< Isaiæ 18 >

1 Væ terræ cymbalo alarum, quæ est trans flumina Æthiopiæ,
Wo to the lond, the cymbal of wyngis, which is biyende the flood of Ethiopie; that sendith messangeris bi the see,
2 qui mittit in mare legatos, et in vasis papyri super aquas. Ite Angeli veloces ad gentem convulsam, et dilaceratam: ad populum terribilem, post quem non est alius: ad gentem expectantem et conculcatam, cuius diripuerunt flumina terram eius:
and in vessels of papirus on watris. Go, ye messangeris, to the folk drawun up and to-rent; to a ferdful puple, aftir which is noon other; to the folk abidynge and defoulid, whos lond the flodis han rauyschid; to the hil of the name of the Lord of oostis, to the hil of Sion.
3 omnes habitatores orbis, qui moramini in terra, cum elevatum fuerit signum in montibus, videbitis, et clangorem tubæ audietis:
Alle ye dwelleris of the world, that dwellen in the lond, schulen se whanne a signe schal be reisid in the hillis, and ye schulen here the cry of a trumpe.
4 quia hæc dicit Dominus ad me: Quiescam, et considerabo in loco meo sicut meridiana lux clara est, et sicut nubes roris in die messis.
For whi the Lord seith these thingis to me, Y schal reste, and Y schal biholde in my place, as the myddai liyt is cleer, and as a cloude of dew in the dai of heruest.
5 Ante messem enim totus effloruit, et immatura perfectio germinabit, et præcidentur ramusculi eius falcibus: et quæ derelicta fuerint, abscindentur, et excutientur.
For whi al flouride out bifore heruest, aud vnripe perfeccioun buriownede; and the litle braunchis therof schulen be kit doun with sithis, and tho that ben left, schulen be kit awei. Thei schulen be schakun out,
6 Et relinquentur simul avibus montium, et bestiis terræ: et æstate perpetua erunt super eum volucres, et omnes bestiæ terræ super illum hiemabunt.
and schulen be left togidere to the briddis of hillis, and to the beestis of erthe; and briddis schulen be on hym by a somer euerlastinge, and alle the beestis of erthe schulen dwelle bi wyntir on hym.
7 In tempore illo deferetur munus Domino exercituum a populo divulso et dilacerato: a populo terribili, post quem non fuit alius, a gente expectante, expectante et conculcata, cuius diripuerunt flumina terram eius, ad locum nominis Domini exercituum montem Sion.
In that tyme a yifte schal be brouyt to the Lord of oostis, of the puple drawun up and to-rent; of the puple ferdful, aftir which was noon other; of the folk abidynge and defoulid, whos lond floodis rauyschiden; the yifte schal be brouyt to the place of the name of the Lord of oostis, to the hil of Sion.

< Isaiæ 18 >