< Genesis 45 >

1 Joseph el tia ku in sifil kutong nunak lal ye mutun mwet kulansap lal, oru el sapkin nu selos nukewa in som liki infukil sac. Wangin mwet saya welul Joseph ke el fahkulak nu sin tulik wial.
Joseph myyte no lengere absteyne hym silf, while many men stoden bifore; wherfor he comaundide that alle men schulden go out, and that noon alien were present in the knowyng of Joseph and hise britheren.
2 El wola ke sie pusren tung lulap, oru mwet Egypt elos lohng, ac pweng kac uh som sun inkul sel tokosra.
And Joseph reiside the vois with wepyng, which Egipcians herden, and al the hows of Farao.
3 Joseph el fahk nu sin tamulel lal, “Nga pa Joseph. Ku papa el srakna moul?” Ac ke tamulal lal elos lohng, elos arulana sangeng, oru elos kofla topkol.
And he seide to hise britheren, Y am Joseph; lyueth my fadir yit? The brithren myyten not answere, and weren agast bi ful myche drede.
4 Na Joseph el fahk nu selos, “Nunak munas, kaluku.” Elos kalukyang nu yorol ac el fahk, “Nga Joseph, tamulel se lomtal ma komtal kukakunla nu Egypt ah.
To whiche he seide mekeli, Neiye ye to me. And whanne thei hadden neiyed nyy, he seide, Y am Joseph youre brother, whom ye selden in to Egipt;
5 Nimet komtal oela ku likiya mu oasr koluk lomtal ke sripen komtal tuh kukakinyula nu yenu. God pa supweyume meet liki komtal, ngan tuh molela moul lun mwet uh.
nyle ye drede, nether seme it to be hard to you, that ye seelden me in to these cuntreis; for God hath sent me bifore you in to Egipt for youre helthe.
6 Sracl se inge tufahna yac akluola fin acn uh, ac yac limekosr lula ma ac fah wangin taknelik ku kosrani.
For it is twei yeer that hungur bigan `to be in the lond, yit fyue yeer suen, in whiche me schal not mow ere, nether repe;
7 God El supweyume meet liki komtal in tuh molikomtalla ke lumah na usrnguk se inge, ac in tuh liye lah komtal, ac fwilin tulik nutumtal, in painmoulla.
and God bifor sente me, that ye be reserued on erthe, and moun haue metis to lyue.
8 Ouinge tia komtal pa supweyume nu inge, a God. El oru tuh in nga pa fulat oemeet sin mwet fulat lal tokosra. Nga pa liyaung mutunfacl se lal inge nufon. Nga leumi Egypt nufon.
Y was sent hidur not bi youre counsel, but bi Goddis wille, which made me as the fadir of Farao, and the lord of al his hows, and prince in al the lond of Egipt.
9 Komtal sulaklak folokla nu yorol papa, ac fahk nu sel lah Joseph, wen natul, el fahk ouinge: ‘God El oru tuh nga in leumi acn Egypt nufon. Sulaklak fahsru nu yuruk.
Haste ye, and `stie ye to my fadir, and ye schulen seie to hym, Thi sone Joseph sendith these thingis; God hath maad me lord of al the lond of Egipt; come doun to me, and tarie not, and dwelle in the lond of Gessen;
10 Kom ku in tuh muta in acn Goshen, yen kom ac apkuran nu yuruk — kom, tulik nutum, tulik nutin nutum, sheep nutum, nani nutum, cow nutum, ac ma nukewa lom saya.
and thou schalt be bisidis me, thou, and thi sones, and the sones of thi sones, thi scheep, and thi grete beestis, and alle thingis whiche thou weldist,
11 Kom fin muta Goshen, nga ku in karingin kom. Srakna oasr yac in sracl limekosr lula, ac nga tia lungse kom, sou lom, ac kosro nutum in masrinsral.’”
and there Y schal fede thee; for yit fyue yeer of hungur ben residue, lest bothe thou perische, and thin hows, and alle thingis whiche thou weldist.
12 Joseph el tafwelana ac fahk, “Inge komtal nukewa, ac kom pac Benjamin, ku in liye lah pwayena nga pa Joseph.
Lo! youre iyen, and the iyen of my brother Beniamyn seen, that my mouth spekith to you;
13 Fahk nu sel papa lah arulana yohk ku luk fin acn Egypt, ac srumun nu sel ma nukewa ma komtal liye uh. Na komtal sulaklak usalu nu yenu.”
telle ye to my fadir al my glorie, and alle thingis whiche ye sien in Egipt; haste ye, and brynge ye hym to me.
14 El kaosulma Benjamin, ma lel, in paol, ac mutawauk in tung. Benjamin el oayapa sruokilya ac tung.
And whanne he hadde biclippid, and hadde feld in to the necke of Beniamyn, his brother, he wepte, the while also Benjamin wepte in lijk maner on the necke of Joseph.
15 Joseph el tung na ac sruok kais sie sin mwet lel ac ngok mutalos. Tukun ma inge, na tamulel lal fah mutawauk in sramsram nu sel.
And Joseph kisside alle hise britheren, and wepte on alle; aftir whiche thingis thei weren hardi to speke to hym.
16 Ke pweng se inge sun lohm sin tokosra lah tamulel lal Joseph tuku, na tokosra ac mwet pwapa lal elos insewowo kac.
And it was herd, and pupplischid bi famouse word in the halle of the kyng, The britheren of Joseph ben comun. And Farao ioiede, and al his meynee;
17 Tokosra el fahk nu sel Joseph, “Fahk nu sin mwet wiom an elos in nwakla pak lalos ac sang nu fin kosro natulos ac folokla nu in facl Canaan.
and Farao seide to Joseph, that he schulde comaunde hise britheren, and `seie, Charge youre beestis, and go ye in to the lond of Canaan,
18 Sap elos in tuh use papa tumalos ac sou lalos ac foloko nu yenu. Nga ac fah sang nu selos acn ma wo emeet in acn Egypt, ac elos ac fah eis fokin acn uh yohk liki enenu lalos.
and take ye fro thennus youre fadir, and kynrede, and come ye to me; and Y schal yyue to you alle the goodis of Egipt, that ye ete the merow of the lond.
19 Fahk pac nu selos elos in us kutu wagon liki acn Egypt in tuh wanma mutan kialos, tulik srisrik natulos, ac use pac papa tumalos.
Comaunde thou also, that thei take waynes of the lond of Egipt to the cariage of her litle children, and wyues, and seie thou, `Take ye youre fadir, and haste ye comynge soone,
20 Elos in tia seko ma elos ac kofla us tuku an. Ma wo emeet in acn Egypt nufon ac fah ma lalos.”
nether leeue ye ony thing of the purtenaunce of youre hows, for alle the richessis of Egipt schulen be youre.
21 Wen natul Jacob elos oru oana ke fwack nu selos. Joseph el sang wagon nu selos, oana ke tokosra el sapkin, ac mwe mongo nalos nu ke fahsr lalos.
The sones of Israel diden, as it was comaundid to hem; to whiche Joseph yaf waynes, bi the comaundement of Farao, and metis in the weie;
22 El oayapa sang kais sie nuknuk in ayaol nu sin kais sie selos, a nu sel Benjamin el sang ac ipin silver tolfoko ac nuknuk in ayaol limekosr.
and he comaundide twei stoolis to be brouyt forth to ech; forsothe he yaf to Beniamyn thre hundrid platis of siluer, with fyue the beste stoolis;
23 El supwala donkey singoul nu sin papa tumal ah sessesla ke ma wolana in acn Egypt, ac donkey singoul pac sessesla ke wheat, bread, ac kutu pac mwe mongo saya nu ke fahsr lalos.
and sente to his fadir so myche of siluer, and of cloothis, and he addide to hem ten male assis, that schulden bere of alle richessis of Egipt, and so many femal assis, berynge wheete and looues in the weie.
24 Na el supwala tamulel lal ah som, ac ke elos mukuiyak el fahk nu selos, “Nimet komtal fahsr akukuin.”
Therfor he lefte hise britheren, and seide to hem goynge forth, Be ye not wrooth in the weie.
25 Elos som liki acn Egypt ac folokla nu Canaan, nu yorol Jacob, papa tumalos.
Whiche stieden fro Egipt, and camen in to the lond of Canaan, to her fadir Jacob;
26 Ac elos fahk nu sel Jacob, “Joseph el srakna moul. El pa leumi acn Egypt nufon!” Ac ke Jacob el lohng el arulana lut ac lofongla, ac tia ku in lulalfongi.
and telden to hym, and seiden, Joseph, thi sone, lyueth, and he is lord in al the lond of Egipt. And whanne this was herd, Jacob wakide as of a greuouse sleep; netheles he bileuyde not to hem.
27 Tusruktu ke elos fahkang nu sel ma nukewa ma Joseph el fahk nu selos ah, ac ke el liye wagon ma Joseph el supwama in tuh usalla nu Egypt uh, el asmakla liki lut lulap lal, ac fahk,
Thei telden ayenward al the ordre of the thing; and whanne Jacob hadde seyn the waynes, and alle thingis whiche Joseph hadde sent, his spirit lyuede ayen,
28 “Joseph wen nutik el srakna moul! Pa na ‘ngan ma nga ke lohng uh! Enenu na ngan som liyal meet liki nga misa.”
and he seide, It suffisith to me, if Joseph my sone lyueth yit, Y schal go and `Y schal se hym bifore that Y die.

< Genesis 45 >