< 使徒の働き 11 >

1 第三 エルザレムの信徒ペトロの處置を非難し後之を賞賛す 異邦人も神の御言を請容れし事、使徒等及びユデアに在る兄弟等に聞えしかば、
And the apostlis, and the britheren that weren in Judee, herden that also hethene men resseyueden the word of God, and thei glorifieden God.
2 ペトロがエルザレムに上るや、割禮ある人々之を詰りて、
But whanne Petre cam to Jerusalem, thei that weren of circumcisioun, disputiden ayens hym,
3 言ひけるは、汝何ぞ無割禮の人の中に入りて共に食せしや、と。
and seiden, Whi entridist thou to men that han prepucie, and hast eete with hem?
4 ペトロ事の次第を説出して云ひけるは、
And Petre bigan, and expownede to hem bi ordre,
5 我ヨッペの町に在りて祈り居りしに、氣を奪はるる如くにして幻影に遇ひしが、大いなる布の如き器物の四隅を吊されつつ天より降りて我許に來るを見、
and seide, Y was in the citee of Joppe, and preiede, and Y sai in rauysching of my mynde a visioun, that a vessel cam doun, as a greet scheete with foure coordis, and was sent doun fro heuene; and it cam to me.
6 熟其中を眺むるに、地上の四足のもの、野獣、爬蟲、及び空の鳥あるを見たり。
In to which Y lokinge biheld, and sai foure footid beestis of the erthe, and beestis, and crepynge beestis, and volatils of heuene.
7 又、ペトロ起きよ、屠りて食せよ、と我に謂へる聲をも聞きたれば、
And Y herde also a vois that seide to me, Petre, rise thou, and sle, and eete.
8 我、主よ、然らじ、穢れたるもの潔からぬものは曾て我口に入りし事なし、と言ひしに、
But Y seide, Nay, Lord; for comyn thing ether vnclene entride neuer in to my mouth.
9 再び天より聲ありて、神の潔め給ひしものを汝潔からずと言ふこと勿れ、と答へ、
And the vois answeride the secounde tyme fro heuene, That thing that God hath clensid, seie thou not vnclene.
10 三度まで斯の如くなりしが、終に其物皆また天に引上げられたり。
And this was don bi thries, and alle thingis weren resseyued ayen in to heuene.
11 折しもカイザリアより、我許に遣はされたる者三人、我が居る家に立止りしかば、
And lo! thre men anoon stooden in the hous, in which Y was; and thei weren sent fro Cesarie to me.
12 躊躇する事なく彼等と共に往け、と[聖]霊我に曰へり。斯て此六人の兄弟も我に伴ひ來り、一行彼人の家に入りたるに、
And the spirit seide to me, that Y schulde go with hem, and doute no thing. Yhe, and these sixe britheren camen with me, and we entriden in to the hous of the man.
13 彼、天使の己が家に立ちて、己に次の如く言ふを見し次第を語れり。即ち、人をヨッペに遣はして、ペトロと呼ばるるシモンを招け、
And he telde to vs, how he say an aungel in his hous, stondinge and seiynge to hym, Sende thou in to Joppe, and clepe Symount, that is named Petre, which schal speke to thee wordis,
14 彼は汝及び汝が一家の救かるべき御言を汝に語らん、と。
in whiche thou schalt be saaf, and al thin hous.
15 然るに我が語出るや、最初我等の上に降り給ひし如く、聖霊彼等の上に降り給ひたれば、
And whanne Y hadde bigunnun to speke, the Hooli Goost felle on hem, as in to vs in the bigynnyng.
16 我主が曾て、ヨハネは水にて洗したるに汝等は聖霊にて洗せられん、と曰ひし御言を思出せり。
And Y bithouyte on the word of the Lord, as he seide, For Joon baptiside in watir, but ye schulen be baptisid in the Hooli Goost.
17 即ち神既にイエズス、キリストを信仰せる我等と同様なる恩寵を彼等にも賜ひしを、我抑誰なれば、神に禁ずる事を得べかりしぞ、と。
Therfor if God yaf to hem the same grace, as to vs that bileueden in the Lord Jhesu Crist, who was Y, that myyte forbeede the Lord, that he yyue not the Hooli Goost to hem that bileueden in the name of Jhesu Crist?
18 人々是等の事を聞きて黙然たりしが、又神に光榮を歸し奉りて云ひけるは、然れば神は、生命を得させん為に、異邦人にも改心を賜ひしなり、と。
Whanne these thingis weren herd, thei helden pees, and glorifieden God, and seiden, Therfor also to hethene men God hath youun penaunce to lijf.
19 第四 アンチオキアの教會開始 抑ステファノの時起りし迫害の為に離散したりし人々は、フェニケア[州]、クプロ[島]、及びアンチオキア[市]まで廻行きしも、ユデア人の外誰にも御言を語らざりしが、
And thei that weren scaterid of the tribulacioun that was maad vndir Steuene, walkiden forth to Fenyce, and to Cipre, and to Antioche, and spaken the word to no man, but to Jewis aloone.
20 彼等の中にクプロ及びクレネの人々ありて、アンチオキアに入りしかば、ギリシア人にも語りて、主イエズスの事を告げ、
But sum of hem weren men of Cipre, and of Cirenen; whiche whanne thei hadden entride in to Antioche, thei spaken to the Grekis, and prechiden the Lord Jhesu.
21 主の御手彼等と共に在りければ、數多の人信じて主に歸依せり。
And the hond of the Lord was with hem, and myche noumbre of men bileuynge was conuertid to the Lord.
22 是等の沙汰エルザレムなる教會の耳に入りしかば、バルナバを遣はしてアンチオキアまで至らしめしに、
And the word cam to the eris of the chirche, that was at Jerusalem, on these thingis; and thei senten Barnabas to Antioche.
23 彼至りて神の恩寵を見て喜び、決心して主に止らん事を一同に勧め居たり。
And whanne he was come, and siy the grace of the Lord, he ioyede, and monestide alle men to dwelle in the Lord in purpos of herte;
24 蓋彼は善人にして聖霊と信仰とに充てる人なりければ、夥しき群集主に属けり。
for he was a good man, and ful of the Hooli Goost, and of feith. And myche puple was encresid to the Lord.
25 然てバルナバ、サウロを尋ねんとてタルソに至り、之に遇ひてアンチオキアに伴ひ行き、
And he wente forth to Tharsis, to seke Saul; and whanne he hadde foundun hym, he ledde to Antioche.
26 兩人彼處の教會に満一年を過して、夥しき群集を教へたり。斯て弟子等はアンチオキアに於て、始て基督信徒と呼ばるるに至れり。
And al a yeer thei lyueden ther in the chirche, and tauyten myche puple, so that the disciplis weren namyd first at Antioche cristen men.
27 其時或預言者等、エルザレムよりアンチオキアに至りしが、
And in these daies profetis camen ouer fro Jerusalem to Antioche.
28 彼等の中より一人のアガポと云へる者起ちて、大飢饉の全世界に起るべき事を、聖霊によりて告げ居たりけるに、果してクロウヂオ[皇帝]の時代に起りしかば、
And oon of hem roos vp, Agabus bi name, and signefiede bi the spirit a greet hungur to comynge in al the world, which hungur was maad vndur Claudius.
29 弟子等各力に應じてユデアに住める兄弟に補助を贈らん事を定め、
And alle the disciplis purposiden, after that ech hadde, for to sende in to mynysterie to britheren that dwelliden in Judee.
30 遂に之を遂げて、バルナバとサウロとの手に托して長老等に贈れり。
Which thing also thei diden, and sente it to the eldre men, bi the hoondis of Barnabas and Saul.

< 使徒の働き 11 >