< 詩篇 81 >

1 われらの力なる神にむかひて高らかにうたひヤコブの神にむかひてよろこびの聲をあげよ
TO THE OVERSEER. ON THE GITTITH. BY ASAPH. Cry aloud to God our strength, Shout to the God of Jacob.
2 歌をうたひ鼓とよき音のことと筝とをもちきたれ
Lift up a song, and give out a timbrel, A pleasant harp with stringed instrument.
3 新月と滿月とわれらの節會の日とにラッパをふきならせ
Blow a horn in the month, In the new moon, at the day of our festival,
4 これイスラエルの律法ヤコブのかみの格なり
For it [is] a statute to Israel, An ordinance of the God of Jacob.
5 神さきにエジプトを攻たまひしときヨセフのなかに之をたてて證となしたまへり 我かしこにて未だしらざりし方言をきけり
He has placed it—a testimony on Joseph, In his going forth over the land of Egypt. A lip, I have not known—I hear.
6 われかれの肩より重荷をのぞき かれの手を籃よりまぬかれしめたり
I turned aside his shoulder from the burden, His hands pass over from the basket.
7 汝なやめるとき呼しかば我なんぢをすくへり われ雷鳴のかくれたるところにて汝にこたへメリバの水のほとりにて汝をこころみたり (セラ)
In distress you have called and I deliver you, I answer you in the secret place of thunder, I try you by the waters of Meribah. (Selah)
8 わが民よきけ我なんぢに證せん イスラエルよ汝がわれに從はんことをもとむ
Hear, O My people, and I testify to you, O Israel, if you listen to me:
9 汝のうちに他神あるべからず なんぢ他神ををがむべからず
There is not in you a strange god, And you do not bow yourself to a strange god.
10 われはエジプトの國よりなんぢを携へいでたる汝の神ヱホバなり なんぢの口をひろくあけよ われ物をみたしめん
I [am] your God YHWH, Who brings you up out of the land of Egypt. Enlarge your mouth, and I fill it.
11 されどわが民はわか聲にしたがはず イスラエルは我をこのまず
But My people did not listen to My voice, And Israel has not consented to Me.
12 このゆゑに我かれらが心のかたくななるにまかせ彼等がその任意にゆくにまかせたり
And I send them away in the enmity of their heart, They walk in their own counsels.
13 われはわが民のわれに從ひイスフルのわが道にあゆまんことを求む
O that My people were listening to Me, Israel would walk in My ways.
14 さらば我すみやかにかれらの仇をしたがへ わが手をかれらの敵にむけん
As a little thing I cause their enemies to bow, And I turn back My hand against their adversaries,
15 斯てヱホバをにくみし者もかれらに從ひ かれらの時はとこしへにつづかん
Those hating YHWH should have feigned [obedience] to Him, And their time would last for all time.
16 神はむぎの最嘉をもてかれらをやしなひ 磐よりいでたる蜜をもて汝をあかしむべし
He causes him to eat of the fat of wheat, And I satisfy you [with] honey from a rock!

< 詩篇 81 >