< 雅歌 1 >

1 これはソロモンの雅歌なり
The Song of Songs, that [is] of Solomon.
2 ねがはしきは彼その口の接吻をもて我にくちつけせんことなり 汝の愛は酒よりもまさりぬ
Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth, For better [are] your loves than wine.
3 なんぢの香膏は其香味たへに馨しくなんぢの名はそそがれたる香膏のごとし 是をもて女子等なんぢを愛す
For fragrance [are] your good perfumes. Perfume emptied out—your name, Therefore have virgins loved you!
4 われを引たまへ われら汝にしたがひて走らん 王われをたづさへてその後宮にいれたまへり 我らは汝によりて歡び樂しみ酒よりも勝りてなんぢの愛をほめたたふ 彼らは直きこころをもて汝を愛す
Draw me: we run after you, The king has brought me into his inner chambers, We delight and rejoice in you, We mention your loves more than wine, Uprightly they have loved you!
5 ヱルサレムの女子等よ われは黑けれどもなほ美はし ケダルの天幕のごとく またソロモンの帷帳に似たり
I [am] dark and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, as tents of Kedar, as curtains of Solomon.
6 われ色くろきが故に日のわれを燒たるが故に我を視るなかれ わが母の子等われを怒りて我に葡萄園をまもらしめたり 我はおのが葡萄園をまもらざりき
Do not fear me, because I [am] very dark, Because the sun has scorched me, The sons of my mother were angry with me, They made me keeper of the vineyards, My vineyard—my own—I have not kept.
7 わが心の愛する者よなんぢは何處にてなんぢの群を牧ひ 午時いづこにて之を息まするや請ふわれに告よ なんぞ面を覆へる者の如くしてなんぢが伴侶の群のかたはらにをるべけんや
Declare to me, you whom my soul has loved, Where you delight, Where you lie down at noon, For why am I as one veiled, By the ranks of your companions?
8 婦女の最も美はしき者よ なんぢ若しらずば群の足跡にしたがひて出ゆき 牧羊者の天幕のかたはらにて汝の羔山羊を牧へ
If you do not know, O beautiful among women, Go forth by the traces of the flock, And feed your kids by the shepherds’ dwellings!
9 わが佳耦よ 我なんぢをパロの車の馬に譬ふ
To my joyous one in chariots of Pharaoh, I have compared you, my friend,
10 なんぢの臉には鏈索を垂れ なんぢの頭には珠玉を陳ねて至も美はし
Your cheeks have been lovely with garlands, your neck with chains.
11 われら白銀の星をつけたる黄金の鏈索をなんぢのために造らん
We make garlands of gold for you, with studs of silver!
12 王其席につきたまふ時 わがナルダ其香味をいだせり
While the king [is] in his circle, My spikenard has given its fragrance.
13 わが愛する者は我にとりてはわが胸のあひだにおきたる沒藥の袋のごとし
A bundle of myrrh [is] my beloved to me, Between my breasts it lodges.
14 わが愛する者はわれにとりてはエンゲデの園にあるコペルの英華のごとし
A cluster of cypress [is] my beloved to me, In the vineyards of En-Gedi!
15 ああ美はしきかな わが佳耦よ ああうるはしきかな なんぢの目は鴿のごとし
Behold, you [are] beautiful, my friend, Behold, you [are] beautiful, your eyes [are] doves!
16 わが愛する者よ ああなんぢは美はしくまた樂しきかな われらの牀は靑緑なり
Behold, you [are] beautiful, my love, indeed, pleasant, Indeed, our bed [is] green,
17 われらの家の棟梁は香柏 その垂木は松の木なり
The beams of our houses [are] cedars, Our rafters [are] firs, I [am] a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys!

< 雅歌 1 >