< 1 Wakorintho 5 >

1 Tupulikhe undomo ukhuta khulivuligu panie numwe, uvuligu vuvwa vusikhuli khuvanu avapanchi. Tulikhe ukhuta umunu yumo egona nu dala va babaye.
Fornication is truly heard of among you, and such fornication which is not among the heathens, that one should have the wife of his father.
2 Umwe mukheginya! mulekhele ukhosu suvala? Ula avyavombile ewo akhenchiwe pagati palyomwe.
And have you been inflated, and have not rather mourned, that the one having done this work may be taken from your midst?
3 Ndanive nisipali paliumwe khembili pwunde numwe khunumbula, nimalile ukhuhegiga umwene uviavombile ewo, nifwana ukhuta pwuniele.
For indeed I, being absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged the one having thus done this, as being present,
4 Wumulundamana panie munditawa lya nkhuludeve vetu u Yesu Klisite, nenumbula yango pwuyile khumaka ga Ntwa veto u Yesu Klisite, nimalile ukhungiga umunu uywa.
in the name of the Lord Jesus, you and my spirit being assembled, with the power of the Lord Jesus,
5 Nemalile ukhugotola umunu uyu khutavangwa ukhuta umbeli gwa mwene agunag'anie, ukhuta inumbula ya mwene yepone kulinchuva ilya Dada.
to turn over such a one to Satan for the destruction of carnality, in order that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
6 Ulwiginio lwenyo sio lunonu. Samulumanyile uvuvivi uvudebe vunag'a ilitonya ga lyoni?
Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?
7 Mwisukhage yumwe mwevene ilitonyaga ilya khatale, pwu live litonyaga ilipya, pwu muve ndu kate ukhusakilulile.
Cleanse away the old leaven, in order that you may be a new lump, as you are free from leaven; for Christ has truly become our Passover.
8 Ulwa kuva, Klisite ve ngosi yetu amalile ukhuhenjiwa. Pwu tukhelage wutwilya, ukheute ukhululile sangu nongiwa ulewa.
So let us feast, not on the old leaven, nor on the leaven of sin and iniquity, but on the unleavened bread of purity and truth.
9 Nasimbile ebarua yangu ukhuta mlekhe ukhuhagilikhanya na valigu.
I have written unto you in a letter to have no fellowship with fornicators;
10 Sanita avaligu avakhilunga ekhi, na vanyavunogwena avanyang'anyi avitekhela navo, pwu yinogiwa mukhege mukhelunga.
not at all with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous and the extortioners, or with the idolators; since you ought therefore to come out of the world.
11 Pwu lino nikhuvasimbila mleghe ukhwetimbulania na vitambuliwa ndugu nu ng'ancha vango kwa Klisite, pwu itama mumboligu nu kunogwa, au undiasi, nu vitekhela kumisetano, unyama dusi nu ganchi. Mlekhe ukhulya nave umunu uvandavule.
For now I have written unto you not to keep company with him, if any one denominated a brother may be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a scold, or drunken, or an extortioner; with such a one not to eat.
12 Lino pwu nitegula ndenti ukhu vahega avalikhunji khupelela? Pwu umwe samukha vahege avali mughati mpelele?
For why is it for me to judge the outsiders? Do you not judge those within? But God will judge those without.
13 U Nguluve ekhuvakhiga avali khunji. “Mug'enchage umunu umbivi mugati molyomwe.
Take away the wicked person from you, yourselves.

< 1 Wakorintho 5 >