< Isaiæ 61 >

1 Spiritus Domini super me, eo quod unxerit Dominus me: ad annunciandum mansuetis misit me, ut mederer contritis corde, et prædicarem captivis indulgentiam, et clausis apertionem:
The spirit of the Lord is on me, for the Lord anoyntide me; he sente me to telle to mylde men, that Y schulde heele men contrite in herte, and preche foryyuenesse to caitifs, and openyng to prisoneris; and preche a plesaunt yeer to the Lord,
2 Ut prædicarem annum placabilem Domino, et diem ultionis Deo nostro: ut consolarer omnes lugentes:
and a dai of veniaunce to oure God; that Y schulde coumforte alle that mourenen;
3 ut ponerem lugentibus Sion: et darem eis coronam pro cinere, oleum gaudii pro luctu, pallium laudis pro spiritu mœroris: et vocabuntur in ea fortes iustitiæ, plantatio Domini ad glorificandum.
that Y schulde sette coumfort to the moureneris of Sion, and that Y schulde yyue to them a coroun for aische, oile of ioie for mourenyng, a mentil of preysyng for the spirit of weilyng. And stronge men of riytfulnesse schulen be clepid ther ynne, the plauntyng of the Lord for to glorifie.
4 Et ædificabunt deserta a sæculo, et ruinas antiquas erigent, et instaurabunt civitates desertas, dissipatas in generationem et generationem.
And thei schulen bilde thingis `that ben forsakun fro the world, and thei schulen reise elde fallyngis, and thei schulen restore citees `that ben forsakun and distried, in generacioun and in to generacioun.
5 Et stabunt alieni, et pascent pecora vestra: et filii peregrinorum agricolæ et vinitores vestri erunt.
And aliens schulen stonde, and fede youre beestis; and the sones of pilgrymes schulen be youre erthe tilieris and vyn tilieris.
6 Vos autem sacerdotes Domini vocabimini: ministri Dei nostri, dicetur vobis: Fortitudinem Gentium comedetis, et in gloria earum superbietis.
But ye schulen be clepid the preestis of the Lord; it schal be seid to you, Ye ben mynystris of oure God. Ye schulen ete the strengthe of hethene men, and ye schulen be onourid in the glorie of hem.
7 Pro confusione vestra duplici, et rubore laudabunt partem suam: propter hoc in terra sua duplicia possidebunt, lætitia sempiterna erit eis.
For youre double schenschip and schame thei schulen preise the part of hem; for this thing thei schulen haue pesibli double thingis in her lond, and euerlastynge gladnesse schal be to hem.
8 Quia ego Dominus diligens iudicium, et odio habens rapinam in holocausto: et dabo opus eorum in veritate, et fœdus perpetuum feriam eis.
For Y am the Lord, louynge doom, and hatynge raueyn in brent sacrifice. And Y schal yyue the werk of hem in treuthe, and Y schal smyte to hem an euerlastynge boond of pees.
9 Et scient in gentibus semen eorum, et germen eorum in medio populorum: omnes, qui viderint eos, cognoscent illos, quia isti sunt semen, cui benedixit Dominus.
And the seed of hem schal be knowun among folkis, and the buriownyng of hem in the myddis of puplis. Alle men that seen hem, schulen knowe hem, for these ben the seed, whom the Lord blesside.
10 Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, et exultabit anima mea in Deo meo: quia induit me vestimentis salutis: et indumento iustitiæ circumdedit me, quasi sponsum decoratum corona, et quasi sponsam ornatam monilibus suis.
I ioiynge schal haue ioie in the Lord, and my soule schal make ful out ioiyng in my God. For he hath clothid me with clothis of helthe, and he hath compassid me with clothis of riytfulnesse, as a spouse made feir with a coroun, and as a spousesse ourned with her brochis.
11 Sicut enim terra profert germen suum, et sicut hortus semen suum germinat, sic Dominus Deus germinabit iustitiam, et laudem coram universis gentibus.
For as the erthe bryngith forth his fruyt, and as a gardyn buriowneth his seed, so the Lord God schal make to growe riytfulnesse, and preysyng bifore alle folkis.

< Isaiæ 61 >