< Ezekiel 29 >

1 Ke len aksingoul luo ke malem aksingoul in yac aksingoul in sruoh lasr, LEUM GOD El kaskas nu sik ac fahk,
In the tenth year, in the tenth month, on the twelfth of the month, came the word of Yahweh unto me, saying:
2 “Kom, mwet sukawil moul la, fahkak kas in palu lain tokosra lun acn Egypt. Fahkang nu sel lah ac fah kalyeiyuk el ac facl Egypt nufon.
Son of man, Set thy face against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, And prophesy against him, and against Egypt all of it:
3 Fahkang lah pa inge ma LEUM GOD Fulatlana El fahk nu sin tokosra lun Egypt: Kom oana alligator sulallal soko ma oan Infacl Nile. Nga lain kom. Kom fahk mu kom pa orala Infacl Nile, ac lah ma na lom.
Speak, and thou shalt say— Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh Behold me! against thee O Pharaoh king of Egypt, The great Crocodile that lieth along in the midst of his rivers: Who saith— My river is, mine own, Since I myself made it me!
4 Nga ac isongang soko ka nu inwalum, ac oru tuh ik ke infacl soko lom inge in fulfuli keim. Na nga ac fah amakinkomyak liki infacl uh wi ik nukewa ma fulfuli keim uh.
Therefore will I put hooks in thy jaws, And cause the fish of thy rivers to stick fast in thy scales, - And will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, And, all the fish of thy rivers, to thy scales, shall stick fast;
5 Nga ac siskomla ac ik ingan kewa nu yen mwesis. Monum ac fah putati ac oanna infohk uh, tia pukpuki. Nga ac fah sang tuh in ma nun won yen engyengu ac kosro in inimae.
And I will stretch thee out towards the desert, Thee and all the fish of thy rivers, On the face of the field, shalt thou lie Thou shalt not be carried away nor shalt thou be gathered, To the wild beast of the earth and to the bird of the heavens, have I given thee for food.
6 Na mwet Egypt nukewa ac fah etu lah nga pa LEUM GOD.” Na LEUM GOD El fahk, “Mwet Israel elos tuh lulalfongi kowos, mwet Egypt, in kasrelos, tusruktu kuiyowos oana sak na munas soko.
So shall all the inhabitants of Egypt know that I, am Yahweh, Because they were a staff of reed to the house of Israel:
7 Ke elos fungwot nu suwos, kowos kaptelik ac fakisya ye paolos, ac oru fintokolos kipatu.
Whensoever they took hold of thee by the hand, thou didst run through, and tear open for them every hand, —And whensoever they leaned upon thee, thou didst break, and caused all their loins to halt.
8 Ke ma inge, nga, LEUM GOD Fulatlana, fahk nu suwos lah nga ac fah oru tuh mwet in mweuni kowos ke cutlass, ac elos ac fah uniya mwet lowos oayapa kosro nutuwos.
Therefore, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Behold me! bringing upon thee a sword, - And I will cut off out of thee, man and beast;
9 Facl Egypt ac fah mwesisla ac wangin ma oan fac. Na kowos ac fah etu lah nga LEUM GOD. “Mweyen kom fahk mu Infacl Nile ma lom ac kom pa orala uh,
And the land of Egypt shall become an astonishment and a desolation, So shall they know that, I, am Yahweh, —Because he said— The river is mine own, Since, I, myself made it!
10 nga ac fah lain kom ac oayapa lain Infacl Nile lom. Nga fah oru tuh facl Egypt nufon in mwesisla ac wangin koano, mutawauk ke siti Migdol layen epang, nwe ke siti Aswan layen eir, ac som na nwe ke masrol nu Ethiopia.
Therefore, behold me! against thee and against thy rivers, - And I will make the land of Egypt to be most desolate an astounding desolation, from Migdol to Syene even up to the boundary of Ethiopia:
11 Wangin mwet, ku kosro, ac fah fahsr sasla fin acn ingan. Ke lusen yac angngaul, ac fah wangin ma moul ac muta we.
The foot of man shall not pass through it, Nor shall the foot of beast, pass through it, Neither shall it be inhabited forty years:
12 Nga ac fah oru tuh acn Egypt in pa acn se ma wangin oemeet ma fac fin faclu nufon. Ke lusen yac angngaul, siti lun Egypt ac fah musallana — musalla yohk liki kutena siti saya. Nga ac fah oru tuh mwet Egypt in mwet takusrkusr. Elos ac fah kaingelik nu in facl nukewa, ac muta inmasrlon mwet in mutunfacl saya.”
So will I make the land of Egypt a desolation in the midst of lands made desolate And her cities—in the midst of cities that have been laid waste, shall become a desolation forty years, - And I will disperse the Egyptians among the nations, And scatter them throughout the lands.
13 Na LEUM GOD Fulatlana El fahk, “Tukun yac angngaul, nga ac fah folokonma mwet Egypt liki facl nukewa nga akfahsryeloselik nu we,
For thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, — At the end of forty years, will I gather the Egyptians from among the peoples whither I had dispersed them;
14 ac nga fah oru tuh elos in muta layen eir in acn Egypt, acn na elos muta we meet ah. Ingo elos ac fah oana sie tokosrai na munas —
And I will turn the captivity of the Egyptians, And will cause them to return To the land of Pathros Upon the land of their nativity, - And they shall become, there a kingdom abased:
15 aok, tokosrai se ma munas oemeet — ac elos ac fah tiana sifil leumi kutena mutunfacl. Nga ac fah oru tuh elos in sie facl na pilasr, in pwanang elos in tia sifil kifus kutena mutunfacl in oru oana lungse lalos.
More than [any of] the kingdoms, shall she be abased, And shall lift herself up no more over the nations, —Yea I will make them too small to rule over the nations.
16 Israel ac fah tia sifil lulalfongelos. Ma sikyak nu sin facl Egypt inge ac fah mwe akesmakinye Israel lah ke elos tuh lulalfongelos ah, ma tafongla se. Na Israel fah etu lah nga pa LEUM GOD Fulatlana.”
So shall it become no more unto the house of Israel a security. Calling to mind iniquity, by their turning to follow them, - And they shall know that, I, am The Lord Yahweh.
17 In len se meet ke malem se meet ke yac aklongoul itkosr in sruoh lasr, LEUM GOD El kaskas nu sik ac fahk,
And it came to pass in the twenty-seventh year in the first month on the first of the month, that the word of Yahweh came unto me saying:
18 “Mwet sukawil, Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar lun Babylonia el tuyak in mweun lain Tyre. El sang mwet mweun lal uh us ma na toasr — fahsr ilil insifalos nwe pwanang srahsrala mangolos, ac finpisalos koekoela ac kinkineta. Tusruktu wanginna sripen kemkatu lal, ku mwet mweun lal.
Son of man Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, hath made his army undergo a long service against Tyre, Every head, hath been made bald, and, Every shoulder, worn bare, — But pay, hath he had none nor hath his army, out of Tyre, for the service wherewith he hath served against it.
19 Na pa inge ma nga, LEUM GOD Fulatlana, ac fahk uh: Nga ac sang facl Egypt nu sel Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar. El ac fah utyak ac pisrala ma nukewa we, ac usla mwe kasrup nukewa in sang moli mwet mweun lal.
Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Behold me! giving to Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, the land of Egypt, — And he shall carry off her multitude And capture her spoil And seize her prey, So shall she become pay for his army.
20 Nga ac sang facl Egypt nu sel in moli orekma lal uh, mweyen un mwet mweun lal elos orekma nu sik. Nga, LEUM GOD Fulatlana, pa fahk ma inge.
As a reward for his labour wherewith he hath served, have I given to him the land of Egypt, —in that they wrought for me, Declareth My Lord, Yahweh.
21 “Ke pacl se ma inge ac sikyak uh, nga ac fah oru tuh mwet Israel in sifil kui. Na kom, Ezekiel, ac fah sramsram yen mwet nukewa ac ku in lohng kom we, tuh elos in etu lah nga pa LEUM GOD.”
In that day, will I cause to bud a horn for the house of Israel, And to thee, will I give an opening of mouth in their midst, So shall they know that, I, am Yahweh.

< Ezekiel 29 >