< 2 Cronache 24 >

1 Joas avea sette anni quando cominciò a regnare, e regnò quarant’anni a Gerusalemme. Sua madre si chiamava Tsibia da Beer-Sceba.
Joash was seven years old when he became king, and he was ruling for forty years in Jerusalem: his mother's name was Zibiah of Beer-sheba.
2 Joas fece ciò ch’è giusto agli occhi dell’Eterno durante tutto il tempo che visse il sacerdote Jehoiada.
And Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord as long as Jehoiada the priest was living.
3 E Jehoiada prese per lui due mogli, dalle quali egli ebbe de’ figliuoli e delle figliuole.
And Jehoiada took two wives for him, and he became the father of sons and daughters.
4 Dopo queste cose venne in cuore a Joas di restaurare la casa dell’Eterno.
Now after this Joash had a desire to put the house of the Lord into good order again;
5 Radunò i sacerdoti e i Leviti, e disse loro: “Andate per le città di Giuda, e raccogliete anno per anno in tutto Israele del danaro per restaurare la casa dell’Iddio vostro; e guardate di sollecitar la cosa”. Ma i Leviti non s’affrettarono.
And getting together the priests and Levites, he said to them, Go out into the towns of Judah year by year, and get from all Israel money to keep the house of your God in good condition; and see that this is done without loss of time. The Levites, however, were slow in doing so.
6 Allora il re chiamò Jehoiada loro capo e gli disse: “Perché non hai tu procurato che i Leviti portassero da Giuda e da Gerusalemme la tassa che Mosè, servo dell’Eterno, e la raunanza d’Israele stabilirono per la tenda della testimonianza?”
Then the king sent for Jehoiada, the chief priest, and said to him, Why have you not given the Levites orders that the tax fixed by Moses, the servant of the Lord, and by the meeting of Israel, for the Tent of witness, is to be got in from Judah and Jerusalem and handed over?
7 Poiché i figliuoli di quella scellerata donna d’Athalia aveano saccheggiato la casa di Dio e aveano perfino adoperato per i Baali tutte le cose consacrate della casa dell’Eterno.
For the house of the Lord had been broken up by Athaliah, that evil woman, and her sons; and all its holy things they had given to the Baals.
8 Il re dunque comandò che si facesse una cassa e che la si mettesse fuori, alla porta della casa dell’Eterno.
So at the king's order they made a chest and put it outside the doorway of the house of the Lord.
9 Poi fu intimato in Giuda e in Gerusalemme che si portasse all’Eterno la tassa che Mosè, servo di Dio, aveva imposta ad Israele nel deserto.
And an order was sent out through all Judah and Jerusalem that payment was to be made to the Lord of the tax which Moses, the servant of God, had put on Israel in the waste land.
10 E tutti i capi e tutto il popolo se ne rallegrarono e portarono il danaro e lo gettarono nella cassa finché tutti ebbero pagato.
And all the chiefs and all the people came gladly and put their money into the chest, till they had all given.
11 Or quand’era il momento che i Leviti doveano portar la cassa agl’ispettori reali, perché vedevano che v’era molto danaro, il segretario del re e il commissario del sommo sacerdote venivano a vuotare la cassa; la prendevano, poi la riportavano al suo posto; facevan così ogni giorno, e raccolsero danaro in abbondanza.
So when the chest was taken to the king's servants by the Levites, and they saw that there was much money in it, the king's scribe and the chief priest's servant took the money out, and put the chest back in its place. They did this day by day, and got together a great amount of money.
12 E il re e Jehoiada lo davano a quelli incaricati d’eseguire i lavori della casa dell’Eterno; e questi pagavano degli scalpellini e de’ legnaiuoli per restaurare la casa dell’Eterno, e anche de’ lavoratori di ferro e di rame per restaurare la casa dell’Eterno.
Then the king and Jehoiada gave it to those who were responsible for getting the work done on the Lord's house, and with it they got wall-builders and woodworkers and metal-workers to put the house of the Lord in good order again.
13 Così gl’incaricati dei lavori si misero all’opera, e per le loro mani furon compiute le riparazioni; essi rimisero la casa di Dio in buono stato, e la consolidarono.
So the workmen did their work, making good what was damaged and building up the house of God till it was strong and beautiful again.
14 E, quand’ebbero finito, portarono davanti al re e davanti a Jehoiada il rimanente del danaro, col quale si fecero degli utensili per la casa dell’Eterno: degli utensili per il servizio e per gli olocausti, delle coppe, e altri utensili d’oro e d’argento. E durante tutta la vita di Jehoiada, si offrirono del continuo olocausti nella casa dell’Eterno.
And when the work was done, they took the rest of the money to the king and Jehoiada, and it was used for making the vessels for the house of the Lord, all the vessels needed for the offerings, the spoons and the vessels of gold and silver. And as long as Jehoiada was living, the regular burned offerings were offered in the house of the Lord.
15 Ma Jehoiada, fattosi vecchio e sazio di giorni, morì; quando morì, avea centotrent’anni;
But Jehoiada became old and full of days, and he came to his end; he was a hundred and thirty years old at the time of his death.
16 e fu sepolto nella città di Davide coi re, perché avea fatto del bene in Israele, per il servizio di Dio e della sua casa.
And they put him into his last resting-place in the town of David, among the kings, because he had done good in Israel for God and for his house.
17 Dopo la morte di Jehoiada, i capi di Giuda vennero al re e si prostrarono dinanzi a lui; allora il re die’ loro ascolto;
Now after the death of Jehoiada, the chiefs of Judah came and went down on their faces before the king. Then the king gave ear to them.
18 ed essi abbandonarono la casa dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio dei loro padri, e servirono gl’idoli d’Astarte e gli altri idoli; e questa loro colpa trasse l’ira dell’Eterno su Giuda e su Gerusalemme.
And they gave up the house of the Lord God of their fathers, and became worshippers of pillars of wood and of the images; and because of this sin of theirs, wrath came on Judah and Jerusalem.
19 L’Eterno mandò loro bensì de’ profeti per ricondurli a sé e questi protestarono contro la loro condotta, ma essi non vollero ascoltarli.
And the Lord sent them prophets to make them come back to him; and they gave witness against them, but they would not give ear.
20 Allora lo spirito di Dio investì Zaccaria, figliuolo del sacerdote Jehoiada, il quale, in piè, dominando il popolo, disse loro: “Così dice Iddio: Perché trasgredite voi i comandamenti dell’Eterno? Voi non prospererete; poiché avete abbandonato l’Eterno, anch’egli vi abbandonerà”.
Then the spirit of God came on Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the priest, and, getting up before the people, he said to them, God has said, Why do you go against the orders of the Lord, so that everything goes badly for you? because you have given up the Lord, he has given you up.
21 Ma quelli fecero una congiura contro di lui, e lo lapidarono per ordine del re, nel cortile della casa del l’Eterno.
But when they had made a secret design against him, he was stoned with stones, by the king's order, in the outer square of the Lord's house.
22 E il re Joas non si ricordò della benevolenza usata verso lui da Jehoiada, padre di Zaccaria, e gli uccise il figliuolo; il quale, morendo, disse: “L’Eterno lo veda e ne ridomandi conto!”
So King Joash did not keep in mind how good Jehoiada his father had been to him, but put his son to death. And in the hour of his death he said, May the Lord see it and take payment!
23 E avvenne che, scorso l’anno, l’esercito dei Siri salì contro Joas, e venne in Giuda e a Gerusalemme. Essi misero a morte fra il popolo tutti i capi, e ne mandarono tutte le spoglie al re di Damasco.
Now in the spring, the army of the Aramaeans came up against him; they came against Judah and Jerusalem, putting to death all the great men of the people and sending all the goods they took from them to the king of Damascus.
24 E benché l’esercito de’ Siri fosse venuto con piccolo numero d’uomini, pure l’Eterno die’ loro nelle mani un esercito grandissimo, perché quelli aveano abbandonato l’Eterno, l’Iddio dei loro padri. Così i Siri fecero giustizia di Joas.
For though the army of Aram was only a small one, the Lord gave a very great army into their hands, because they had given up the Lord, the God of their fathers. So they put into effect the punishment of Joash.
25 E quando questi si furon partiti da lui, lasciandolo in gravi sofferenze, i suoi servi ordirono contro di lui una congiura, perch’egli avea versato il sangue dei figliuoli del sacerdote Jehoiada, e lo uccisero nel suo letto. Così morì, e fu sepolto nella città di Davide, ma non nei sepolcri dei re.
And when they had gone away from him, (for he was broken with disease, ) his servants made a secret design against him because of the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and they put him to death on his bed; and they put his body into the earth in the town of David, but not in the resting-place of the kings.
26 Quelli che congiurarono contro di lui furono Zabad, figliuolo di Scimeath, un’Ammonita, e Jozabad, figliuolo di Scimrith, una Moabita.
Those who made designs against him were Zabad, the son of Shimeath, an Ammonite woman, and Jehozabad, the son of Shimrith, a Moabite woman.
27 Or quanto concerne i suoi figliuoli, il gran numero di tributi impostigli e il restauro della casa di Dio, si trova scritto nelle memorie del libro dei re. E Amatsia, suo figliuolo, regnò in luogo suo.
Now the story of his sons, and all the words said by the prophet against him, and the building up again of the Lord's house, are recorded in the account in the book of the kings. And Amaziah his son became king in his place.

< 2 Cronache 24 >