< Genesis 34 >

1 Sie len ah Dinah, acn natul Jacob ac Leah, el som in mutwata yurin kutu mutan Canaan.
Dina the doughter of Lea which she bare vnto Iacob went out to see the doughters of the lande.
2 Oasr wen se natul Hamor, mwet Hiv su leumi facl sac. Inen wen se natul pa Shechem. Ke Shechem el liyalak Dinah, el sruinkuilya ac usalla akkolukyal.
And Siche the sonne of Hemor the Heuite lorde of the countre sawe her and toke her and laye with her and forced her:
3 Tusruktu ke Shechem el liye lah mutan sac arulana oasku, el lungseyak el, ac el srike in oru mutan sac in lungse pac el.
and his harte laye vnto Dina ye doughter of Iacob. And he loued yt damsell and spake kidly vnto her
4 Ac el fahk nu sin papa tumal, “Nga ke kom in use mutan se inge kiuk.”
and spake vnto his father Hemor saynge gett me this mayde vnto my wyfe.
5 Jacob el lohngak lah acn se natul ah akkolukyeyukla, tusruktu ke sripen wen natul ah kewa som oasr inimae yurin kosro natul, el tiana oru kutena ma nwe ke na elos foloko.
And Iacob herde that he had defyled Dina his doughter but his sonnes were with the catell in the felde and therfore he helde his peace vntill they were come.
6 Hamor, papa tumal Shechem, el som in pwapa nu sel Jacob,
Then Hemor the father of Sichem went out vnto Iacob to come with him.
7 ke pacl se na ma wen natul Jacob elos foloko liki inimae. Ke wen natul Jacob inge lohngak ke ouiya koluk sac, elos lut ac arulana kasrkusrak lah Shechem el orala ouiya sac, ac aklusrongtenye mwet Israel ke el sruinkui ac akkolukye acn natul Jacob.
And the sonnes of Iacob came out of the felde as soone as they herde it for it greued them and they were not a litle wrooth because he had wrought folie in Israell in that he had lyen with Iacobs doughter which thinge oughte not to be done.
8 Na Hamor el fahk nu sel Jacob, “Shechem, wen nutik, el lungseyak acn se nutum ingan. Nunak munas eisalang kial.”
And Hemor comened with the sainge? the soule of my sonne Siche logeth for youre doughter geue her him to wyfe
9 Ac el sifilpa fahk, “Wona kut in orala sie pwapa ah, ac insese tuh in oasr apayuki inmasrlon mwet lasr ac mwet lowos.
and make mariages with vs: geue youre doughters vnto vs ad take oure doughters vnto you
10 Na kowos fah ku in wi kut na muta in facl sesr uh, ac muta yen na kowos lungse muta we. Kowos fah sukosok in moli ac in kuka yorosr, ac in oasr pac acn lowos sifacna inge.”
and dwell with vs and the lande shall be at youre pleasure dwell and do youre busynes and haue youre possessions there in.
11 Na Shechem el fahk nu sin papa tumal Dinah ac mwet lel, “Kowos fin oru enenu se luk inge, na nga ac fah sot kutena ma kowos lungse.
And Sichem sayde vnto hyr father and hir brethern: let me fynde grace in youre eyes and what soeuer ye apoynte me that will I geue.
12 Fahkma nu sik lah mwe kite fuka kowos lungse, ac sang pac in yohk molin mutan se inge ke lupa na kowos lungse. Nga ac sot kutena ma kowos siyuk kac, kowos fin fuhlela nga in payuk sel.”
Axe frely of me both the dowry and gyftes and I will geue acordynge as ye saye vnto me and geue me the damsell to wyfe.
13 Wen natul Jacob arulana toasr lah Shechem el akkolukyalla Dinah, tamtael lalos, ouinge elos kikiap in topkol Shechem ac Hamor, papa tumal.
Then the sonnes of Iacob answered to Sichem ad Hemor his father deceytefully because he had defyled Dina their syster.
14 Elos fahk, “Kut koflana fuhlela ma lousr in payuk sin mwet ma tia kosrala. Ma se ingan ac akmwekinye kut.
And they sayde vnto them we can not do this thinge yt we shulde geue oure syster to one that is vncircumcysed for that were a shame vnto us.
15 Kut ac ku in insesela fin twe mukul nukewa lowos kosrkosrla oana kut.
Only in this will we consent vnto you? Yf ye will be as we be that all the men childern amonge you be circumcysed
16 Ac kut ac fah oayapa insese in apayuki. Kut ac fah oakwuki muta inmasrlowos ac in ma sefannala nu suwos.
tha will we geue oure doughter to you and take youres to vs and will dwell with you and be one people.
17 Tusruktu kowos fin tia insese nu ke ma kut fahk uh ac kosrkosrla, na kut ac eis ma lousr uh ac som.”
But and yf ye will not harken vnto vs to be circumcysed than will we take oure doughter and goo oure wayes.
18 Kas inge wo sel Hamor ac Shechem, wen natul,
And their wordes pleased Hemor and Sichem his sonne.
19 ac mukul fusr sac sulaklak na in oru ma elos fahk uh, mweyen el arulana lungse acn natul Jacob. El pa mukul se ma oa emeet in sou lun papa tumal.
And the yonge man deferde not for to do the thinge because he had a lust to Iacobs doughter: he was also most sett by of all that were in his fathers house.
20 Hamor ac Shechem, wen natul, eltal som nu ke acn in tukeni ke mutunpot in siti uh ac sramsram nu sin mwet wialtal in acn sac.
Tha Hemor and Sichem went vnto the gate of their cyte and comened with the men of their cyte sayncte.
21 Eltal fahk, “Mwet inge elos kulang na. Lela nu selos in wi kut na muta fin acn uh, ac in sukosok in forfor. Acn sesr uh yohk, fal pac nu selos. Lela kut in payuk sin mutan natulos ac sang pac elos in payuk sin mutan natusr uh.
These men ar peasable with us and will dwell in the lade and do their occupatio therin And in the land is rowme ynough for the let us take their doughters to wyues and geue them oures:
22 Tusruktu elos ac insese in muta inmasrlosr, ac ma sefannala nu sesr, mukul nukewa lasr uh fin twe kosrkosrla oana elos.
only herin will they consent vnto vs for to dwell with vs and to be one people: yf all the men childern that are amonge vs be circumcysed as they are.
23 Ya kosro natulos nukewa ac ma lalos nukewa saya ac tia ma lac lasr? Ke ma inge lela kut in insesela mu elos in muta inmasrlosr.”
Their goodes and their substance and all their catell are oures only let vs consente vnto them that they maye dwell with vs.
24 Mwet nukewa ke siti sac insese nu ke pwapa lal Hamor ac Shechem, ouinge mukul nukewa we kosrkosrla.
And vnto Hemor and Sichem his sonneharkened all that went out at the gate of his cyte. And all the men childern were circumcysed what soeuer went out at the gates of his cyte.
25 Tukun len tolu, ke mukul uh srakna maskin kosrkosrla lalos, luo sin wen natul Jacob, Simeon ac Levi tamulel lal Dinah, eltal us cutlass natultal, mahsrikla nu in siti uh, ac uniya mukul nukewa we,
And the third daye when it was paynefull to them ij. of the sonnes of Iacob Simeon and Leui Dinas brethren toke ether of them his swerde and went in to the cyte boldly and slewe all yt was male
26 welulang Hamor ac Shechem, wen natul. Na etal eisal Dinah liki lohm sel Shechem ac som.
and slewe also Hemor and Sichem his sonne with the edge of the swerde ad toke Dina their sister out of Sichems house and went their waye.
27 Tukun anwukla mwet uh, wen saya natul Jacob elos utyak nu in siti sac, ac usla ma nukewa we in foloksak ke akmwekinyeyukla tamtael se lalos.
Than came the sonnes of Iacob vpon the deede and spoyled the cyte because they had defyled their sister:
28 Elos usla un kosro, cow, donkey, ac ma nukewa saya, in siti sac ac inimae.
and toke their shepe oxen asses and what so euer was in the cyte and also in ye feldes
29 Elos eis ma saok nukewa, sruokya mutan ac tulik nukewa, ac usla ma nukewa in lohm sin mwet we ah.
And all their goodes all their childern and their wyues toke they captyue and made havock of all that was in the houses.
30 Jacob el fahk nu sel Simeon ac Levi, “Komtal ac pwanma ongoiya nu sik. Inge mwet Canaan, mwet Periz, ac mwet nukewa saya in acn se inge ac fah srungayula. Tia pus mwet luk, a elos nukewa fin toeni ac mweuniyu, sou nufon se lasr inge ac sikiyukla!”
And Iacob sayde to Simeon and Leui: ye haue troubled me ad made me styncke vnto the inhabitatours of the lande both to the Canaanytes and also vnto the Pherezites. And I am fewe in nombre. Wherfore they shall gather them selves together agaynst me and sley me and so shall I and my house be dystroyed.
31 Tusruktu elos topuk ac fahk, “Kut tia ku in lela ma lousr in orek oana sie mutan kosro.”
And they answered: shuld they deall with oure sister as wyth an whoore?

< Genesis 34 >