulekela kulongola ku ahumbauya akwe kusingiilya u ukende nuao.
On the next day, we touched at Sidon; and Julius treated Paul with kindness, and permitted him to go to his friends, and receive their attentions.
4 Kupuma papo kikalongola mu luzi kikatunga u muhinzo kupilimikiilya i kisiwa nika Kipro naiza katuile kiku kingama u ng'wega, ku nsoko u ng'wega ai watulaa ukugilinkiiye.
And thence we put to sea, and sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were adverse.
5 Ze yakilaa kutula katunga u muhinzo mu mazi nakoli pakupi ni Kilikia ni Pamfilia, kikapembya ku Mira, kisali nika Lisia.
And when we had sailed across the sea opposite Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, a city of Lycia.
6 Pang'wanso u afisa uyo nu idale nila Kiroma, akamihanga i meli kupuma ku Alexandria naiza ituile ikatunga muhinzo kutunga ku Italia. Akakunankilya mukati akwe.
And there the centurion found a ship of Alexandria, sailing to Italy; and he put us on board.
7 Ze yakilaa kutula katunga u muhinzo ku uembeelu ku mahiku idu ni panyambele kikatula kapika ku lwago pakupi ni Kinidas, u ng'wega shanga wikakulekela hangi kutunga i nzila nanso, itigwa kikatunga u muhinzo mu mpelo mpelo a mululi nua ku Krete kize ku ukigamile u ng'wega, kuhumbeela ni Salmone.
For many days we sailed slowly; and having with difficulty come off Cnidus, the wind not permitting us to go further, we sailed under the lee of Crete, off Salmone:
8 Kikatunga u muhinzo mu nshemba ku ukaku, kupikiila kianza nai kitangilwe Fari Haveni naiza kikoli pakupi ni kisali nika Lasi.
and coasting along it with difficulty, we came to a place called Fair Havens, near which is the city of Lasea.
9 Ai katulaa kaholaa matungo idu nangaluu, ga ni itungo nila kuhita kulya nila Kiyahudi ai latulaa lakila, ni itungili ai yatulaa ulugu kulongoleka nu muhinzo. Iti gwa uPaulo aka kuhugula,
But, after much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous, for the fast was already past, Paul admonished them,
10 nu kuligitya, “Agoha, kihenga u muhinzo naiza kuloilwe ku uhole ukutula nu ubii nu u ulya widu, shanga udu ku miligo ni meli, kuiti ga nu ku likalo litu.”
saying: Men, I perceive that this voyage will be with damage and much loss, not only to the cargo and the ship, but also to our lives.
11 Kuiti u afisa nu idale nila Kiroma akamutegeelya ikilo u mukulu nuakwe nu mukola hiu nua meli, kukila i makani ayo naiza akutambulwa nu Paulo.
But the centurion had more confidence in the pilot, and in the owner of the ship, than in the things which were spoken by Paul.
12 Ku nsoko i bandari shanga ai atulaa kipango kitontu kikie itungo nila ulyuuku, ia baharia idu akasija kutunge u muhinzo kupuma pang'wanso, iti ku mpyani ihi anga kuhume ku kipikiila i kisali nika Foenike, kikie pang'wanso itungo nila u ulyuuku. Foenike ingi bandari uko ku Krete, hangi igozee hukuma kilya ni takama kilya.
And as the harbor was not commodious to winter in, the majority advised that they should put to sea from that place also, if, by any means, they might reach Phoenix, and winter there, which is a harbor of Crete, lying toward the south-west and north-west.
13 U ng'wega nua takama nai wandilye ku kunka ku uembeelu, ia baharia akasigiila alija iko naiza atulaa akiloilwe. Akipa u ludigi nu kutunga u muhinzo mpelompelo a Krete pakupi ni nshemba.
And when the south wind blew gently, supposing that they had gained their object, they launched the ship, and ran along close to the shore of Crete.
14 Kuiti ze yakilaa itungo ikupi ng'wega utaki, nuitangwaa nua hukuma kilya, ukandya ku ukua kupuma itumbi nila kisiwa.
But in a little time a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon, blew against it.
15 Matungo i meli nai ihumeeigwe nu kuleng'wa ku ugilinkiilya u ng'wega, ki kigombya ni hali yiyo kikatwalwa muhinzo nu wenso.
And the ship being caught and unable to bear up against the wind, we committed it to the gale, and were driven along.
16 Kikamanka kukiila u ng'wega nuanso nkika nai atulaa ikuukingila ung'wega nua kisiwa nikitangwaa Kauda; ni ku lwago nangaluu ai kuligilye ku uguniilya u mutumbwi.
And running under the lee of a certain island called Clauda, we with difficulty secured the boat.
17 Ze yakilaa kutula kamilutaa, ai atumie ludigi kumitunga i meli. Akitumba kina kuzeehuma kulongola mu kipango nika mahalu idu nika Syiti, iti gwa akasimya u ludigi hangi ai alongoigwe mu mpelo mpelo.
When they had taken it up, they used helps, undergirding the ship. And fearing lest they should fall into the quicksand, they lowered the mast, and thus were driven along.
18 Kika kuwa ku ngulu nangaluu nu kimpupu, itigwa luhiku nai lutyatile ia baharia akandya kuguma i miligo kupuma mu meli.
And as we were greatly tossed by the tempest, on the next day they threw overboard the cargo;
19 Mahiku a taatu, ia baharia akandya kumapumya i mazi ku mikono ao akola.
and on the third day, with our own hands, we threw out the tackling of the ship.
20 Matungo naiza ilyoa ni nzota shanga ai yukalikie ku mahiku idu, ikili u kimpupu mukulu ai ukukuile, ni isumbiilyo kina kikagunwa ai li limie.
And as neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest lay upon us, all hope of our being saved was at length taken away.
21 Ze yakilaa kutula alongolaa matungo malipu bila ndya, pang'wanso uPaulo akimika pakati a abaharia akalingitya, “Agoha, mutakiwe muntegeelye, hangi shanga aza kuziipa u ludigi kupuma ku Krete, iti kulija aya u ulugu nu ulimili.
But, after long abstinence from food, Paul stood up in the midst of them, and said: men, you ought to have been persuaded by me, and not to have put to sea from Crete; and you would have avoided this damage and loss.
22 Ni itungili kumupoeelya mipe inkolo, ku nsoko shanga ikutula nu ulimili nua likalo kati anyu, kwaala ulimili nua meli du.
And now, I exhort you to be of good cheer; for there shall be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
23 Ku nsoko utiku nuakilaa malaika wang'wa Itunda, naiza Itunda uyo unene niakwe, ga ni hangi naiza nimipoelya - malaika nuakwe ai wimikile pa mpelo ane
For there stood by me this night an angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
24 nu kuligitya, “Leka kitumba Paulo. Kusinja wimike ntongeela ang'wa Kaisari, hangi goza, Itunda mu ukende nuakwe ukinkiiye awa ihi naza atungile u muhinzo palung'wi nu ewe.
and said, Fear not, Paul; you must stand in the presence of Cæsar; and behold, God has given you all that are sailing with you.
25 Iti gwa, agoha, ipi i nkolo, ku nsoko nu muhuiie Itunda, kina ikutula anga nintambuiwe.
For this reason, men, be cheerful; for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told to me.
26 Kuiti kusinja kuaalike ku kukuwa mu ing'wi nia isiwa.”
But we must be thrown upon a certain island.
27 Nai ipikile u utiku wigengu, nai ikatula kulongoigwe kunu nu kunu mu luzi nula Adratik, anga u utiku nu igengu iti, abaharia ai asigile kina ahumbeela kihi ni nyumu.
But when the fourteenth night had come, and we were drifting up and down in the Adriatic Sea, about midnight the sailors supposed that they were drawing near some land.
28 Ai atumie mililo kugemela kina ulundu nua imazi nu kulija mita makumi a taatu ni mutandatu, ze yakilaa itungo ikupi akagemela hangi akalija mita makumi abiili ni mupungati.
And they sounded, and found twenty fathoms: and when they had gone a little further, and sounded again, they found fifteen fathoms.
29 Ai itumbile hanza kuhumile kukumpa matalagwe, iti gwa akasimya i nanga inne kupuma mu nkika a kuikila i nanga hangi akalompa kina idau aza izee kaya kuza.
And fearing that we would fall upon rocks, they threw out four anchors from the stern, and wished for day.
30 Awo i abaharia ai atulaa akuduma mpyani a kumigumaniilya i meli nanso hangi akasimya mu mazi i boti ni niino niino nia kugunila u likalo, hangi akitendisa kina akuguma nanga kupuma mu nkika a kuntongeela a boti.
And as the sailors were attempting to flee from the ship, and were letting down the boat into the sea, under the pretext that they were about to let down anchors from the prow,
31 Kuiti uPaulo akamuila u asikali uyo nuidale nila Kiroma ni asikali awo, “Shanga mukuhuma kugunika kwaala antu awa niakusiga mu meli,”
Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers: Unless these remain in the ship, you can not be saved.
32 Uugwa i asikali awo akatinanga i ndigi nia boti izo nu kulekwa iholwe ni mazi.
Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let it fall off.
33 Matungo u welu nua kidau dau nai watula ukupumila, uPaulo aka asinja ihi ageme kulya iniino. Akaligitya, “Ulu luhiku nula ikumi na inne mulindiie shanga mukulya, mukili kulya i kintu.
And while the day was coming on, Paul exhorted them all to take food, saying: This is the fourteenth day that you have been in suspense, and continued without food, having taken nothing.
34 Iti gwa kuminena muhole indya iniino, ku nsoko iyi ingi kunsoko a kikie kitalanyu; hangi kutili ga nu lusingi lung'wi mu matwe anyu nulukulimila.
Wherefore, I exhort you to take food; for this will promote your safety. For not a hair shall fall from the head of any of you.
35 Nai wakondya kuligitya nanso, akahola u mukate akamulumba Itunda ntongeela a miho a kila muntu. Uugwa akau ega u mukate akandya kulya.
And when he had said this, he took bread, and gave thanks to God before them all, and broke, and began to eat.
36 Uu gwa ihi akakuiligwa inkolo ni enso akahola indya.
And all became cheerful, and also partook of food.
37 Ai katulaa antu 276 mukati a meli.
And all of us that were in the ship were two hundred and seventy-six souls.
38 Nai akondya kulya nu kikuta, ai amizipilye i meli kutula mpepeele ku kuguma i ngano mukati a luzi.
When they were satisfied with food, they lightened the ship by throwing the provisions into the sea.
39 Nai ikatula mung'wi, shanga ai amilingile ihi ni nyumu, kuiti akihenga kipango kihi ni nyumu nai kingie mukati a mazi nai katula ni mahalu idu. Akitambulya anga ize ahumile kumilongolya i meli kutunga pang'wanso.
And when it was day, they did not recognize the land; but they perceived an inlet, that had an accessible shore, into which they desired, if they could, to thrust the ship.
40 Iti gwa akaitolya i nanga akailekela mu luzi Mu itungo lilo liilo akaitolya i nanga nia itanga nu kumihumbula i nkika a kuntongeela kutunga mu ng'wega, iti gwa akatunga mu nkika a mahalu idu.
And, after cutting away the anchors, they committed the ship to the sea, at the same time loosing the lashings of the rudders: and they set up the front sail to the wind, and kept the ship firmly toward the shore.
41 Kuiti akapembya kianza naiza ukiilo ubiili nua mazi utankanie, ni meli ikatunga mu mahalu. Ni nkika iyo na ntongeela a meli ikakigama pang'wanso shanga ai ihumile kupuma, Kuiti i kipango nika ntongeela a meli kikandya kubunika ku nsoko a utaki nua maingu.
And falling into a place where two currents met, they ran the ship aground, and the prow stuck fast, and remained immovable; but the stern was broken by the violence of the waves.
42 Isigo nila asikali awo ai latulaa la kuabulaga i atungwa, iti kina kutili nai uziipumpa nu kutigana.
The soldiers counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest some of them should swim out and escape.
43 Kuiti u asikali uyo nu idale nila Kiroma ai uloilwe kumuguna uPaulo, iti gwa akimisha i masigo ao; nu kulagiilya awo nia humile kipumpa, apute kupuma mu meli hanza nu kulongola kihi ni nyumu.
But the centurion, wishing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose, and commanded those who were able to swim, to throw themselves into the sea first, and get to land;
44 Uugwa i agoha ni angiiza akutyata, i auya migulya a ipande nia mabada ni auya migulya a intu ingiiza kupuma mu meli. Ku nzila iyi ikapumila kina ihi kuupika iziza kihi ni nyumu.
and then the rest, some on planks, and others on what could be taken from the ship. And thus it came to pass, that all got safe to land.

< Ntendo nia itumi 27 >