< Psalmorum 46 >

1 In finem, filiis Core pro arcanis, Psalmus. Deus noster refugium, et virtus: adiutor in tribulationibus, quæ invenerunt nos nimis.
To the Overseer. — By sons of Korah. 'For the Virgins.' — A song. God [is] to us a refuge and strength, A help in adversities found most surely.
2 Propterea non timebimus dum turbabitur terra: et transferentur montes in cor maris.
Therefore we fear not in the changing of earth, And in the slipping of mountains Into the heart of the seas.
3 Sonuerunt, et turbatæ sunt aquæ eorum: conturbati sunt montes in fortitudine eius.
Roar — troubled are its waters, Mountains they shake in its pride. (Selah)
4 Fluminis impetus lætificat civitatem Dei: sanctificavit tabernaculum suum Altissimus.
A river — its rivulets rejoice the city of God, Thy holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.
5 Deus, in medio eius, non commovebitur: adiuvabit eam Deus mane diluculo.
God [is] in her midst — she is not moved, God doth help her at the turn of the morn!
6 Conturbatæ sunt gentes, et inclinata sunt regna: dedit vocem suam, mota est terra.
Troubled have been nations, Moved have been kingdoms, He hath given forth with His voice, earth melteth.
7 Dominus virtutum nobiscum: susceptor noster Deus Iacob.
Jehovah of Hosts [is] with us, A tower for us [is] the God of Jacob. (Selah)
8 Venite, et videte opera Domini, quæ posuit prodigia super terram:
Come ye, see the works of Jehovah, Who hath done astonishing things in the earth,
9 auferens bella usque ad finem terræ. Arcum conteret, et confringet arma: et scuta comburet igni:
Causing wars to cease, Unto the end of the earth, the bow he shivereth, And the spear He hath cut asunder, Chariots he doth burn with fire.
10 Vacate, et videte quoniam ego sum Deus: exaltabor in gentibus, et exaltabor in terra.
Desist, and know that I [am] God, I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth.
11 Dominus virtutum nobiscum: susceptor noster Deus Iacob.
Jehovah of hosts [is] with us, A tower for us [is] the God of Jacob! (Selah)

< Psalmorum 46 >